Attacks in Paris

Completely agree with your assessment there, my friend, both present and future. The US is going to have to overcome its historical hang up about Iran if there's going to be any long term solution imo. In many ways it is a well ordered, well educated, stable Islamic society. Just what much of that region should aspire to.
Ancient Persia is the only surviving civilisation in the region. Interestingly, it is also the originating culture of the Moghals who created the most powerful of Indian empires before the Eat India Company arrived. I say this as Iran and Pakistan [the military muscle of the Islamic world] share this history and have finally come to an understanding [of sorts]. The other significant power, Turkey, is also getting closer to Iran as the former's paranoia of the Kurds runs very deep. However, none of these three countries wish to become directly involved and rightly surmise [in my view] that a US-led Western coalition will soon enough bring ISIS to heel. As I have already said, Russia will play ball in exchange for its Mediterranean naval base.
Of course, the elephant in the room is an Israel that has always benefited from conflict in the area [by receiving more support from the US]. The Zionists will never agree to Iranian involvement, of course. However, they may now find themselves side-stepped by the West as the current dangers to Europe are clear for all to see.
You couldn't be more confused about the Caliphate. Your position is akin to saying that Neo Nazis have a claim to France or Britain has a claim to Malaysia.

Oh dear.

The potential willingness of (say) Saudi Arabia to cede a portion of its land to enable a caliphate to be established as part of a wider peace deal is not an acknowledgement that the territory they may be willing to cede is not rightfully theirs in the first place. If it wasn't theirs, they couldn't cede it, could they?
How much worse would the world be tomorrow if we wiped out every living thing in Iraq and Syria with nuclear weapons tonight?
There are conflicting reports over whether Salah Abdeslam, dubbed "Public Enemy Number One", has been detained in Brussels.

Sky news saying they had him but this from the webpage
another bluemoon mega argument thread and I bet a pound to a pinch of shit nobody has managed to change anybody else's opinion.

why do you guys bother arguing ?

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