Well-Known Member
I honestly have no idea, but suspect that there may be family history with some cases like this.Bloody hard to believe if it wasn't true. Poor little soul.
What is your view on why this happens?
Is it as Philip Larkin says:
Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And don’t have any kids yourself.
Or is it societal and environmental or is it they are just pure evil? Or a combination of all of them?
Why are some parents such that they are not fit to have children?
The same with incestuous abuse. I’ve heard cases running through the generations. Basically, the same behaviour being passed down.
With the kind of abuse that was meted out to that child and the case I posted though, it’s hard to get your head around why.
In the case over here, the kid was picked on a daily basis in front of the other siblings, one older sister and three younger. The eldest of the three being a boy. He and the older sister gave evidence against their parents.
They themselves must be psychologically scarred for life.