Arsenal thread 2011/12

Re: Wenger : the fiasco ?

Hes done well to keep us in the top 4 but is going from a title winning side to being happy settling for a top 4 place progress? Not in my book.

Sure the new stadium and paying for it has played its part but the refusal to splash out on problem areas is what concerns me.

Wenger has a project. To create a team from scratch in to title winners. Would have worked 10-15 years ago for sure but times have moved on. We need to spend and im not asking for £30m players to come in. No indeed. Just good quality well known players will do and theres plenty of them about at not such a cost.

We'll finish top 4 this season comfortably. Might even sneak 2nd but the title is Chelseas barring a major disaster. Could well be another trophyless season for us though.

The natives are getting restless
How to solve a problem like Arsenal.

They're a big club that make a profit. They have a decent stadium, a good sized fanbase, good infrastructure at the club, yet they've won sod all in six years.

The problem lies elsewhere.

Is it the manager? Wenger has been at Arsenal for 15 years. The second longest serving manager in the league, second only to you-know-who. He's had time to build a legacy there, and, although he's had some quality success early on in his tenure, he's come to a barren spell over the past half decade.

True, they've had constant Champions League qualification in this time; they've looked like threatening to win the league on a few occasions, and they've played some beautiful football, but at the end of their careers, unless they had a Shankly/Busby-esque influence on their clubs, managers are judged on their trophy haul. Ferguson waited years to claim his first major trophy after joining Manchester United, but Wenger had instant success at Arsenal. Only now, after the honours have dried up, have people started questioning his managerial ability.

They do play beautiful football, it can't be denied. Even their goal yesterday was one that no other team in our league would score - it was attractive, and lethally despatched. Herein lies their current problem though - their vast majority of play was too attractive. Too many cooks spoil the broth, just as much as too many passes waste the chance. Case in point; each of Fabregas, Wilshere, Nasri and Chamakh choosing to pass yesterday when in Bolton's area with a shooting chance. Why are they so afraid to have a crack? They're too bothered with trying to score the "perfect goal" that they lose sight of what really matters - scoring more than the opponent. Their pretty football is nice to watch, but I'm sure their fans would rather they started winning ugly.

Back to Wenger; he looks like he's beginning to lose it now. His acts of petulance on the touch line are getting worse. The tragic irony being that his preferred target - a bottle - is the very thing that his squad lacks. They aren't lethal enough, and they have nobody to take the game by the scruff of the neck and drag out a win. Many people thought that, after Viera left, Fabregas would take up the mantle. Although he got some plaudids for giving 'captain's performances' after receiving the armband, I genuinely don't think that he's the right man for it. They need to sign a leader on the pitch - a good player who puts himself about, and isn't afraid to get stuck in, berate his team mates, and someone who has a winning mentality. Could it be Jack Wilshere? Who knows.

They have some brilliant individual players, but their squad just isn't good enough. Where do we draw the line though? For years, each summer we've been saying "They just need a defender or two," or "They just need a new midfielder," and in some cases; "They need two defenders, a midfielder, a winger, a striker, and a new manager," and then Wenger keeps pulling things out of his floppy French hat, but to no avail. They came reasonably close this year, but yet again, they bottled it. Just like last year, many people were guilty of claiming that Arsenal had the 'easier' title run-in, and so were favourites. Just like last year, just like the year before, they cocked it up. There are no easy games with Arsenal. Since losing to Birmingham in the (hilarious) Carling Cup final, they've beaten two teams. Newly promoted Blackpool, and the mighty Leyton O's.

Where Wenger differs from Ferguson, and where Ferguson comes out on top, for me, is the Frenchman's inability to rebuild a squad. Time and time again Alex Ferguson has had to sell key players, and rebuild for the next generation - and he carries on winning trophies. He constantly - according to the media - goes through transitional phases with United and, as is looking increasingly likely this season, he gets the best out of his teams and wins trophies. Has Wenger been getting the 'best' out of his Arsenal squad? Have they even been overachieving in recent years? The point remains to be seen, but this summer is a massive one not only for him, but for Arsenal Football Club. They need to get it right, and they need to do it soon, or they face mediocrity on a much larger scale.

So, what quick fixes do they have? What would you do if you were Wenger or the owner? Answers on a postcard.
Re: How to solve a problem like Arsenal.

They are completely missing a spine to their team. If they had for example Hart, VK, NDJ and Tevez they would be pretty much unstoppable.
Re: How to solve a problem like Arsenal.

Their critical trio of central defence and keeper is so far below the standard required for success that I'd sack him just for his continued failure to address that glaring weakness.

Rags - Van Der Sar, Vidic & Ferdinand
Chelsea - Cech, Terry & Luiz
Us - Hart, Kompany & Lescott
Arse - Almunia, Djourou & Koscielny

Also, for every Kinkladze, Benarbia or Berkovic you need an Andy Morrison or Kevin Horlock. They've got plenty of the former but none of the latter.
Re: How to solve a problem like Arsenal.

For sure Arsenal are desperate for a leader. If City, United, or Chelsea were 3-1 up at Spurs then it would take something miraculous for Tottenham to pull 2 goals back without conceding another one. For all his qualities, Fabregas is not a captain. Wilshere looks to have a bit of fire in his belly but he might still be too young. My Arsenal mate who I've mentioned before is adamant that they need to buy a captain in during the summer, but then who is there out there? And how would buying in a captain affect the rest of the squad?

Then there's their style of play as the rag mentioned ;-) It can be great to watch and it can be very effective, if the opposition let Arsenal play and if the tempo is very quick. It's no coincidence that Arsenal's away record is better than their home record, teams know they can go to Arsenal and 'park the bus' like we did. We didn't do it at Old Trafford because we know that if you sit deep and let them come on to you then you will get battered, but that's not the case at Arsenal. It's not even good defences that Arsenal haven't been ale to break down, the same Sunderland team that we demolished managed to snatch a point simply by defending in numbers. It's times like this when their brand of over-footballing is a hindrance. I was watching the game against Blackburn in the boozer with a Liverpool fan and his kid of about 8 years old. After another Arsenal move breaks down in the 6 yard box the lad asks his dad 'Dad, why don't Arsenal just shoot?' It's amazing that an 8 year old can see it yet they still don't 'just shoot' when they should. I think Van Persie is an excellent centre forward when he's fit but maybe they need a more selfish striker who will shoot more often. People complain about Tevez being selfish but I'd rather have a selfish striker than one who is reluctant to shoot. Hulk would be good there (but he'd cost a lot, and it's Wenger).

Oh, and they need a keeper, and they have done for years. Desperately.
Re: How to solve a problem like Arsenal.

Prestwich_Blue said:
Their critical trio of central defence and keeper is so far below the standard required for success that I'd sack him just for his continued failure to address that glaring weakness.

Rags - Van Der Sar, Vidic & Ferdinand
Chelsea - Cech, Terry & Luiz
Us - Hart, Kompany & Lescott
Arse - Almunia, Djourou & Koscielny

Also, for every Kinkladze, Benarbia or Berkovic you need an Andy Morrison or Kevin Horlock. They've got plenty of the former but none of the latter.

Exactly, and he's got no excuse, the money has been there this past couple of seasons to buy in a couple of CBs and a keeper and Wenger's just dug his heels in.
Re: How to solve a problem like Arsenal.

Prestwich_Blue said:
Their critical trio of central defence and keeper is so far below the standard required for success .

It's almost as if Wenger is obsessed with his child trafficking
Re: How to solve a problem like Arsenal.

Imo, Wenger's the best manager in the league but he's just too damn stubborn. Ferguson has only outdone him in recent years because he is prepared to spend big. Wenger just won't. It's like he wants to prove he's the best by winning things without spending. It's admirable in a way but doomed to fail. Not only is he not going to get any major trophies he will lose the big players he has built up. Big players want to win things.
It's easy to pinpoint Arsenal's weaknesses on the field - only 1 decent striker (and he's a crock), crap CB's, shocking keepers and a lack of power in midfield. But the more obvious it is and the more it's pointed out to Wenger the less likely he is to address it. Great manager. Stubborn twat.
Re: How to solve a problem like Arsenal.

They will surely have to lift the wage cap to be able to compete in the near future or get left behind.

The loyalty they have shown towards Wenger is admirable because if it was any other club in Europe he probably would of been sacked by now with no return in 6 years.

I can see Given going to Arsenal in the summer along with a centre half and target man.

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