Attacks in Paris

It's very simple. No more immigration from those countries.

Boots on the ground in Syria. Shoot to kill. Anyone involved with Isis dies. Anyone who provides material support dies. Public executions in the town squares to let them know what happens to Isis sympathizers.

Or accept airplane and stadium bombings every month.

Yep, I'm pretty sure that would solve the situation rather than makes matters worse.
this is awful. isis need to be wiped out imo.

the one fear i have now is that the far right in france and europe may now come into power and get stronger and there could be attacks in england :(

I fear what the death toll will be in Paris tonight when I put the TV on in the morning

A world war against Terror has been going on for some time. This is a war that will never be won by anyone. Just have to make sure they don't get their hands on any of the chemical weapons that Assad had.
God knows mate, the twats are everywhere now. Should of been acted on a lot quicker than it has. Putting boots on the ground in Syria doesn't get rid of the ever growing terrorist groups in Northern Africa. But what else do we do, sit and watch as these attacks get more frequent?

No offence but I don't think it's the answer. It would be like chasing smoke and only lead to yet more of our soldiers' lives being wasted. Military involvement can only be effective when deployed in amongst a set of combined measures, top of which is dialogue with ISIS I'm afraid.
Yep, I'm pretty sure that would solve the situation rather than makes matters worse.
Letting Isis thrive in Syria has brought us here. They were planning this as Obama called Isis the "the jv team". By all means, keep killing yourselves to appear tolerant.

What you propose is doing nothing and waiting for it to be your country who is next.

Your crime is not taking murderous madmen seriously, and this is the result. Prepare to accept this every month until you get serious.

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