Arsenal v City Pre Match Thread

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gmckennasell said:
Gillespie said:
gmckennasell said:
always nice to beat the biggest mugs in world football , goons supporters , paying over a grand for season tickets whilst their club sits on £200m in the bank , cant wait for saturday when jeremy and jemima gooner start squealing at nasri and clichy "its just not fair" because they signed for a club with ambition., bunch of southern shandy drinking tossers.

Hackneyed cliches passed off as witty insights in football blog shocker!

Would you Adam and Eve it?

Witty ? only comparitively

I suppose it would be churlish of me to point out the obvious mistake?
This is one of those moments when we have big opportunity to give ourselves breathing space.

We generally "typical city" these situations. The last of which was chelsea at home in the league.

Infact, I don't remember a time when we have taken a positive result from such a situation. We always make life difficult for ourselves.

A win tomorrow would be biblical.

We have come so far over the last few years so come on lads, let's take the next step in our evolution and shake the typical city tag.

Arsenal are there for the taking. Approach it like tues and hull, keep ten men on the pitch and they don't have a chance.
Hmmm, So we have not done the double over Arsenal since 1976, well it's going to be another record smashed tomorrow me thinks...
Don't write them off, Wenger teams have a history of getting a result when they look down and out.

Still going for a City win, though. 1-2.
We won there last season so the next win is due sometime around 2050 is it not?
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