Balotelli (Merged)

Re: Balotelli absolute tosser

Swales lives said:
I don't ever slag our players off, but Balotelli can fuck right off for me now. He's a gutless twat.

fighting a losing battle when there is no support whatsoever from midfield. There have been far worse players and your singling him out?
Re: Balotelli absolute tosser

He has always totally let us down. No interest whatsoever in our shirt - it isn't just about tonight. I gave up on him after Kyev at home and away. Will guaranteed be gone in the Summer too. I too have never hated anyone as much as I do him, in a City shirt - OUR shirt!
Re: Balotelli absolute tosser

Danielmanc said:
Swales lives said:
I don't ever slag our players off, .

You do now

Yes, it's taken me over 40 years, but I've never seen anyone give less of a shit than this bloke.
Mancini's taken him off now and I posted it it 10 mins before the substitution.

It's like playing with 10 men with this soft ****.
Re: Balotelli absolute tosser

Guy is a lazy twat who couldnt give a flying fuck! I could handle his attitude if he was any fucking good but he is a myth who has somehow managed to hoodwink the vast majority on here into thinking that we have signed someone who is going to be the best player in the World in a couple of years! Not a fucking chance!
Re: Balotelli absolute tosser


Idoits he got subbed for Saturday because Tevez is out. He had no service. The goals were defensive errors. Yet lets all blame Balotelli. Try thinking for a bit instead of reacting like children. How many times did he get the ball to do anything? The real fans are doing the Poznan after the loss you twats are slagging off your own player.
Re: Balotelli absolute tosser

Even the City players know he's ****. When he went down injured, we carried on, cos we knew there was fuck all wrong with him. Then he played on for the next 5 mins rubbing his back for the camera.

He's a fucking fraud and I've had enough of him. The ****.

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