Balotelli - could be a Liverpool player

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Lawrenson on the Beeb now saying he's a great signing for the Dippers - is this the same pundit who wrote this? <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ty-1482570</a>
eversince 76 said:
So far, even at our club, Balotelli never lived up to the talented world class player some people have him for. He's simply a very good, yet unreliable player who will never be a team player, but one who can singlehandedly change the game for his teammates to the good or the bad.
I liked him when he was a City-player for a certain amount of time, but I got fed up when he was clearly not delivering anymore. He started well in Milan and faded, yet again. He will probably lift his performances for Liverpool getting all the attention and making Rogers King Louis Van Gaal II, and than ... whatever. I don't like Liverpool and I don't like Rogers, but I give it to him he was amking Liverpool play a certain way that had all the ingredients of teamperformance. For that I was surprised to say the least that he wants Balotelli in. I'm just happy with our squad and Balotelli wouldn't fit in anywhere as we have moved on.

Couldn't agree more. I'll always love Balotelli for his 1 very very very important assist and the 'why always me' t-shirt after scoring against the scum. If he'd have rocked up at City in the Champions League playing for Milan, I would have given him a warm welcome as I suspect most other blues would. However, if he plays on Monday for Liverpool I'll be firstly delighted as he is a liability and secondly I will jeer every touch and there's every chance he'll get sent off. I don't like Liverpool after last years experience and I detest Rodgers, although you have to concede he's done a great job. This looks like a massive mistake though on his part.
pantalon violet again said:
The counter attacking style of Liverpool will make ballotelli a fucking superstar on one he's brilliant

Be worried

Very worried

Keep this post for next year and then you can kiss my feet

Now I know you`re on the piss ! One on one Balo was one of the worst finishers at City.Have I been Clarkied ??
Won't play Monday according to the beeb.

QPR midfielder Joey Barton has given Balotelli's move to Liverpool the thumbs-up, tweeting: (external) "Balotelli to Liverpool? £16m seems decent value for a player who on his day is very good."

Funny, very funny.
oakiecokie said:
pantalon violet again said:
The counter attacking style of Liverpool will make ballotelli a fucking superstar on one he's brilliant

Be worried

Very worried

Keep this post for next year and then you can kiss my feet

Now I know you`re on the piss ! One on one Balo was one of the worst finishers at City.Have I been Clarkied ??

Been drinking since 8 this morning , make of it what you wish

I don't think he'll suit Liverpool, he's too laid back. I can just imagine Sturridge, Sterling and Coutinho busting a gut to get forward and Mario casually walking.
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