Balotelli: being a " character" is not enough (merged)

Re: being a " character" is not enough

Corky1970 - Seriously mate, what more do you want from Balotelli?

While I accept that he doesn't go charging around like Tevez, which strikers do? From memory I can't remember Tevez' closing down ever resulting in everything other than wasted energy (excluding the Barry goal at The Swamp).

Balotelli yesterday, at Blackburn and also in the Semi-Final worked his arse off and for you to say he's "not fit to wear the shirt", quite frankly makes you sir look like a penis. Maybe if you understood the game you would realise all the work he does off the ball, making runs in behind the opposition defence, making himself available to link up play in midfield, making runs to draw opposition defenders out of position. Mario's runs just aren't being picked out by our midfield at the moment because Toure, Barry and De Jong all look for the easy ball rather than the defence splitting passes Silva may be able to provide if he played in a more central position. Even defensively he is better than most strikers, by cutting off easy options for defenders to play the ball into midfield he even made Vidic and Ferdinand resort to lumping it which gives us far more chance of winning back possession than charging around like a headless chicken. The tactics we play means that Tevez' harrying and closing down usually result in nothing because the rest of the team don't back him up, if we played a Barcelona style "win it back in 6 seconds" and Mario stood there and didn't close down then I could understand your argument but we don't. When we lose possession we get back into a compact formation as soon as possible and contain the opposition attacks, that's not Balotelli's decision, he is told to drop off and stop the easy ball into midfield. Tevez sometimes goes on a one man mission to win the ball back but it's very rarely effective even if the fans (me included) love it, the simple fact is that Mancini sets the side out to be disciplined and Tevez plays with his heart rather than his head, sometimes to the detriment of the team.
Re: being a " character" is not enough

fatbloke said:
The OP is disgusting and completely completely ridiculous.

Balotelli ran his arse off today, he made run after run after run and if anyone knows the game you could see him dropping back into midfield all the time to prevent West Ham playing an easy ball. His problem today was that our midfield was so pedestrian and slow after that first 20 minutes that no one gave him the fucking ball. Silva would be absolutely ideal to play just behind Mario but including Toure, Barry and De Jong means he spends most of his time coming in from the left. Balotelli was very unlucky with the one that crashed against the bar and with the second one I think he was trying to make too sure by rolling it in the corner when he should have just fucking plastered it through the defenders. All in all it was a very complete display from Super Mario, just missing a goal but that will come. To play as a lone striker for a potential Top 4 club (fingers crossed) as a 20 year old in his first season in the Premiership is some going whether he cost £24m or 24p. People who think Mario is lazy need to watch him more closely, his movement is incredible.

What he said.
Re: being a " character" is not enough

Lucky13 said:
Chick Counterfly said:
It's not simulation if it happened. Both times he was actually caught by an elbow/arm in the face. Against Blackburn the elbow caught him square on the chin. Today it was a flailing arm in the face. We've had players sent off for that.

Re: Where do you stand?

Mario brings an unpredictability to a game of football. He finds the game, the techniques, the ball skills as easy as the rest of us find breathing (smokers apart!). He is a non-conformist amidst a world where people demand conformity.

He has been unlucky on the field since he came. Has anyone at MCFC hit the woodwork more?

The more he trains with the squad, the more they get to 'understand' him, the greater the footballing asset he will become.

Some managers, chairman and football clubs wouldn't touch him with a bargepole but Mancini has done a much better job with him than Mourinho did, and that tells us a lot about how talented a manager we have.

Mario will blossom next season. I have little doubt but we should offer a little support to him, despite any shenanigans off the pitch.

He is the type of player that frightens the crap out of defenders, and I, for one, love the mischievous glint in his eye.

Lose Balotelli and we'll never get anyone anywhere near his talents.
Re: being a " character" is not enough

fatbloke said:
Corky1970 - Seriously mate, what more do you want from Balotelli?

While I accept that he doesn't go charging around like Tevez, which strikers do? From memory I can't remember Tevez's closing down ever resulting in everything other than wasted energy (excluding the Barry goal at The Swamp).

Balotelli yesterday, at Blackburn and also in the Semi-Final worked his arse off and for you to say he's "not fit to wear the shirt", quite frankly makes you sir look like a penis. Maybe if you understood the game you would realise all the work he does off the ball, making runs in behind the opposition defence, making himself available to link up play in midfield, making runs to draw opposition defenders out of position. Mario's runs just aren't being picked out by our midfield at the moment because Toure, Barry and De Jong all look for the easy ball rather than the defence splitting passes Silva may be able to provide if he played in a more central position. Even defensively he is better than most strikers, by cutting off easy options for defenders to play the ball into midfield he even made Vidic and Ferdinand resort to lumping it which gives us far more chance of winning back possession than charging around like a headless chicken. The tactics we play means that Tevez' harrying and closing down usually result in nothing because the rest of the team don't back him up, if we played a Barcelona style "win it back in 6 seconds" and Mario stood there and didn't close down then I could understand your argument but we don't. When we lose possession we get back into a compact formation as soon as possible and contain the opposition attacks, that's not Balotelli's decision, he is told to drop off and stop the easy ball into midfield.
Excellent reply mate but you are wasting your time with Corky and the other members of the Anti Balo brigade. They are blinded by their hate for the guy!
being a " character" is not enough

RandomJ said:
blue_taff said:
for me mario is one of the best players ive ever seen, can produce something from nothing, extremely versatile, creative, , size and strength and movement / positioning is world class. attitude is a worry i guess, but for me he is the real deal

And thats the myth. He's done fuck all world class since we have signed him. He hasn't produced anything out of nothing. His runs and positioning are ok but just that- ok. He is not a world class player and I don't know where people are getting this from. Messi, Ronaldo, even Robinho they are players that "make something out of nothing" now compare their last 5 games to Balotelli's. Exactly.

He scored the goal against Wigan out of nothing! Instead of having negative opinions on players try having positive things! You can pick negatives out if any player in the world! It's just fans mentality if certain players!
Re: Where do you stand?

redmizzle said:
Put it this way, i wouldn't want to see him play for the rags.

Excellent point, I think that is really the question. Would you prefer he was playing for us or against us? As someone said on another thread he makes runs, he is very difficult to play against. Yes he's petulant but he is a young man who has spent most his life being told he is better than other people! Given time he will be world class.

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