Know your enemy they say ? I tried to read the Koran (sp) which is the english way of saying it I believe. As everyone in Islam believes that unless you can read it in Arabic then its not true. So point one ,their God can only speak Arabic.
2. Mohammed was a prophet who never prophesied anything.
3. Mohammed couldn,t do miracles like other prophets, apart from splitting the moon in two and riding a flying donkey to Mecca.
4.Mohammed can have as many wives as he wants his followers are only allowed 4.
5.Mohammed says slavery is ok.
6.Mohammed drank alcohol (wine ) his followers can't. (unless they get to paradise where there are rivers of wine )
7. Mohammed married a 6 year old girl.
8. Mohammed had sex with her when she was 9 years old. She took her toys into the bedroom with her, but its ok as she had reached puberty. (mmm)
9. Mohammed took his adopted sons wife off him for his own.
10. Mohammed liked to fondle little girls and boys.
11. Mohammed says the earth is flat and the mountains are there to stop it from splitting apart.
12. Mohammed said Allah does not regard outward forms. (So why the hijab ?)
Apostasy,cutting peoples hands and feet off, throwing people of tall buildings, beheading people.
Now, unless anyone can get Muslims to see reason for any of this then there is no end in sight.