Balotelli (continued)

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Mancini in Gazzetta again said Mario not for sale, hopes fatherhood makes him recognise his talent, etc. etc. Live by the sword, die by the sword.
Most jobs are performance related and foir that reason Mario has had more than enough time to improve his personal performances.

Don't get me wrong I do believe he could be a world class player but as time goes on it just isn't going to be at City and for that reason he needs to go for his own good as well as that of City's. 10mins performing isn't enough and again yesterday proved that fact, a great shame but one move that needs to happen if we are to move on.

Exactly. He should thank Mancini for bringing him to the big scene but it's Mancini himself who is holding his progress if we'd see any of it at all.
LoveCity said:
Mancini in Gazzetta again said Mario not for sale, hopes fatherhood makes him recognise his talent, etc. etc. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Will cost him his job if he persists with him. Needs to start playing his best team , and it needs to be settled . We all know Balotelli isn't in that
At times i get the feeling that mario considers himself a media celebrity first,and a footballer second.....we have had similar decussions about mario,and they came to a head with his sending off at arsenal last season,with many believing it was a blessing in disguise regarding the run in to the title.....
deano ou812 said:
At times i get the feeling that mario considers himself a media celebrity first,and a footballer second.....

What gave you that idea? ;-)

Even the Rags wanted to take pictures of him after the game on Sunday.(according to the Mail)

Saying he is shit or that he is overrated is just Wrong. He delivered for Italy in EC 2012 and still delivers in the qualification for Italy.

Mario just doesn't work in Citys Style of play. You cannot blame him for that. Sneijder has the same Problem at Inter. He is a worl class player, but he doesn't fit in the System.

I agree that he should be sold, both partys will not be happy together. Mancity is not the kind of team who build their system on one Player.
BillyShears said:
Shaelumstash said:
I was at the game but have watched it back and Redknapp and Souness absolutely slaughter him. Nothing to do with Mancini bringing him off, so my point is far from moot. Unfortunately people, seemingly including yourself, have bought in to Balotelli the myth and don't judge him on his actions on the pitch anymore. Shame really.

They slaughtered his performance, which you've taken exception to, yet Mancini also slaughtered his performance, therefore your point is moot.

You've only quoted part of my post, if you'd bothered to quote the rest of it you'd have been able to see why the point wasn't "moot". Mancini very rarely praises players performance, and if anything he's overly critical because he is a perfectionist, and demands the same of players. Saying our Man of the Match "Must improve, he can do better" is his default setting.

I've taken exception to Redknapp and Souness slaughtering his performance, because they slaughtered him based on not liking him as a character rather than analysing his performance. Didn't Neville say he's played well? Does that make your point "moot"?
uwe rosler 28 said:
simon23 said:
uwe rosler 28 said:
We need to get rid of balo ASAP he ain't interested in playing for us he's a marked man off referees and I don,t think the players like him he's a individual not a team player and that's what we need get rid ov him and nasri .

see again this bit about him not being interested.....please tell me how you know this for a fact?

its just bullshit made up by the media that people are regurgitating

if he didnt care...then why does he "supposedly throw strops" when he is brought off.......not that he does that either

the players do lile him and there are numerous directly quoted on it

NDJ has recently said he would welcome him to where he is playing now as did another player last week (cannt remember who) again this is another bullshit statement that is just thrown around without any proof whatsoever

not a team player...again bullshit...go back and watch the game...numerous times throughoutt he first half he is moving off the ball, runnign the channels, linking up with others, setting up aguero ....again total bullshit statement

Well in my opinion he doesn't look interested can you honestly tell me you want him at the club?? Get him out and get falco in. Fed up with the same bullshit give him a chance he's had to many

right so its your opinion...well thats different....dont state it as fact.

and yes i can honestly say i want him at the club because he is a very talented who seems to get a very rough end of the stick from people..again he played very well in the first half (as well as any of our other forward players and better than most.

yes tevez made a difference but he would have made a diference if kun had gone off as well.....tevez gives everyone that energy and work rate that makes a difference...none of the other forwards have it

falco wont come to us either so stop dreaming.
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