Balotelli alleged "stamp" V Spurs

beehive_bob said:
Thought it was a stamp, but also thought he might get away with it due to inconclusive evidence as it looked quite different depending what angle you looked at it from. Think the decision is the right one.

How do the FA make their decisions? Is it a panel, and if so who sits on the panel? Do they consider it has to be "beyond all reasonable doubt"? As long as the FA aren't accountable to anyone and there's a lack of transparency in their decision-making process, we'll continue to have debates/outrage/paranoid thread-making.

Are you serious? Modric pushes him with such force that Modric doesn't move in those frames and Balo actually goes backwards (Mordic's direction) before stumbling forwards. Check Modric's body and even his arm. Then look at Balos' torso, which doesn't move, despite the "push". Give it a rest. This place is becoming more ike RAWK every minute.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -spotlight</a>

And on it goes.
Harry Redknapp – football’s biggest hypocrite?
Monday, January 23rd, 2012

Harry Redknapp, who spent most of last week aiming poisonous verbal darts in the direction of Manchester City manager, Roberto Mancini, last night went on live television to try to get the FA to take retrospective action against Mario Balotelli for an alleged stamp on Scott Parker during City’s dramatic win against Spurs.

Funny, I thought Harry was against managers trying to get players sent off, even retrospectively. After all, didn’t he criticise Mancini for waving imaginary cards from the touchline? But somehow it’s OK to try to get players sent off if you’re Harry Redknapp. What nauseating hypocrisy.

It wouldn’t be so bad if the alleged target of Balotelli’s heel hadn’t been the thuggish Parker, who spent most of the game chasing David Silva around, kicking lumps out of him. What about Parker, Harry? Should retrospective action be taken against him?

Of course not. Redknapp is national disgrace. Let’s hope the FA never see fit to appoint him as England manager.
Balotelli alleged "stamp" V Spurs

BillyShears said:
Rammy Blue said:
Of course I don't fella, just saying that with the media outcry it would be nice to get one that goes our way for a change.

You don't think he deliberately stamped on him? I'm surprised. Don't get me wrong, the last thing I want to see is Balo getting another ban - but for me he stamped on him. Both in slow motion and at normal speed it looks for all the world like he did it deliberately. Of course we'll never know what went through his head at that exact moment - but it's not like Mario isn't prone to lashing out, which is part of the problem.

Any ideas when the FA decide on whether they're going to charge him ?
I agree Billy.
cleavers said:
mike channon´s windmill said:
Did he not give a foul? If so he saw it!
Drop ball I think, if a foul had been given it would have been for Parkers challenge.
Yes think you´re right - the whole fookin world had to stop coz little Scotty Terrier the cockney yard dog was in his death throes after trying to maim Mario
Re: Balotelli alleged

mackenzie said:
BillyShears said:
Rammy Blue said:
Of course I don't fella, just saying that with the media outcry it would be nice to get one that goes our way for a change.

You don't think he deliberately stamped on him? I'm surprised. Don't get me wrong, the last thing I want to see is Balo getting another ban - but for me he stamped on him. Both in slow motion and at normal speed it looks for all the world like he did it deliberately. Of course we'll never know what went through his head at that exact moment - but it's not like Mario isn't prone to lashing out, which is part of the problem.

Any ideas when the FA decide on whether they're going to charge him ?
I agree Billy.

I agree, with every word too.
SWP's back said:
Comrade Buka said:
meldrew said:
What is Webb looking at then if he didn't see the incident, because skysports clearly just shown him looking straight at the incident!

Its a disgrace but we carry on, need to just say nothing and just keep working to bring that fucking league trophy to City!

It has been said Webb was looking at the ball, which is out of the picture to the right, in the gifs and images posted on here.
I agree but let's buy someone so we don't have to rely on Dzeko though.

lol. oh shit, here we go,<br /><br />-- Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:49 pm --<br /><br />
bluelol said:
Harry Redknapp – football’s biggest hypocrite?
Monday, January 23rd, 2012

Harry Redknapp, who spent most of last week aiming poisonous verbal darts in the direction of Manchester City manager, Roberto Mancini, last night went on live television to try to get the FA to take retrospective action against Mario Balotelli for an alleged stamp on Scott Parker during City’s dramatic win against Spurs.

Funny, I thought Harry was against managers trying to get players sent off, even retrospectively. After all, didn’t he criticise Mancini for waving imaginary cards from the touchline? But somehow it’s OK to try to get players sent off if you’re Harry Redknapp. What nauseating hypocrisy.

It wouldn’t be so bad if the alleged target of Balotelli’s heel hadn’t been the thuggish Parker, who spent most of the game chasing David Silva around, kicking lumps out of him. What about Parker, Harry? Should retrospective action be taken against him?

Of course not. Redknapp is national disgrace. Let’s hope the FA never see fit to appoint him as England manager.

Wheres this, not in the national press i presume.
blink922 said:
Everyone can agree that Balo is crazy. If Balo wanted to stomp on him, a.) let's be real, the stomp would have been worse and he would have made contact. There's absolutely no way to prove that there was malice in the foot coming down, especially when he was already off balance and then pushed by Modric. Slowed down and viewed from multiple angles (except the one that shows he didn't make any contact), it's made to look way worse than it actually is. Then Balo shows some b.) genuine concern for Parker: when has he ever done this before for ANY player? c.) If he meant to stomp him he wouldn't have given a shit, probably would have laughed and walked away. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if this was someone like Milner we wouldn't even be discussing it. d.) Once again, Balo's reputation gets in the way of the evidence.

Far too inconclusive for my liking. Maybe if the FA was more consistent I wouldn't have as big of a problem as I do with this decision, but as it stands, the charge is complete BS.

A. A bit like saying Muhammad Ali never missed a punch.

B. It could be argued Mario was well aware he was risking a red card, and showed "genuine concern" to get away with what he had done. His falling over like a sack of potatoes - acted out like a shite porn actor didn't really help him.

C. Is this to say that Mario is a bit bonkers? You make a solid case.

D. Perhaps it's time for Mario to stop being quite the anarchist?

Mario is like the boy who cried wolf. He has his own immaturity to thank for all this controversy. As stated in the FA ignored Lescott's elbow, which many thought was far worse than Mario's alleged stomp.

If Mario wants to be the anarchist kid with the WHY ALWAYS ME shirt, then by all means be anarchist and have people chuckle at his circus acts. But expect consequences.

You want to be the center of attention, expect center of attention scrutiny.

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