
Didsbury Dave said:
pudge said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Classic Bluemoon, when people on the back foot start demanding "proof", when presented with evidence.

The point you and the other Bullshit Barkers keep ignoring is that it would be virtually impossible to present "proof" of interest between any club and any manager ever, especially when both are under contract elsewhere.

As it goes, anyone who I trust on here can pm me and I will tell them where the Indy story came from.

And let's just be absolutely and 100% clear about where you stand in this discussion. You have admitted that no knowledge whatsoever of who was interested in Pellegrini and who wasn't. So your input isn't really massively significant to the discussion.
You have a lot of pent up personal anger.

I wasn't demanding proof, was I?

You were asked for proof from another poster and then replied with 2 atricles. THAT is an acknowledgement on your part to try and support and prove your claim. You're completely contradicting yourself when you say it's impossible to do so, because if it was you wouldn't have replied with those articles....

Again, I knocked your choice of examples as they aren't substantial in any way. Not the idea he was a wanted manager, which I actually and clearly acknowledged.

You clearly do know the inner workings of the football world,I mean you say do so you must. Did Chelsea and Barca want him? Maybe, but if I had to say going by your two presented articles then I'd say no.

Fair enough. I've just read back and that guy did say 'but you can't prove it' in that sneering, ignorant post he did. I didn't actually see that until just now. So yes, I totally agree that what I presented is not proof, but evidence of interest.

The source of the argument was someone saying that pellegrini bit txiki's hand off, inferring no one else wanted him.

I think we can agree, on the evidence presented throughout this thread, which has included quotes from MP, quotes from his agent, quotes from press insiders and other things, that there was plenty of interest in him from some big clubs. I believe with all my heart that that included Chelsea and Barca, to varying levels, because of things I've been told by people I trust.

That was the point I was making.
Agreed, I acknowledged that he was a very desired manager for many clubs.

You may know otherwise as to the extent of a teams interest but if someone like I was to go off those two articles, then I'd say it was just fabricated rumors was my point.

Safe to go back on topic now I'd imagine
Ric said:
How many managers down the line will it take for the pro and anti Mancini brigades to put their differences behind them? I suspect it'll take Guardiola coming in and winning a League/Champions League double, but even then some will argue until they're blue in the face if it was Mancini or Pellegrini who laid the foundations.

Debate on a forum is good and healthy of course, but it feels like rational debate is all too often eschewed in favour of personal disputes and point scoring. It's tedious as fuck.

It's disappointing, I thought once Mancini had gone and we'd all said our goodbyes, sang his name and the newspaper ads were placed, we'd move on. Some people are still fixated on him and feel the need to take sides as if Pellegrini and Mancini are in direct contest. All fans of City should be looking to get behind the manager, not on his back this early in his tenure. It looks as if United are having even more patience and they're stuck with Moyes.
Something mundane like how are finding Manchester's weather, culture our club and English Football in general?

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