Balotelli (continued)

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Bigga said:
I thought the simple rule of Old School was "there's a time and a place for such things".

The back heel was neither the time or the place when we were 0-2 down.

It was stupidly arrogant and I knew, as soon as he did it, that he was going.

It just adds to the sideshow element though. Either sub him at half time, or give 15 minutes to effect the 2nd half. Anyway that's just the way I saw it, and in the end it had a positive effect because Carlos turned the game for us.
WNRH said:
Balotelli did well yesterday but it wasn't good enough.
That's it in a nutshell. We have such relatively low expectations of him that we think he's been good when he just does OK. He has great control and did much better than Dzeko would have done in taking the ball under pressure. But then he gives it away cheaply or doesn't do enough with it if he does hold onto it.
FantasyIreland said:
mekonmcfc said:
FantasyIreland said:
You weren't alone.

I honestly believe that would have tipped the game in our favour.

the game had been tipped in our favour by the substitution he made. we got it back to 2-2 if you remember and were totally dominant. but for an extremely soft goal to win it

If i rememeber?? go fuck yourself,i was there...... and we were't 'totally dominant' at all.

My point is,the intensity of such a game should have meant Tevez started instead of the lethargic,uncommitted Nasri.When is say tipped in our favour,i mean by winning! Obviously!

we werent dominant in the 2nd half ??? go fuck yourself
BillyShears said:
Bigga said:
I thought the simple rule of Old School was "there's a time and a place for such things".

The back heel was neither the time or the place when we were 0-2 down.

It was stupidly arrogant and I knew, as soon as he did it, that he was going.

It just adds to the sideshow element though. Either sub him at half time, or give 15 minutes to effect the 2nd half. Anyway that's just the way I saw it, and in the end it had a positive effect because Carlos turned the game for us.

It does add to the show that is Balotelli, but there's a time to be a Showman and a time to be a Work Horse and he does neither at the right time and more showing off than working.

I like the kid, but he's constructing his own demise in front of very eyes.
The funny thing is DD was saying the other day that Mancini doesn't treat Mario badly and leaves others out hanging!

Mancini should have subbed Tevez for Nasri as soon as they scored their second. Instead Mario is being crucified for a performance that was better than most of the other players until that point.

And the commentators etc going on about what a terrible thing Balo had done by trying a back heel yet right at that very moment Rooney just kicked the ball straight out of play whilst trying to pass to his teammate. Nothing was said though.
So was it the back heel that got to Bobby Manc then?

Having heard some quotes from after the game seems as though Balo had a total nightmare however having watched the game back i didnt think he played that badly (certainly not as bad as i expected having heard aforementioned interview)

I know the timing of his flicks etc may have been inappropriate but trying to drill that out of a player is curbing his natural game and talent.

I know he is not everyone's cup of tea but i think some are a little too harsh. If that had been Ronaldo trying something similar at 2-0 down i doubt anyone would have abtted an eyelid
Lets look at the football facts cos that's really all that matters.

2 and a half seasons - 20 goals. I dont know the figures but I'd guess about 8 of them are from penalties, so that puts him at approx 12 open play goals in 2 and a half seasons.

For a 25m 'striker' that is completely and utterly wank. The fact he plays in a team that creates so many chances makes it even more wank.

On goals scored and contribution alone he has to go. The rest of the baggage he carries round only makes it more so.

If the new CEOs have anything about them they'll make selling this kid their first job.
ChrisNUFC said:
So was it the back heel that got to Bobby Manc then?

Having heard some quotes from after the game seems as though Balo had a total nightmare however having watched the game back i didnt think he played that badly (certainly not as bad as i expected having heard aforementioned interview)

I know the timing of his flicks etc may have been inappropriate but trying to drill that out of a player is curbing his natural game and talent.

I know he is not everyone's cup of tea but i think some are a little too harsh. If that had been Ronaldo trying something similar at 2-0 down i doubt anyone would have abtted an eyelid

That's the problem, he doesn't have much talent yet he and others think that there is a Ronaldo esque performance just around the corner. There isn't, he's bang average

I can count on 1 hand the amount of times his 'talent' has got him on the back pages rather than his 'personality'
Blue Hefner said:
ChrisNUFC said:
So was it the back heel that got to Bobby Manc then?

Having heard some quotes from after the game seems as though Balo had a total nightmare however having watched the game back i didnt think he played that badly (certainly not as bad as i expected having heard aforementioned interview)

I know the timing of his flicks etc may have been inappropriate but trying to drill that out of a player is curbing his natural game and talent.

I know he is not everyone's cup of tea but i think some are a little too harsh. If that had been Ronaldo trying something similar at 2-0 down i doubt anyone would have abtted an eyelid

That's the problem, he doesn't have much talent yet he and others think that there is a Ronaldo esque performance just around the corner. There isn't, he's bang average

I can count on 1 hand the amount of times his 'talent' has got him on the back pages rather than his 'personality'

exactly what ive been saying, Balo fans are deluded by his image
I'm a maintain the status quo kind of poster - ie, stick with the manager, players will come good, give it time etc etc. But - this is my first u turn - too inconsistent for the premier league and too much of a distraction - has had enough opportunities .... time to accept he's never going to be the player he promised.
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