Baconchops in the Mirror!

Sigh said:
The sooner he shuffles off this mortal coil the better for football and sport journalists. Everything he says impugns someone's integrity. He's always done it, and he cannot change.

It'll be interesting when he does croak, if only to hear what the cowards of the press really thought about him.
Blue Tooth said:
So effectively he is saying that once Utd have finished playing we should all stop and give them the title....fucking unbelievable...but listen up Fergie...your time is up...quit now before it get's really better still....stick around...fuck it up a few more times...get bitter and twisted and all mangled up inside as City continue to win and show class in the process whlst you foam at the mouth and spout shite......the media will turn soon you old pisscan...they won't take your shit much longer...knives are being drawn sir baconchops as we speak...soon we will be looking at the relic of a once great manager who didn't know it was his time to go and all you will be remembered for is hanging on for 3 or 4 years too many...weren't you building a team to take on Barca this season??...fucked that up quite a bit too didn't you...City will build and be stronger...your Nemesis has arrived and his name is Mancini...fear him Fergie...he's got your number...he will be your end.

It won't take that long. When the cloak of invincibility has gone, the press will act like the pack of wolves they are and rip him to shreds. You just wait and see :)

BTH said:
Sigh said:
The sooner he shuffles off this mortal coil the better for football and sport journalists. Everything he says impugns someone's integrity. He's always done it, and he cannot change.

It'll be interesting when he does croak, if only to hear what the cowards of the press really thought about him.
I wa really hoping that this bitter old wino had died on the touch line after he heard we had won! oh well, maybe we can finish him off next season.
Another double over them, another title win, and that could do it for the old codger. However expect Shakin' Bacon to be even more motivated than usual next season, with his bully and intimidation tactics towards referees at an all-time high, his players diving/whining/screaming/abusing even more than usual, and any underhand tactic his mind can conjure carried out on the pitch, so we must also improve more.
Hahaha JELLY AND ICE CREAM,tick tock tock tock!
Really he has no class does he,can you imagine if the Mackems had a man sent off and the circus that followed plus 2 goals and as he stated 1 1/2 minutes for each goal celebration plus subs! He would have been begging for 9 minutes added on at least.
The guy is as classless in defeat as he was in victory!

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