Arsenal Thread - 2022/23

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To be honest I‘ve always enjoyed posting on here and I still do. City fans don’t have the same sense of entitlement that say, Utd fans have. Merely an observation but there’s always some fans who over react. This season has shown that we are a potential threat to City’s dominance. Most here treat it with equanimity but some, hardly surprising, are more hostile. It doesn’t bother me, vulgar abuse can be easily ignored.But a few are beginning to demonstrate the sense of entitlement that I criticised Utd fans above. Look, no one is more surprised or more excited to see us in the position we now are but it doesn’t mean we will win anything. I’ve always tried to be measured in my responses and hope people can see that.
Cheers Jack. I would prefer Arsenal to win the league to the Rags and the Dippers- even Spurs though not much chance of that. Having been on opposition forums and been banned (sometimes deservedly so)I hate the fact that you can only join them if you’re willing to be a sycophant and tow the party line. I hope that will never be the case on here - opposition fans should be able to disagree without being disrespectful
If the latter I’ve read this thread and some of the comments towards the Arsenal posters are not as friendly as they have been in previous season and the responses back have been defensive. There was always friendly banter but some of the exchanges go beyond that.
I couldn’t be arsed quoting people and if you don’t agree then great keep posting on here - personally I welcome opposing team supporters. Makes for a more interesting discussion.

To be honest I agree with you, I thought this might be the case as the season went on if we didn't fall away.

For guys that have just joined clearly on a bit of a WUM giving it the big I am because Arsenal are having their first decent season in ages, I can clearly understand that.

There's a couple of us been in for years, basically the full time we've been shit and you've been ace. We've heard it all, Tarquins, Adebayor gif, letter writers, hypocrites etc, so it's not anything new. Sometimes the occasional poster just comes in during a decent discussion, throws a couple of insults, we get a bit defensive and it gets everyone's backs up. It is what it is, we choose to be on a rivals forum to other people's bemusement, just not sure it adds much to the discussion or thread in general mind you.

That tweet is misleading. It assumes said unnamed player has already been charged with rape and subsequently convicted in a court of law when he hasn't.

To reference a case a lot closer to home, City didn't suspend Mendy until he'd actually been charged with any offences and he started a game against Spurs just a week before he was charged.
Really doesn’t sit right with me that that **** might be lifting the trophy in May.

I’m amazed it’s been allowed to be swept under the carpet on the pitch and he’s been allowed to play without issue.

I think we did the same with Mendy didn’t we? Some (a lot of things) things are bigger than football and a precedent should be set.
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