Balotelli: being a " character" is not enough (merged)

Re: Where do you stand?

I was unconvinced about him on his debut at Wolves , and , despite a few goals in between , i remain unconvinced about him ..... that's my stance on Balotelli right now .. 'unconvinced'!
Re: being a " character" is not enough

There's no doubt that Balotelli is improving match by match. His effort and on-field behaviour are a lot better than he showed on his, shall we say interesting, debut.
My old Man can't say a good thing about him, but he does read the Mail so i'll let him off. I also let him off because there's no doubt that Mario does, at times, stamp around like a spoilt brat. And once seen it's hard to forget, or forgive.
On the other side of the coin is the Mario who moves across the pitch effortlessly, has a burning desire to score and loves to upset the opposition defenders with his runs, unpredictability and general ability to piss them off.

One day, Mario Balotelli could turn out to be a deadly centre forward who's worshipped by the Blue Army. I can only hope it happens before he's hounded out of England by a bitter media hell bent on fucking him up.
grrrrrrrrrrrr post got lost in the merge!!!!!!!!!! anyway mario has been about as effectual as adam johnson in the past few games yet there arn't 3-4 threads dedicated to how poor AJ has been, it just seems that people have some sort of issue with mario and no matter what he does he will always get shit off them.
bammy blue said:
grrrrrrrrrrrr post got lost in the merge!!!!!!!!!! anyway mario has been about as effectual as adam johnson in the past few games yet there arn't 3-4 threads dedicated to how poor AJ has been, it just seems that people have some sort of issue with mario and no matter what he does he will always get shit off them.

The difference with AJ is that people have never lauded him as some sort of second coming....
FantasyIreland said:
bammy blue said:
grrrrrrrrrrrr post got lost in the merge!!!!!!!!!! anyway mario has been about as effectual as adam johnson in the past few games yet there arn't 3-4 threads dedicated to how poor AJ has been, it just seems that people have some sort of issue with mario and no matter what he does he will always get shit off them.

The difference with AJ is that people have never lauded him as some sort of second coming....
... did you type that with a straight face?
As he was getting substituted yesterday I hoped that he would acknowledge the crowds ovation, but he didn't and then I thought it doesn't bother me and if you do the business on the pitch and win us trophies I don't care.

He has been ok in the last few games and I feel he could still turn into a city legend.
We are fourth and in a cup final so life is pretty good at the moment.<br /><br />-- Mon May 02, 2011 3:09 pm --<br /><br />As he was getting substituted yesterday I hoped that he would acknowledge the crowds ovation, but he didn't and then I thought it doesn't bother me and if you do the business on the pitch and win us trophies I don't care.

He has been ok in the last few games and I feel he could still turn into a city legend.
We are fourth and in a cup final so life is pretty good at the moment.

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