Arses in 116

akcity said:
Can people hold fire and get a grip for a minute??

Firstly, the OP starts a thread slagging off some of 116 and others jump on the bandwagon - without anyone really knowing what went on, ffs even the OP doesnt know exactly.

I sit in 116, right next to the away fans - the OP mentions row H but its a long row - any clue as to specifically where?

He felt intimidated by people 'talking behind his back' - doesnt that happen in all walks of life? As there are physically people behind him, dont they have the freedom to discuss who or whatever they want?

This is a case of needing to know the facts, the full facts, before slagging people off. After all, one lads idea of intimidation, wont be another's interpretation of it.

As a footnote - if he was in front of me, that would make it row H (and there was a new lad there) then he was with about 4 friends that joined him after the match kicked off and they all congregated at the end of the row trying to fit at 2 seats and they were all acting like arses constantly being boisterous amongst themselves and the stewards ended up checking that they all had seasoncards. On arrival, he accused me of sitting in his seat till i pointed out that it was my seat and had been since we moved to the stadium and he must be on a nearby row/seat - he checked his ticket again and simply said "oh i'm in front" and a mate said "you fucking dickhead not knowing where you sit"

If this WAS him and his mates then sorry but the only 'arses in 116' was these lads - and I bet he kept that part of the story from you! In that event, have a word with him, tell his other mates to sit/stand at their own seats and he might make more friends.

If it wasnt him then provide more info so we can identify the 'potential' culprits and to see what the deal is.

Did the lad your talking about have a Scottish accent?
I sit in 116 Row S, I've been there since the move to COMS and never experienced much if any trouble at all... generally people dont speak about you behind your back unless 1.) You smoke far too much wacky back and you think everyone is out to get you, or 2.) Because you were acting or behaving in a manner which gave others justification to talk about you behind your back.

Novel idea though, and I find it quite ironic that rather than speaking face to face with the people you have an issue with, you are speaking about them behind their backs (Pot calling the kettle if you ask me).... Next time you suspect they are talking about you behind your back, how's about politely turning around and asking them not to or why they think its ok to discuss you & friends without your permission.
pepsi_dave said:
I sit in 116 Row S, I've been there since the move to COMS and never experienced much if any trouble at all... generally people dont speak about you behind your back unless 1.) You smoke far too much wacky back and you think everyone is out to get you, or 2.) Because you were acting or behaving in a manner which gave others justification to talk about you behind your back.

Novel idea though, and I find it quite ironic that rather than speaking face to face with the people you have an issue with, you are speaking about them behind their backs (Pot calling the kettle if you ask me).... Next time you suspect they are talking about you behind your back, how's about politely turning around and asking them not to or why they think its ok to discuss you & friends without your permission.

I think you've missed my point mate. I wasnt there, and have never seen these people. My mate who was there on his own. Sitting at the bottom of 116 near away fans. He relocated from the north stand to south stand this year. He was spoken rudely to, and he claims they were acting like complete dickheads, barely even watching the game at all. They looked to Be in their early twenties and he is 16. My mate attends games home and away travelling from Edinburgh so if they thought he was a new face and gloryhunter they would be wrong, like it should matter anyway.
I think you've missed my point mate. I wasnt there, and have never seen these people. My mate who was there on his own. Sitting at the bottom of 116 near away fans. He relocated from the north stand to south stand this year. He was spoken rudely to, and he claims they were acting like complete dickheads, barely even watching the game at all. They looked to Be in their early twenties and he is 16. My mate attends games home and away travelling from Edinburgh so if they thought he was a new face and gloryhunter they would be wrong, like it should matter anyway.[/quote]

If they were behind him how did he know they were barely watching the game at all ?
sounds more and more like bollocks to me this,

get your mate on
GStar said:
bluefromleve32 said:
i got as far as page 6 and the soft twat still hadnt told us what had been said. strap a pair on you fucking pussy. "boo hoo poeple talking behind my back". could they have being giving shit to swansea and you dont even register as your all in the same section?


ill change a few words in case ive upset you little babies (ive been called a twat and a moron on this thread, but its not about that)

i got as far as page 6 and the softy still hadnt told us what had been said. strap a pair on you little girl. boo hoo people talking behind my back. could they have been giving it to swansea and you dont even register as your all in the same section.

big girls blouse

is this better?
I was in 116 last season and the guy I was next too was a right 'one' drugs and alsorts in his possesion, got sick of him offering me, so this season I've moved to 111.

First impression, much happier. Never looked forward to the fella's arrival and his mates who seemingly took up 3 seats with 6 people. Crush.
mcfcryan said:
I was in 116 last season and the guy I was next too was a right 'one' drugs and alsorts in his possesion, got sick of him offering me, so this season I've moved to 111.

First impression, much happier. Never looked forward to the fella's arrival and his mates who seemingly took up 3 seats with 6 people. Crush.

york away to this! said:
mcfcryan said:
I was in 116 last season and the guy I was next too was a right 'one' drugs and alsorts in his possesion, got sick of him offering me, so this season I've moved to 111.

First impression, much happier. Never looked forward to the fella's arrival and his mates who seemingly took up 3 seats with 6 people. Crush.


I bet this was the fellow. Think he had some white powder in his possession.


i've always sat in the south stand and it's the only decent stand there in my opinion, by any chance does he moan about pretty much everything to do with the game? someone was like that the row behind me, eventually someone told him where to go and i havent heard him speak since lol.
I stand on the front row of 116 with my dad, our second season there since moving from North stand... Not had any trouble atall, bit crowded at times last year but a good laugh too!!! Is this lad quite tall by any chance with curly hair?? If so, he introduced himself to me, i said hi and told him my name... Didn't hear owt else from him all game or anyone around him. But, i am usually focusing on the match or bobbing round trying to see past the fuckin Sky camera..

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