Attacks in Paris

It just makes me sick how innocent, law abiding people just going for dinner or a drink after a long week at work are killed for no fucking reason. The whole idea of terrorism is to provoke an emotional reaction and they have got one out of me. I want every single one of the cunts killed slowly.
Welcome to the start of WW3!

Seems coordinated so must be a terrorist attack.

Won't be long till it hits England, could possibly spill into a civil war as well, give the racists/anti-Semitics any excuses to start trouble with Muslims and they'll take it!
I have a feeling that in a hundred years people will look back at this decade as a period that changed the world.
Perhaps it will end up where we all walk around in bullet proof vests and start arming ourselves? It seems that may happen
We have kept them out since 7/7 ,france don't seem to be as prepared as we are

I suspect Schengen is a bigger factor along with other European countries (cough cough Merkel) welcoming whoever into the continent in huge numbers.
At least 30 dead now.

Angry, saddened and feel a bit sick, innocent people out enjoying their night or working to ensure others enjoy their night being targeted.


I hope those hostages make it out safely.

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