Balotelli - could be a Liverpool player

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nmc said:
Lawrenson on the Beeb now saying he's a great signing for the Dippers - is this the same pundit who wrote this? <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ty-1482570</a>
It begins.
Should this be in the Agenda thread?

He dangled a leg at a loose ball on the final day of the 2011-12 campaign for his only assist in 54 league games at Manchester City
The Fat el Hombre said:
Any quotes form lawreson?

Dec 2011

It only takes one bad apple to upset the cart and I'm sorry but it's Balotelli at City. They have to now cut their losses, have a look and see who they can get in and replace him.

But they have to now say: 'Thank you very much' and replace him because I cannot think of a single more destructive influence in the Premier League.


Liverpool need a new striker and I think AC Milan's former Manchester City frontman Mario Balotelli would be a great signing. Can Brendan Rodgers handle him? Yes.
Rodgers is the sort of hands-on manager who can handle players with big personalities. We saw that with Luis Suarez, and what he produced last season.
Let's see if Lawrenson is saying the same thing in 6 months when Balotelli has upset everyone and anyone and is getting up to his usual antics! Also like to see how the media react to his return to English football after his outbursts when he left us that the English media had it in for him
aguero93:20 said:
IanBishopsHaircut said:
Check out this beauty on RAWK

Genuinely spat out my tea

It's regarding the supposed behaviour clauses they want in his contract..

spider-neil on Yesterday at 11:04:21 PM
Bloody heck, we are going to make Mario jump through hoops before he is allowed to join.

I should hope so too. We're not City or Chelsea, we're a proper football club with standards that need to be met.

Seriously..this is the club who's supporters backed a racist biting thug to the absolute hilt

Words fail me
Not to mention Stevie GBH and Andy "breaks women's jaws" Carroll. Raheem Sterling got charged for beating his Missus as well, didn't he? Shining examples to Society. Hopefully any behavioural clauses require him to conduct himself in the same manner as his team mates, he can do whatever the fuck he likes then.

They also bought Glen Johnson despite his stealing.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ory.sport3</a>

Stuart Downing was arrested whilst at Liverpool.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ed-3354609</a>

Bellamy also attacked a team mate with a golf club whilst at Liverpool.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ory.sport3</a>

Carrala assaults police.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... sault.html</a>

Such a classy club with morals.
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