Ballotelli doesnt like Manchester (Merged)

So what? It's hardly the nicest place on the planet is it? I moved away years ago because I didn't like it, although tbf the city has improved enormously in the last few years. But it's still not Tuscany is it?

I could wish he'd keep his mouth shut, but that's like wishing it would rain less in Manchester... Pointless and doomed to failure.

So long as he, and Tevez, perform on the pitch I couldn't really care less about off the cuff remarks made to assorted hacks who are just looking for a chance like this.

But the thing with Mario is that you never quite know when he's being serious.

"When seagulls follow the trawler it is because they expect fish..."
Re: Balotelli: "I do not like the City of Manchester."

80s Shorts said:
Plain Speaking said:
I understand he has been living in a City centre penthouse. Perhaps he would be better moving out to the leafy areas south of the City where most other footballers live. I have been told there are more millionaires living in parts of Cheshire than even the richest areas of London. Manchester city centre is an urban industrialised sprawl.
Did you notice the contrast in celebrations between Balotelli and Dzeko celebrating with his team mates after scoring. Balo didnt seem concerned we had won more silverware. It is concerning we may have 2 unhappy strikers on the books.

Rubbish. Who was it jumping on dzekos back when he scored. He seems to enjoy celebrating others goals rather than his own. Furthermore, who gives a shit about the Dublin "super" cup.
What is "rubbish"? There was a massive difference between the celebrations. Fellow players were very subdued as was Balo when he scored. Players dont know how to treat Balo because he is an enigma. Dzeko's goal was in complete contrast with all the team delighted running the length of the pitch to jump on his back and congratulate this "very popular" player. You are a WUM!
Re: Ballotelli doesnt like Manchester....

Muzza said:

Blimey...I don't like their kit.<br /><br />-- Mon Aug 01, 2011 1:42 pm --<br /><br />Can't blame him to be honest, Manchester is a tip.
Re: Ballotelli doesnt like Manchester....

jjeangi said:
Seriously, what 20 year old wouldn't miss the the city he's known his whole life where all of his relationships, friends, and birds are. How many of us expats WEREN'T homesick at first?
He's from Palermo in Sicily, not Milan!
Re: Ballotelli doesnt like Manchester....

danburge82 said:
jjeangi said:
Seriously, what 20 year old wouldn't miss the the city he's known his whole life where all of his relationships, friends, and birds are. How many of us expats WEREN'T homesick at first?
He's from Palermo in Sicily, not Milan!

He grew up in Brescia where his adoptive parents live, it's Brescia he mentions in the interview.
You'd think whatever ungodly amount it is he's earning a week would make his stay more bearable. This spoilt generation of pampered brats are extremely difficult to like.
also said he was very happy with the club, team mates and the manager, but the press will never lead with that will they.

what's not to love.
I don't get why this is causing so much publicity. He says he doesn't like Manchester as a city. So what? He comes from somewhere else, and has probably visited other cities and prefers them, he's entitled to his opinion. Balotelli obviously isn't going to look at Manchester through the eyes of a proud Mancunian, who has been brought up and raised there. The most important quote in the article; "I'm happy with the coach and within the team, but you can't have everything in life." Aslong as he's happy with the coach (Mancini), and the team, thats all that matters. Its natural for a young person living in another country to miss home.

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