I answer these sort of questions all the time mate and I can see both sides of it.
It’s not just Wembley though is it. Nine Aways have gone to general sale this season. My mate reckons it’s 10. Our biggest demand away games are the rags, Liverpool (at weekends), Burnley and Huddersfield (and maybe Fulham). Anyone can get to the rest of the games if they have been a regular season ticket holder and gone to aways with minimal points. Huddersfield, Burnley and Fulham might get relegated meaning that calls for radical reform of the ticket allocation system is based on 2 or 3 or possibly 4 League games per season. I think improvements are needed but there is a danger of taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
I also think there are bigger priorities for City Matters like addressing the organised touting for home games by ticket agencies.