
Don't want to defend the rags but the 95/96 season was when they were rebuilding the North Stand.

It was the year we rebuilt the Kippax so we had lower than usual crowds as well which grew throughout the season as the stand went up.
I know this pal but it was never down to 31000 that I do know!! But also look at the seasons before this and you'll get some gaping gaps in attendances.. What I'm trying to say is 20 years of sustained success and properganda have now brought them 70000 plus numpties for most games, but it wasnt always the case. Our crowds over the last few seasons have been far superior to theirs in the early years of their success. And please my mate, never ever defend them horrible fucking bastards!! They would never defend us!!! CTWD
I know this pal but it was never down to 31000 that I do know!! But also look at the seasons before this and you'll get some gaping gaps in attendances.. What I'm trying to say is 20 years of sustained success and properganda have now brought them 70000 plus numpties for most games, but it wasnt always the case. Our crowds over the last few seasons have been far superior to theirs in the early years of their success. And please my mate, never ever defend them horrible fucking bastards!! They would never defend us!!! CTWD

Don't think he's defending them as such mate - just pointing out why they had some lower crowds that season. That aside, you are correct. The season before, they got less than 34,000 for their first ever CL group game at home to Gothenburg when their ground held over 40,000 at the time yet lickle City get slated for getting nearly 42,000 against BMG. A couple of seasons before that, United played Torpedo Moscow in a UEFA Cup tie at Old Trafford. The Stretford End was being converted to all seater at the time and the capacity was around 30,000. Attendance? An absolutely massive 19,998!
Why give weight to this argument? Because it's true. It's not an argument. Believe it or not, just like many on here I desperately wanted the new singing section to succeed. I moved from 111. I gave up a great seat and a great view. I also had some great times in there. Singing, banter, etc. I moved because I hoped the new singing section would be better. Is it? The jury is still out on that one as far as I'm concerned.

I'll give you an honest and unbiased view of the new singing section, in my opinion.

For a start I don't buy into the fact that the new 3rd tier claimed a large percentage of fans who originally decided to relocate to the new singing section. Fans who wanted to stand and sing would have still relocated to the new singing section, regardless of the new 3rd tier. We were led to believe there was as many as 400-500 fans relocating to the new singing section from other parts of the ground. In all honesty, is there even 50-100 singing fans grouped together in 114 or 115? Probably more like 20-30?(grouped together)

What we've got is very similar to blocks 111, 110 and 109. A mixture of fans who want to sing all the time, part of the time, or not at all. Those 3 groups of fans are completely mixed up and spread out in blocks 115 and 114. As it stands there isn't a large group of singers massed together in 114 or 115.

Let me make this clear. What l'm about to write is not a criticism of 1894. I've supported them and helped them right from the start. I also know some of the lads personally and I'm on speaking terms with them. TBH I consider them to be friends. What they've achieved at City and on the terraces has been great. And because of them we're heading in the right direction. However, there are a few things I've noticed that I think need looking at, which could make a difference, and could have a positive impact on the singing and atmosphere in blocks 114 and 115?

1. As far as I know, and I could be wrong, 1894 are reluctant to grow their numbers? They want to keep everything in-house. They have a tight knit bunch of lads. That's not to say they don't welcome more fans joining in singing on the concourse and on the terraces.

2. When I stand with them I see the same faces most of the time. I appreciate they know each other and they are mates. But unless you actively invite new fans into that close knit group, you will never increase the numbers, and increase the number of singers grouped together.

3. As I've already stated, many of the singers are spread throughout both blocks. From what I've seen there seems to be 2 groups of singers. The 1894 group at the back of 115, under the overhang, and another group to left of them. Don't know who they are. That aside, and in my opinion, if you've got 10-15 lads stood under the concrete overhang at the back of 115 that isn't going to help the songs and the noise to travel. The concrete overhang acts like a buffer, a dampener, and muffles the chants and any noise created. Whether by choice or by accident 1894 have decided to stand there during the games. From a personal point of view, and seeing where Palace and other Ultras stand, it would make more sense to stand near the bottom or in the middle of the block/s, so the chants and the noise can either travel up the blocks, or up and down the blocks. That being said, most of those seats have now probably been allocated to other season ticket holders.

Being honest, the new singing section has made the atmosphere better at the Etihad, but with more organisation, and ultimately more singers grouped together, and in a better location on the terraces, the support and atmosphere could and would be so much better.

That's my take on it, rightly or wrongly. :-)

Believe me, I agree with most of that - it basically squares with a lot of my thinking and goes against the poster that reckons the whole singing section does practically nothing.

I disagree with your comments about 1894 though - yes it's tight knit because they need people who they can trust but on the other hand they're looking to get more people on board because with the increase in displays, etc, it's getting to a stage where they can't keep on doing what they're doing with so few people sharing the majority of the work. I could be wrong but haven't you yourself been approached for assistance of late?
I know of a rag who is pissed off with them as he got an email saying that Europa League wasn't compulsory purchase but if he didn't then he would be allow any away tickets, since it's the primary reason for having a season ticket he says he's going to pack-in next season and just buy away tickets by other means
I know of a rag who is pissed off with them as he got an email saying that Europa League wasn't compulsory purchase but if he didn't then he would be allow any away tickets, since it's the primary reason for having a season ticket he says he's going to pack-in next season and just buy away tickets by other means

Is that any away ticket, or just Europa away tickets?

The second seems reasonable to me - those that turn up to the home games should have priority for away games

I've found a scanned version of the email on SportBible. Assuming it's legit, it says "can't apply for domestic away games", which may include cup finals.
Don't think he's defending them as such mate - just pointing out why they had some lower crowds that season. That aside, you are correct. The season before, they got less than 34,000 for their first ever CL group game at home to Gothenburg when their ground held over 40,000 at the time yet lickle City get slated for getting nearly 42,000 against BMG. A couple of seasons before that, United played Torpedo Moscow in a UEFA Cup tie at Old Trafford. The Stretford End was being converted to all seater at the time and the capacity was around 30,000. Attendance? An absolutely massive 19,998!
Here Here old boy!!! well said.
Always remember when the rags played Wimbledon in May 1989, they had a crowd of 23,368. That wasn't down to rebuilding as they had 55,000 against Forest in the FA Cup 6 weeks earlier and a crowd of over 30,000 against Newcastle a week after Wimbledon.
The DAY BEFORE that Wimbledon 'crowd' we had a home match in DIVISION 2 against Crystal Palace and our crowd was 33,456.
Lies, damned lies and stats or the fookin truth. Don't believe them rag bell ends. They'll tell you we had a crowd of 3,500 against Mansfield in the AWT. Tell them to go and fook themselves and check the time when they had LEAGUE CROWDS of 3000. Twats.
A couple of seasons before that, United played Torpedo Moscow in a UEFA Cup tie at Old Trafford. The Stretford End was being converted to all seater at the time and the capacity was around 30,000. Attendance? An absolutely massive 19,998!

League match BEFORE Torpedo Moscow? QPR. 33,278
League match AFTER Torpedo Moscow? Liverpool 33,243
(Torpedo Moscow. Gary Neville's European debut to boot)


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