Avaricious online Ticket Agencies. How do they get hold of so many?

I think some supporters need a reality check.
The Club is a business.
They are not interested in individual fans whose claim to fame is they have not missed a match since Jesus was a lad.
We are all economic units, loyalty counts for nothing.
As far as the Club is concerned if your not happy, step aside , move along, plenty more ready to take your place.
I think some supporters need a reality check.
The Club is a business.
They are not interested in individual fans whose claim to fame is they have not missed a match since Jesus was a lad.
We are all economic units, loyalty counts for nothing.
As far as the Club is concerned if your not happy, step aside , move along, plenty more ready to take your place.

We may as well scrap the loyalty point system as well. I don’t agree with your point about plenty more ready to take your place. There’s been plenty of games in the champions league in particular, Wembley where don’t sell out. We still rely on our core fan base for most games. It’s the bigger games like Madrid where this is a problem.

We aren’t United or Liverpool. If all season ticket holders suddenly stopped going we aren’t instantly replacing them
Hypothetically, if a person/agency wanted a block of, say 1,000 tickets and bought them, might that come with caveats, say a Cup Scheme requirement? If so, might the Agency demand a decent Cup Scheme allocation in advance?

These types of risk/reward relationships are found in every business, none more so than “Loyalty Rewards Programs” like Airline Credit Cards through major financial institutions. Bank card company buys 100,000,000 miles at a few cents per mile, dishes them out for $$$ spent on that credit card and the airline gives them inflight bennies on behalf of the bank card for having bought the miles upfront!

It’s the corporate equivalent of “mates rates” and always having access to even the busiest business because of your relationship with them. Everyone has to have somewhere where they can go and get treated better than the average punter! I just ordered some ribs from my usual place (4 racks) and the lady said “Just the ribs this time, not beans, slaw or extra sauce?” meaning the “meal.” Got home and there were 5 racks in the foil pan! Went again shortly thereafter and thanked her. She just smiled. She “won” because I went back again well in advance of a normal return visit and spent far more than the wholesale on 1 rack of ribs, which she buys by the pallet!!!

City vs XYZ is a loss leader for the Agency because they have access to the City vs ABC Superstars games that make the $$$.

It’s just business, just like the FA or UEFA only handing out a small handful of tickets to the actual fans of each team for their showpiece events. Where do the other tickets go and how do many of them eventually get into the hands of actual fans of the teams???
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I don’t accept the tourist thing at all, nor the ‘proper legacy fan’ stuff either, it’s a diversion,it’s just a catch all label thrown around. Yes we will attract more people that just come for the one game, but it hardly impacts on S/C holders plus match day regulars that make up the vast majority of attendances with most tickets sold before the season even starts.
Maybe there are a few more for C/L games but only because a fair few S/C holders don’t do cup or mid weeks.
Yes the question of these agencies is valid, and may or may not be anything to do with the club, but it needs stopping whether it’s the club or the government that need to do it I don’t know and won’t know until I know more about it.
I doubt you go to games if you think that .
We may as well scrap the loyalty point system as well. I don’t agree with your point about plenty more ready to take your place. There’s been plenty of games in the champions league in particular, Wembley where don’t sell out. We still rely on our core fan base for most games. It’s the bigger games like Madrid where this is a problem.

We aren’t United or Liverpool. If all season ticket holders suddenly stopped going we aren’t instantly replacing them
But you know and I know all season tickets holders won’t suddenly stop going. A lot have been through the shit times,so they are not going to suddenly stop going in the good times are they. Loyalty points count for very little. The Club will always sort out who it considers its priorities are ahead of fan loyalty. That was part of the issue for me not going to the FA semi final. I knew that there is no chance of getting a final ticket because all the has beens, friends of friends etc will be at the front of the queue. If they get to the Champions League final I know I am guaranteed to get two tickets if I am prepared to pay dearly for them at inflated prices. Those with many points have to get in a queue and hope for the best. Loyalty is way down the Clubs priority list. It’s the way of the world I am afraid, money talks.
The amount of half/half scarves on show in our end against arsenal was sickening, tourists 100%, they’re getting tickets from somewhere?? dreading the madrid game for that reason only, disgusting how city have treated us loyal fans :-/
Why do people keep saying the tourist are getting tickets from somewhere.
They are getting them legitimately through ticket and travel companies who have been supplied with tickets by MANCHESTER CITY FOOTBALL CLUB.

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