Arsenal Post Match Thread.

Was at work in St. Helens till 2, Mach 4 down the east lancs got to the ground in plenty of time and me sons there waiting for me with a nice cold pint, 5 minutes in and meh! then the real Man City turned up, well done to all the lads top game and fantastic second half, 1 nil to the arsenal ha go get fucked you tarquin ****s, great atmosphere in ss3 love days like this(apart from the working part)
My sister is a rag, i've watched quite a few games with her down the years, she seemed to deride absolutely no pleasure from them winning, just a sense of relief when they won. I used to laugh at her for it. She, without malice or raggish ****ness said that it was ok for me, I expected City to lose and if we won it was a bonus that cheered me up, she expected the rags to win, so when they lost she was devastated. I sort of understand this a lot more these days, defeats certainly seem to hurt more than they used to, its the expectation that leads to the disappointment and people quick to anger if its not going right, I understand people losing their shit, whilst the game is on and afterwards.

What I dont get is the ****s who just slag everything off before a ball is kicked and have a complete downer on the club, the wankers who go to games just to vent and slag off players when they've done nothing wrong. I dont understand them, I never will, its not my place to say we should do without them, but if I was in charge of the world, they wouldnt get within a mile of the stadium and would be permabanned on here

+1 to this

Despite being a blue through the dark years I always went to matches with the belief that we could win. I have been disappointed lots of times but the unexpected victories - the 5-1 Maine Road Massacre - make it worthwhile. I classify myself as a deluded optimist and always find some positive aspect - I was made up for weeks when Tony Scully mamaged to beat a couple of men in 1997! How anyone who lived through the fallow years cannot enjoy the ride we are on beats me. Yes defeats hurt but that just makes victories all the sweeter!
Loved that today.

Thought we played well first half too, but the desire in that second half was incredible.

Silva my man of the match, thought he was superb.
Silva was steady but not the best, for me Nando didn't give Ozil any room from start to finish, him & Yaya were fantastic. Sterling, Sane & KDB were great also but I think mom hast to be Sterling with a that's why we paid the big bucks goal & winner.
Happy days! I miss it in there. Bit too shameless like up in SS3 for me :-)

I've never been in there before. was suprised at how much people got behind the team. i thought it was all prawn sandwiches. a group of lads sat next to me were the most mancunian sounding people I've ever heard. maybe i was in the posh shameless bit.
What a performance second half and what a result!! Went v Watford and honestly feared we would struggle especially if we went behind but 2 things struck me today watching on TV
1) when the key game defining chance came, Sane scored it beautifully. In games v Chelsea, Everton, Boro etc- we missed them, KDB and Kun especially
2) The team commitment and concentration was fabulous second half.

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