Avoiding traffic is more important than city

Late arrives, people who go for a piss, half time drinkers, late back for 2nd half, early leavers.

Why just pick on the early leavers?

Some missed 2 goals today because a pint was needed. Where is the criticism for them?
I do what I always do and make my way down to the exits when injury time is announced and then make a quick dart at the final whistle.
Have to say there were an awful lot in EL3 who started leaving on 80/85 today, a lot more than normal, but I really can't find it in me to get pissed off about it. The fact that they're at the game in the first place is good enough for me.
Same boring thread every week.. Pays your money do what you want ...and no I didn't go early !
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Late arrives, people who go for a piss, half time drinkers, late back for 2nd half, early leavers.

Why just pick on the early leavers?

Some missed 2 goals today because a pint was needed. Where is the criticism for them?

The truth here is the club could not give a single fuck about any empty seats as they have all been paid for and during the game, if its empty, the chances are those people are busy spending money.

Football as we once knew it is finished forever and its all about the "experience" nowadays.
Maybe the club should consider bringing in those 'guards' that fairground ride rollercoasters have , where they can 'clamp' you in your seat and release all the lot of them at the same time once injury time has passed !

A bit like those on that specsavers old couple advert , where they're scoffin' cheese sarnies!

If the club sorted there car parks out, and the local constabulary stopped turning the lights onto red for an hour on Alan Turing Way before the final whistle has ended this may prevent a lot of people wanting to get away.
mcfc ctid said:
If the club sorted there car parks out, and the local constabulary stopped turning the lights onto red for an hour on Alan Turing Way before the final whistle has ended this may prevent a lot of people wanting to get away.

Not rocket science is it mate?
Lmarkham-blueblood said:
And what do they do it for? To cut off 10 minutes of being stuck in a traffic jam.
Rant over

If only it was just 10 minutes. Try 30 mins (40 mins for some games) and you'd be nearer the mark. All thanks to GM Plod and the traffic control which does NOTHING to aid people getting away from the game.

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