Balotelli - could be a Liverpool player

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Re: Balotelli

Ray78 said:
Gaylord du Bois said:
Ray78 said:
I don't see any Premier League clubs are willing to take a gamble. He could end up as Drogba's replacement at Galatasray.
Plenty will take a punt if he's not going for huge wages.

More trouble than he is worth. The top 4 will not touch him with a barge pole.
Spurs would be a perfect fit for him.
Re: Balotelli

karen7 said:
Nightmare Walking said:
I like Mario. He gets a rough ride on here due to his antics and sometimes rightly so. But I can not remember in 25+years of watching us, ever having a 20 year old as good as him. Take away all the baggage and look at his record. He actually scored quite a lot of goals and contributed quite a lot. I will always have a soft spot for Mario.
Unfortunately I do not think out holistic approach would find a place for him. But personally, I would have him before the beast every day of the week.

Have you been on the sherry?

No I don't drink. I can honestly not think of a better 20 year old I have ever seen play for us. I like him, I think he is top class and I honestly think when someone manages to tame him, they will get an absolute beast of a player.
Re: Balotelli

If he could live the quiet life on and off the pitch and go to the right English club he could be phenomenal IMO. He has so much natural talent. He really would need to be squeaky clean in order to get any fair treatment from refs. It was a disgrace how unfairly he was treated by officials last time.

He could be like Anelka was for us. A big fish in a small pond. Maybe Sunderland would be a good fit? They could be on the rise next season. Or Everton 'cos of Martinez.

If I was to advise him I'd say stay away from London anyway.
Re: Balotelli

Gaylord du Bois said:
Ray78 said:
Gaylord du Bois said:
Plenty will take a punt if he's not going for huge wages.

More trouble than he is worth. The top 4 will not touch him with a barge pole.
Spurs would be a perfect fit for him.

Mauricio Pochettino didn't too well in handling Pablo Osvaldo at Southampton and Mario Balotelli would probably be looking for a club in the Champions League. Galatasaray would be a good move, he one of his mentors at the club and their fans would treat him as a god.
Re: Balotelli

Someone posted a while back that you could see Drogba back at Chelsea and that would leave him to join up with Roberto in Turkey.
Re: Balotelli

Who was it who defended this guy to the hilt and insisted he'd be the best striker in the world?
Re: Balotelli

As much as I don't want him back at City ( just think he is more hassle than he is worth ).... I sure as hell would hate him to go to another EPL team and face us.....

You just know he would have a worldie everytime he played us.

Please just go to Gala Mario...
Re: Balotelli

If he joined Arsenal or United the two clubs the media love, it would be interesting to see if he gets the shit storm of mostly made up bollox and hatred he got while playing for us.

Now he was far from perfect and didnt help himself but he got disgusting treat from our press.
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