This pic tells us a lot....
We're having our arse handed to us, but for Davis it doesn't matter, the price we're going to pay, all of us, is immaterial to him, because for him this is a culmination of a decades long political ambition to leave the EU. If you want to look for political zealotry, don't look to the likes of Corbyn, look to the Europhobes in the Tory Party.
Who is in charge?
Laura Kuennsberg, BBC political editor
It's often compared to a divorce - the UK wanted to talk about who gets the house and the CD collection at the same time as settling who pays for the kids' weddings in 20 years' time.
The EU on the other hand have been firm all along that the future arrangements could only be discussed once the terms of the initial split have been agreed.
The debate was called "parallelism versus sequentialism" and from this afternoon's press conference and the announcement of the procedure it is clear that the UK has lost.
Ministers believed they would be able to persuade the EU - the failure to do so has been described as a "total cave-in".
The discussion was even predicted by Mr Davis as likely to be the "row of the summer". The row won't happen because it seems the UK has already given in