Balkan Boys Too Easy A Target

brian the blue said:
I'm sorry, but right now Kolarov is playing much better than Clichy. They're both pretty poor defensively but at least Kolarov provides a genuine threat offensively.

Just because Clichy is quick doesn't mean he's better. He is a very poor crosser and other than his pace, the only thing he has over Kolarov is that he's slightly more composed on the ball, but then again, he never really tries anything adventurous with it.

With regards to Dzeko, his goalscoring has been fine, but his overall play hasn't. Admitted, he is an easy target, as, as soon as he makes one mistake people note it. A prime example would be at a game: Dzeko loses the ball - "for fucks sake Dzeko, get hold of it" which after a few more times "he's a fucking donkey/cart-horse". Whereas if say Aguero loses the ball you wouldn't hear anything or would hear a "come on Serge, get it under control" kind of thing, and if it continues it'd just be accepted he had an off day.

Although Dzeko does have an off-day more often that any other striker, I do feel the atmosphere within the crowd/the team itself adds the pressure on him not to fuck up. Not the rotation.
Best post I've read in a while.
All three were failed mancini signings that he does not know how to utilize properly...savic has an advantage of being young and still has time to develop, although the other two are not that old either
Sky Blue said:
de niro said:
Sky Blue said:
Over-reaction or what....childish and untrue comment.

let me clear something up, i have defended both these players all season, i was desperate for the two of them to come here.

that said i have been lucky enough to get to most games and see for myself that they are not playing anywhere near as good as they can, in fact kolarov has been fucking abysmal, now you can deny all you like out of misguided loyalty but i speak as i find and pains me to say it but they've been bobbins.
in mitigation for dzeko he has not had the run of games he deserves but once picked he should be making more of his oppotunity.

You rate Andy Carroll.....Edin or the big Geordie stump ? Hmmm tough one that.

Kolarov hasn't been abysmal (apart for 20 mins at home to Liverpool in the Cup where nothing went right)......I'm just glad he wasn't the one who failed to stop the cross for the goal yesterday (Clichy should have been racing over to intercept but just stood on the edge of the 18 yd box).....

Nothing to do with 'misguided loyalty'....I call it as I see too.

people posting that clichy has too been poor are mostly correct, two wrongs though don't make a right.

i do rate andy carroll but i rate edin much higher, his work ethic alone makes him twice the player carroll is, that doesn't mean he's not been shit cos he most definitely has. edin has his critics on here and most of it not, what he hasn't done is anything to address that attitude towards him. he will not get anywhere near the team if carlos comes back, his demeanor shows he know it.
de niro said:
Sky Blue said:
de niro said:
let me clear something up, i have defended both these players all season, i was desperate for the two of them to come here.

that said i have been lucky enough to get to most games and see for myself that they are not playing anywhere near as good as they can, in fact kolarov has been fucking abysmal, now you can deny all you like out of misguided loyalty but i speak as i find and pains me to say it but they've been bobbins.
in mitigation for dzeko he has not had the run of games he deserves but once picked he should be making more of his oppotunity.

You rate Andy Carroll.....Edin or the big Geordie stump ? Hmmm tough one that.

Kolarov hasn't been abysmal (apart for 20 mins at home to Liverpool in the Cup where nothing went right)......I'm just glad he wasn't the one who failed to stop the cross for the goal yesterday (Clichy should have been racing over to intercept but just stood on the edge of the 18 yd box).....

Nothing to do with 'misguided loyalty'....I call it as I see too.

people posting that clichy has too been poor are mostly correct, two wrongs though don't make a right.

i do rate andy carroll but i rate edin much higher, his work ethic alone makes him twice the player carroll is, that doesn't mean he's not been shit cos he most definitely has. edin has his critics on here and most of it not, what he hasn't done is anything to address that attitude towards him. he will not get anywhere near the team if carlos comes back, his demeanor shows he know it.

he could score four goals in the next match and have two assists to go with it but he would still be benched the next game as a part of the rotation...that's what he knows...

and that same "rotation" has burned up silva, and aguero, company got injured...
They make themselves an easy target for criticism due to their own inept performances, it has fuck all to do with where they're from.
No17 said:
All three were failed mancini signings that he does not know how to utilize properly...savic has an advantage of being young and still has time to develop, although the other two are not that old either

By what reasoning is Kolarov a failed signing?
cccc said:
No17 said:
All three were failed mancini signings that he does not know how to utilize properly...savic has an advantage of being young and still has time to develop, although the other two are not that old either

By what reasoning is Kolarov a failed signing?

he is his second choice left back...and by the fact that he hasn't used kolarov's skills to full extent same with dzeko...
cccc said:
No17 said:
All three were failed mancini signings that he does not know how to utilize properly...savic has an advantage of being young and still has time to develop, although the other two are not that old either

By what reasoning is Kolarov a failed signing?
Perhaps because he's a defender who can't defend?
Balkan boys, really?

Dzeko and Kola had nothing to do with yesterday, Savic had a disastrous giveaway that lost us the point we needed to stay above rags.

Let's not overcomplicate yesterday.
pudge said:
cccc said:
No17 said:
All three were failed mancini signings that he does not know how to utilize properly...savic has an advantage of being young and still has time to develop, although the other two are not that old either

By what reasoning is Kolarov a failed signing?
Perhaps because he's a defender who can't defend?

I swear everyone on here makes him seem like a pub player.

He might not be the most solid player at the back, but he's not as terrible as it's been made out.

I would say what he offers going forward makes up for some of the problems he defensively

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