Atletico (A) - Post-Match Thread

There dark arts and a bit of shithousery or whatever it’s called these days but Fernandinho never goes out to injure people or take it too far. That’s not hypocritical or blue tinted specs either. That last night was bordering on Sunday league antics.
And yeah we do play football the right way and we should be applauded for it and those no marks yesterday should get no praise from anyone in football.

To try and compare them to Wimbledon of years gone by as well is an insult to the dons. Yes those boys knew there limits and mixed it up by never resorted to 90 minutes of that bullshit.

I’m 40 and forgive me as I don’t know your age but I really don’t recall this level of thuggery from teams for a constant 90 minutes. Maybe I’m a tad angry still at what went on last night but I just can’t agree that last night was a proper European football match and blood and guts type game.

It wasn’t. It went too far. The assault on foden in the first few minutes or the prick savic barging into foden when he was nowhere near the ball. They left the foot in after everything and that challenge on foden at the end where he had already won the ball could have broke his leg. Then the reactions after like they had done fuck all wrong. Na I’m not having any of that.

another lad has likened them to Wimbledon etc. Those boys could control there emotions and played on the edge and dare I say wouldn’t really have wanted to seriously injure someone for the whole 90 minutes. They would probably even pick you up after a challenger or have a wry smile.
This lot were totally out of control. Just look at the way the acted after the game and in the tunnel.
It’s not right and it’s not football.

Look I’m not trying to get into any kind of argument with you or anyone as we are all city fans and we see things differently in just passionate about what I saw last night and I didn’t like it one bit.
No argument needed mate, it's all about opinions.

I'm nearly 30 years older than you, and no doubt have memories of teams, at all levels, that would make Atletico look like pussycats. Mike Summerbee and Co would have loved playing against them.

The European has changed. Not necessarily for the better in my opinion. It's too 'safe' and predictable nowadays in terms of 'protecting' the tournament's big name clubs.

Like I say, it's all about opinions. I enjoyed it, you didn't. The one thing that we must agree on is that it's great to see City in the semi finals!

When I saw the Gundo was captain ahead of KDB I thought is was a good move by Pep as the ref was German. In theory, German speaking German when it kicked off with the shithousery. In actuality it didn't make any difference as the ref was way out of his depth. He needed to lay down an early marker when Felipe assaulted Phil and drew blood from his head. Minimum yellow card would have helped later (maybe !!!)
I’m convinced that the bloke with the yellow top on last night was just enjoying a spring break in Madrid with his Mrs when he got a tap on shoulder and was asked if he was doing anything tonight,and said go on then I’ll give it a go.
He has never reffed a game before in his life that guy,impossible
We lost the ability to play football in the 2nd half, but mentally we were top draw and our defending was superb.
I’m convinced that the bloke with the yellow top on last night was just enjoying a spring break in Madrid with his Mrs when he got a tap on shoulder and was asked if he was doing anything tonight,and said go on then I’ll give it a go.
He has never reffed a game before in his life that guy,impossible
They are bound to have told the ref to be lenient to get us out of the competition.
Well that didn't work did it?
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Finally someone understands my joke gone wrong. In all seriousness glad you’ve knocked them out. Could be bruised for Saturday though.
I got it. Very funny it was too. Far too clever for many on here mind. That or they're far to young to remember Norman "Bite your Legs" Hunter et al.
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A way to win. Jesus Christ.,this is the champions league. They are the Spanish champions and have a forward who they spunked 114 million on. It’s not an fa cup tie where a non league team is playing a prem team. How an ex pro can enjoy seeing Felipe and savic purposely go out to injure a fellow pro is beyond me.

am I being a touch over sensitive today. I don’t know. If posters think I am then please give me a nudge but I just can’t conform to the way of thinking that last night was somehow enjoyable or something that just happens in football.
What can we expect from a guy who thought the Mane flying kung-fu fu kick to Edersons face was not a red???
He said "the game's gone" after the red card was shown. Fucking idiot is from another time.

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