Backlash Sunday

cleavers said:
oakiecokie said:
Bloody hell trust you to spoil the party ! lol
I know, but it really only merited the one rant, if we win on Sunday I might un ban the knob, just for the novelty value. Some (not all) arsenal fans are class A tossers, this one must be very close to the top of class A.

one rant wonders.

and a high possibility he`s never actually been to arsenal`s ground, never mind watching them away.
cleavers said:
I wish we were playing Saturday.

If all the others have won by the time we play (quite likely looking at the fixtures), it will add immense pressure on our game. Arsenal like Chelsea simply have to win, a defeat will boot them out of the title race. We may bounce back, but I'm certainly not confident we'll hammer them.

I don't think the rags at QPR is a gimme?
I'm not as confident as the OP. Zab v Walcott on the counter-attack is giving me nightmares.
1_barry_conlon said:
cityhater said:
you fucking arrogant cunts, have a listen to you lot oh were gonna batter arsenal bla bla, shut the fuck up, your overpaid players are all in it for the money isnt that great, a club which players are playing just for the money not actually wearing their hearts on their shirts hahahah, gooses, isnt this a nice pattern?
Man city:

16th in 2003/04
8th in 2004/05
15th in 2005/06
14th in 2006/07
9th in 2007/08
10th in 2008/09
5th in 2009/10
3rd in 2010/11


1st in 2003/04
2nd in 2004/05
4th in 2005/06
4th in 2006/07
3rd in 2007/08
4th in 2008/09
3rd in 2009/10
4th in 2010/11

notice how you came 5th in 2009/10? thats when the arab cunts took over, and thats also when you started supporting your team :) i cant wait to see the comments if we beat your lot, oh we should sell dzeko, oh nasri needs to leave, oh lescott needs to go hahah cant wait, GO GUNNERS, FUCK YOU ARROGANT MUGS

I may be off the mark here but i'm not sensing any luuuuurve from our Gooner friend with this post?

I suggest you take your aggression out on Kroenke/Usmanov to see if they can throw some small change your way so you can invest in a team instead of statues outside the ground. RVP's shoulders must be hurting by now carrying the rest of the arsewipes?

And i've updated your table for accuracy. ;)
Awww, diddums. It must really hurt seeing those 6 years of finishing 3rd or 4th best in the league - especially as City are now 1 place above you. Pity you could never make it to 1st or 2nd or even get any trophy over those years. Enjoy your scrap for 4th place again this season, you never know, if you're lucky you may get a guaranteed Europa League spot. :D
One Zab tackle, another from GazBaz, and a boot up the arse from Lescott for good measure and Walcott will be off home sharpish!
Le Arse can't help but go at teams and play open , expansive football, it is in their nature. That will suit us down to a tee. So many teams come to us and sit back and it takes us a while to get through. But with Arsenal, they need to realise that when they attack, we will counter and do it much more effectively. Even if they did try and sit back, I don't think they would hold out for too long due to the fact their defence is a bit shaky. Mertesacker is slow as fook, and they have 2 centre halves playing at full back. They will be scared of us , but we can't write them off, they have some very good footballers and a world class one in the form of RVP. They are there for the taking, as is every team, but I agree with there being a chance of a backlash on Sunday , our boys will be up for it no doubt
Arsenil wankers have got istree you see even if they've won fuck all for so long now lol. They sound like whinging scousers. All those rich sugar daddies and they won't spend a bean pmsl

Can't wait for this game. Lets have it!
city hater, and what did you actually win last year,oh yeh,the league cup.. on sorry the mighty brum beat you to that one,or was it the fa cup,oh no hold on a minute,THAT WAS FUCKING had better get use to us winningtrophy after trophy in the next half of your life.have you ever been to agame you southern wanker ?
bluemoondays said:
1_barry_conlon said:
cityhater said:
you fucking arrogant cunts, have a listen to you lot oh were gonna batter arsenal bla bla, shut the fuck up, your overpaid players are all in it for the money isnt that great, a club which players are playing just for the money not actually wearing their hearts on their shirts hahahah, gooses, isnt this a nice pattern?
Man city:

16th in 2003/04
8th in 2004/05
15th in 2005/06
14th in 2006/07
9th in 2007/08
10th in 2008/09
5th in 2009/10
3rd in 2010/11


1st in 2003/04
2nd in 2004/05
4th in 2005/06
4th in 2006/07
3rd in 2007/08
4th in 2008/09
3rd in 2009/10
4th in 2010/11

notice how you came 5th in 2009/10? thats when the arab cunts took over, and thats also when you started supporting your team :) i cant wait to see the comments if we beat your lot, oh we should sell dzeko, oh nasri needs to leave, oh lescott needs to go hahah cant wait, GO GUNNERS, FUCK YOU ARROGANT MUGS

well i think he's got a point..... they haven't won the fucker for 7 years... coz they're shite !!! hahaha mugs!
when the arab cunts took over

whereas you've got a russian mafia boss and lady fucking cunting muck as part of your ownership but they prefer not to spend money on your pile of shit you racist arse wanker

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