Atmosphere tonight

Success has ruined our support by and large. I am a quiet person but always try to support the team, so why can't others. Why is it so many can only raise their voice if Yaya misplaces a pass or if the referee makes what is perceived to be a bad decision?

I felt sorry for those in 109> who were singing Blues Go Marching on for about 5 minutes straight with half of the so-called 'singing section' not joining in. I looked to my right across 107 and just stony silence, absolutely shambolic support. Probably quieter than Old Trafford now.

The only solution is find 200-300 (because I doubt there are any more) persistent singers and give them some space. It would at least mean some noise for the majority of the 90'.
Was a reasonable turnout in the end - I think a lot must have turned up on the night.

I sat in my normal seat but most of the usual faces weren't there. I don't know how many season ticket holders went, but I reckon it was less than 50%. Maybe a lot of people opted out of the Cup Scheme when renewing because it was in the middle of the UEFA sanctions, or maybe a reaction to the price increases? Whatever it doesn't help when you sing and no one joins in. If your mates are around you, you sing and you know they'll join in. Tonight it was strangers. I'm glad they turned up mind, otherwise it would have been empty
LoveCity said:
Success has ruined our support by and large. I am a quiet person but always try to support the team, so why can't others. Why is it so many can only raise their voice if Yaya misplaces a pass or if the referee makes what is perceived to be a bad decision?

I felt sorry for those in 109> who were singing Blues Go Marching on for about 5 minutes straight with half of the so-called 'singing section' not joining in. I looked to my right across 107 and just stony silence, absolutely shambolic support. Probably quieter than Old Trafford now.

The only solution is find 200-300 (because I doubt there are any more) persistent singers and give them some space. It would at least mean some noise for the majority of the 90'.

Was in 109 tonight (not normally but always move for cup games). A lot giving their all but it wasn't catching on down the line, it has to improve as it can't get any worse.
I find the old 'daytrippers' excuse to be pretty weak tbh. There were plenty of seats tonight for the self proclaimed real fans to fill tonight and yet they weren't there. I'm not even convinced that cheaper tickets will make a big difference. I've been to plenty of cup games where tickets are dirt cheap and it hasn't been any different to tonight.

The only solution I can see is to have a few blocks dedicated for a permanent singing section and then we'll have to accept the rest of the stadium will probably be silent for most of the game.
One simple solution to this is the introduction of safe standing.

None of that dangerous standing though.
Blue Note said:
One simple solution to this is the introduction of safe standing.

None of that dangerous standing though.
And cheaper prices, it's only going to get worse, more and more in this forum myself included are disillusioned with the CL and general price increases, if we can watch it on TV and save ourselves £100 or more then we are going to do it. It's a vicious circle, we want success but at what cost, I pray when this tier goes up they put a halt on price increases, but FFP will probably stop that as well. Just hope we don't go the United way and demand you have to be in the schemes to have a seasoncard.
Was embarrassing. When Roma fans were doing their chant with gaps in between, between the chants it was deadly quiet!
zeddie said:
Wasn't there but all you could hear on tv were the Roma fans. Must be very inspiring for the players eh! Don't blame it all on tourists... If regular match goers bothered to go then the place wouldnt be full of randoms

A lot of regular match goers can barely afford their season tickets any more - wages have hardly increased here since 2008, prices have more or less doubled.
ped said:
people watching on tv complaining about the noise,just fuck off .,I was in the family stand and I got to say the people in the singing section gave as good as they got,well done guys,the atsmosphere was fine,ok not bouncing but no better or no worse than expected,and by the way stop blaming "day trippers ,tourists,a least they go,

This - the support was decent but I guess that wouldn't fit with the general feeling of disappointment.

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