Back pain/sciatica

Finally after 9 months yesterday I got my back operated on, a microdisectomy and lumbar decompression, laid in bed at the moment thank fuck for the NHS. L3/4 disc shaved and bone fragments sucked out, hope to get up and about tomorrow the wife keeps bollocking me to stay in bed. Touch wood everything seems to have gone well I’ve no pain at all in my leg now but the proof will come once I start getting around.
Only bad news is that my two lowest discs are slightly out not enough to to touch a nerve so she wouldn’t touch them but I have to be careful now in the future. She reckons it came from the job and the crap we have to carry around etc, bouncing round in the back of the pump wouldn’t help either.
Anyway I’m hopeful I can get back fit just by walking the dog no bloody weights or anything for me now, slow and steady from now on.
Take care of your backs (and knees) no matter how young you are.
Hope revovery goes well Blue.
Finally after 9 months yesterday I got my back operated on, a microdisectomy and lumbar decompression, laid in bed at the moment thank fuck for the NHS. L3/4 disc shaved and bone fragments sucked out, hope to get up and about tomorrow the wife keeps bollocking me to stay in bed. Touch wood everything seems to have gone well I’ve no pain at all in my leg now but the proof will come once I start getting around.
Only bad news is that my two lowest discs are slightly out not enough to to touch a nerve so she wouldn’t touch them but I have to be careful now in the future. She reckons it came from the job and the crap we have to carry around etc, bouncing round in the back of the pump wouldn’t help either.
Anyway I’m hopeful I can get back fit just by walking the dog no bloody weights or anything for me now, slow and steady from now on.
Take care of your backs (and knees) no matter how young you are.
Great news and I hope you make a completely pain free recovery.
Anybody aware of an American Physical Therapist called Dean Volk?
He specialises in Sciatica and Piriformis Syndrome and for the last 10 years or so has been working on a unique technique to balance out the body by avoiding stretching the bad side.
The good side is stretched for 2 sets of 10-20 x 2 sets for various different areas of stretch and then compared to 1stretch on the bad side of each exercise. It’s a long patient process but the idea is that the bad side will improve mobility over time to balance that part of the body and reduce pain.
He claims that as a PT in his earlier career doing all the standard stretches he achieved less than 10% success but since the change to concentrating on the good side he is seeing upwards of 50% success.
It makes sense that digging into a damaged muscle/tissue is unlikely to do it any good.
In my experience with massage on the bad side, the relief is only very short term and the pain is back s normal as l the next day.
I have tried Physio, Chiro,Osteo, MRI Scans, Ultrasound Scans, Nerve Block Injections, CBD Oil, New Mattresses, Heat, Ice and Bowen Therapy all to no avail plus prescription medicine which helps a bit.
Anybody aware of an American Physical Therapist called Dean Volk?
He specialises in Sciatica and Piriformis Syndrome and for the last 10 years or so has been working on a unique technique to balance out the body by avoiding stretching the bad side.
The good side is stretched for 2 sets of 10-20 x 2 sets for various different areas of stretch and then compared to 1stretch on the bad side of each exercise. It’s a long patient process but the idea is that the bad side will improve mobility over time to balance that part of the body and reduce pain.
He claims that as a PT in his earlier career doing all the standard stretches he achieved less than 10% success but since the change to concentrating on the good side he is seeing upwards of 50% success.
It makes sense that digging into a damaged muscle/tissue is unlikely to do it any good.
In my experience with massage on the bad side, the relief is only very short term and the pain is back s normal as l the next day.
I have tried Physio, Chiro,Osteo, MRI Scans, Ultrasound Scans, Nerve Block Injections, CBD Oil, New Mattresses, Heat, Ice and Bowen Therapy all to no avail plus prescription medicine which helps a bit.
I started a thread on this a while back but the mods were convinced it was a wind up and actually deleted it. I highly recommend finding someone in your area that does this. It’s an initial course of ten sessions and I go in at least once a month for ‘maintenance’ I can’t imagine not doing it anymore
Since my operation the sciatica is gone to be replaced by twinges and niggles and spasms, I put this down to zero core strength and the fact they cut through my muscle and shaved my bone, after 10 weeks I’ve now slowly started to do strengthening exercises for the core, going to take time to get where I want to be. I’ve done walking everyday with the dog, again I’ll step up distances now. I don’t think I’ll ever get back to worlds strongest man, but as long as I can walk the dog, do stuff round the house and be relatively pain free I’ll take that.
Special massages are also good for that. When the pain becomes very strong, don't leave it but take some painkillers instead. There are some light ones (check on canadian pharmacy online about those) which will not have any negative effect on your body and you will feel much better very soon.
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I started a thread on this a while back but the mods were convinced it was a wind up and actually deleted it. I highly recommend finding someone in your area that does this. It’s an initial course of ten sessions and I go in at least once a month for ‘maintenance’ I can’t imagine not doing it anymore

Is it possible to feel sciatica purely in the hamstring area ?
Had trouble for approx 8 months , thought it may be down to driving for a living and pressure of changing gear regularly
Been to a chiropractor and had an ultrasound on hamstrings , nothing showing up.
Did bit of a workout and yoga yesterday and it’s flared up a bit , it’s not painful more a tingle purely in the hamstring
Is it possible to feel sciatica purely in the hamstring area ?
Had trouble for approx 8 months , thought it may be down to driving for a living and pressure of changing gear regularly
Been to a chiropractor and had an ultrasound on hamstrings , nothing showing up.
Did bit of a workout and yoga yesterday and it’s flared up a bit , it’s not painful more a tingle purely in the hamstring
The sciatic nerve runs down the length of the leg, when I had my problems it could be anywhere or everywhere pal. Sone of the best pain relief exercise I did was lie flat on your back, draw your knees up and rock them side to side touching the floor it’s eased mine a bit.

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