Balotelli Apology

Has Ivanovic apologised for punching that Wigan player yet? Has there been a media witch hunt for him openly punching player in the field of play? Has Rednapp come out and said that Ivanovic is a disgrace and an embarrassment to the club? Just take a step back, think what would have happened if Mario had actually punched a player, then a light will come on and you'll realise what is going on right now.

Come on Blues, can you please wake up and realise what the fuck is going on here. It's not Ferguson playing mind games, he now leaves it to his mates in the media. And from all the anti-Mario comments on a few threads on this Forum I can see that there is a sizable chunk of our fans who believe every fucking word of it. Come on, get behind the lad - siege mentallity.
UUBlue said:
I don't believe he has let the manager down. I think Mancini left him on the pitch deliberately hoping he would get sent off. Mancini has lost patience with the boy. What better outcome for Mancini than to watch his prodigy get sent off yet again, so that Balotelli becomes the focus of everyone's anger, and the scapegoat to boot.

How many people are talking about Mancini's management or tactics at the moment? Very few. How many people are blaming Balotelli for losing us the league? Very many. It suits Mancini that someone else is to blame for our failures.

Balotelli therefore has to go. It's the only way Mancini can save face, and possibly his job. Plus, what top professional would want to come to a club where there is this character liable to get sent off and cost his team games, when they want to win trophies. You can see how players have lost patience with him. I think they have had enough of the side-show, and they want to knuckle down and win games and trophies without the added distractions. I'm fed up of it all too, and I suspect the majority of City fans are.

This. I have posted something similar in other thread. It was so obvious what was Mancini doing you can´t call it conspiracy. He is pulling his last straws.
malg said:
Has Ivanovic apologised for punching that Wigan player yet? Has there been a media witch hunt for him openly punching player in the field of play? Has Rednapp come out and said that Ivanovic is a disgrace and an embarrassment to the club? Just take a step back, think what would have happened if Mario had actually punched a player, then a light will come on and you'll realise what is going on right now.

Come on Blues, can you please wake up and realise what the fuck is going on here. It's not Ferguson playing mind games, he now leaves it to his mates in the media. And from all the anti-Mario comments on a few threads on this Forum I can see that there is a sizable chunk of our fans who believe every fucking word of it. Come on, get behind the lad - siege mentallity.
So; it's the media's fault that he collects red cards like people collect stamps? Riiight.
its nice to see all the people that hate us with a passion telling us who to play and who we should get rid of.

if its not balotelli getting the continual re-runs of the foul, it`s lescott, kompany, de jong, clichy, or adam johnson going down easily for a pen.

we`ve all see much worse this season, the only difference is when its a city player.

some of you lot need to wise up and fast, we are hated by the media, we are not united with that loverly man paul scholes who`s not dirty he`s just not a good tackler. giggs the family man.
He_aint_Klotz said:
UUBlue said:
I don't believe he has let the manager down. I think Mancini left him on the pitch deliberately hoping he would get sent off. Mancini has lost patience with the boy. What better outcome for Mancini than to watch his prodigy get sent off yet again, so that Balotelli becomes the focus of everyone's anger, and the scapegoat to boot.

How many people are talking about Mancini's management or tactics at the moment? Very few. How many people are blaming Balotelli for losing us the league? Very many. It suits Mancini that someone else is to blame for our failures.

Balotelli therefore has to go. It's the only way Mancini can save face, and possibly his job. Plus, what top professional would want to come to a club where there is this character liable to get sent off and cost his team games, when they want to win trophies. You can see how players have lost patience with him. I think they have had enough of the side-show, and they want to knuckle down and win games and trophies without the added distractions. I'm fed up of it all too, and I suspect the majority of City fans are.

This. I have posted something similar in other thread. It was so obvious what was Mancini doing you can´t call it conspiracy. He is pulling his last straws.

It was so obvious what was going to happen that it immediately crossed my mind that Mancini was setting him up for a fall. I'm not sure which is worse anyway, the idea that Mancini would leave him on to deliberately see him get sent off or Mancini continually picking him despite the fact that it was obvious to almost everyone that Mario did not have the mental capacity to deal with the run in and to leave him on the pitch on Sunday not realising he was going to get a red at some point when everyone else in the universe could see it was inevitable. Either way it was just embarrassingly, unforgivably poor management. I know it isn't the popular view but I actually feel considerable sympathy for Mario at the moment (well as much sympathy as you can have for a multi millionaire footballer who behaves like a dick). IMO Balotelli needed taking out of the firing line several weeks ago for the good of the club, the title run in and indeed Mario himself. He's only 21 and to some extent has an excuse for his fuck-witted behaviour. I'm not sure what Mancini's excuse is for his behaviour in all this.
Lancet Fluke said:
He_aint_Klotz said:
UUBlue said:
I don't believe he has let the manager down. I think Mancini left him on the pitch deliberately hoping he would get sent off. Mancini has lost patience with the boy. What better outcome for Mancini than to watch his prodigy get sent off yet again, so that Balotelli becomes the focus of everyone's anger, and the scapegoat to boot.

How many people are talking about Mancini's management or tactics at the moment? Very few. How many people are blaming Balotelli for losing us the league? Very many. It suits Mancini that someone else is to blame for our failures.

Balotelli therefore has to go. It's the only way Mancini can save face, and possibly his job. Plus, what top professional would want to come to a club where there is this character liable to get sent off and cost his team games, when they want to win trophies. You can see how players have lost patience with him. I think they have had enough of the side-show, and they want to knuckle down and win games and trophies without the added distractions. I'm fed up of it all too, and I suspect the majority of City fans are.

This. I have posted something similar in other thread. It was so obvious what was Mancini doing you can´t call it conspiracy. He is pulling his last straws.

It was so obvious what was going to happen that it immediately crossed my mind that Mancini was setting him up for a fall. I'm not sure which is worse anyway, the idea that Mancini would leave him on to deliberately see him get sent off or Mancini continually picking him despite the fact that it was obvious to almost everyone that Mario did not have the mental capacity to deal with the run in and to leave him on the pitch on Sunday not realising he was going to get a red at some point when everyone else in the universe could see it was inevitable. Either way it was just embarrassingly, unforgivably poor management. I know it isn't the popular view but I actually feel considerable sympathy for Mario at the moment (well as much sympathy as you can have for a multi millionaire footballer who behaves like a dick). IMO Balotelli needed taking out of the firing line several weeks ago for the good of the club, the title run in and indeed Mario himself. He's only 21 and to some extent has an excuse for his fuck-witted behaviour. I'm not sure what Mancini's excuse is for his behaviour in all this.
That pretty much sums it all up perfectly. The worrying thing for Balotelli is that if Mancini really is the only one who can get the best out of him then he is fucked. He may as well hang up his boots right now, because from the outside it looks like neither of them have any idea whatsoever what's going on in the other's head.
Mancini cost Balotelli and MCFC. The manager has lost the plot. What must the other players be thinking?

I'll be disappointed if Mancini is not fired by WBA

I don't care about Balotelli any more.
Dubai Blue said:
Lancet Fluke said:
He_aint_Klotz said:
This. I have posted something similar in other thread. It was so obvious what was Mancini doing you can´t call it conspiracy. He is pulling his last straws.

It was so obvious what was going to happen that it immediately crossed my mind that Mancini was setting him up for a fall. I'm not sure which is worse anyway, the idea that Mancini would leave him on to deliberately see him get sent off or Mancini continually picking him despite the fact that it was obvious to almost everyone that Mario did not have the mental capacity to deal with the run in and to leave him on the pitch on Sunday not realising he was going to get a red at some point when everyone else in the universe could see it was inevitable. Either way it was just embarrassingly, unforgivably poor management. I know it isn't the popular view but I actually feel considerable sympathy for Mario at the moment (well as much sympathy as you can have for a multi millionaire footballer who behaves like a dick). IMO Balotelli needed taking out of the firing line several weeks ago for the good of the club, the title run in and indeed Mario himself. He's only 21 and to some extent has an excuse for his fuck-witted behaviour. I'm not sure what Mancini's excuse is for his behaviour in all this.
That pretty much sums it all up perfectly. The worrying thing for Balotelli is that if Mancini is really the only one who can get the best out of him then he is fucked. He may as well hang up his boots right now, because from the outside it looks like neither of them have any idea whatsoever what's going on in the other's head.

I know Ritalin is a stimulant but I wonder whether a footballer could get some kind of special dispensation from FIFA to use it and carry on playing if it was required on medical grounds?

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