Balotelli (Merged)

Re: Balotelli absolute tosser

Its simple really he should never of been seen in a City shirt after his unproffesional showing in both games against Kiev. In fact him and Mancini should of been fucked off on the spot after the debacle in the Europa league. Fancy singing the soft **** when everyone in the world is warning against it, prick.
Re: Balotelli absolute tosser

hes a fucking muppet.

was in dukes bar on saturday pulled on thinking he was it.

was with my mate sam birch who has already come close to fucking him up.

needs a slap.
Re: Balotelli absolute tosser

TheSituation said:
I couldn't care less what he does as long as he keeps producing the goods going forward (which he is).

Is he bollocks!

I am not one for knee jerk reactions, but this bloke is the most overhyped player in world football.

Not his fault. But what is his fault is the fact that he looks and plays like he doesn't give a fuck whether City win or lose.

Don't talk to me about his goal record, mostly against minnows, his all round play has been shocking for a player who is supposed to be very talented.

And don't give me his age either. The club paid big money for him and he is nowhere near worth it. I can name dozens of players who were putting in consistently good performances at the top level at his age. His performances aren't even consistently average.

I would usually give a player a season to settle and a massive benefit of the doubt (as I am doing with Dzecko) but this bloke is destabilising the club whilst he is at it so doesn't get that luxary.

He will be a **** throughout his career and needs moving on.

Awful decision to sign him. Awful.
Re: Balotelli absolute tosser

TheSituation said:
Balotelli is a forward, I look to him for goals, productivity, creation. Not tackling. What's disgusting is half of our defensive players, Lescott, Kolarov and Barry were pulling out of tackles when it's their fucking job. Balotelli isn't there to work hard or fly in with tackles, I couldn't care less what he does as long as he keeps producing the goods going forward (which he is).

Yeah so do I but he is producing the grand total of fuck all!

I think its 10 goals for the season, 5 of which came in 2 league games against a shit WBA side and an even worse Villa side and two of those were from the spot. Cant remember him chipping in with a single assist all season.

He isnt producing any goods, he is a **** and he is such a **** that he doesnt even fall into the category of "At least he is our ****"!

I physically hate the bloke!
Re: Balotelli absolute tosser

OrigamiNinja said:
Yeah so do I but he is producing the grand total of fuck all!

I think its 10 goals for the season, 5 of which came in 2 league games against a shit WBA side and an even worse Villa side and two of those were from the spot. Cant remember him chipping in with a single assist all season.

He isnt producing any goods, he is a **** and he is such a **** that he doesnt even fall into the category of "At least he is our ****"!

I physically hate the bloke!

How many goals does Shrek have, Drogba, Torres, Carrol even? Now because he scored two tonight Carrol is the second coming of Maradona yet he was doing fuckall since he was signed. You people and your short sighted views. Why do other strikers not have as many goals as Balotelli in the same number of games then they too play again the "weaker" teams? You said it best you dislike the guy nothing to with his game. Tonight he was not to blame what so ever. Take a closer look at our midfield an shocking defence not pick on Balotelli because he is the guy with a target on his head.
Re: Balotelli absolute tosser

OrigamiNinja said:
TheSituation said:
Balotelli is a forward, I look to him for goals, productivity, creation. Not tackling. What's disgusting is half of our defensive players, Lescott, Kolarov and Barry were pulling out of tackles when it's their fucking job. Balotelli isn't there to work hard or fly in with tackles, I couldn't care less what he does as long as he keeps producing the goods going forward (which he is).

Yeah so do I but he is producing the grand total of fuck all!

I think its 10 goals for the season, 5 of which came in 2 league games against a shit WBA side and an even worse Villa side and two of those were from the spot. Cant remember him chipping in with a single assist all season.

He isnt producing any goods, he is a **** and he is such a **** that he doesnt even fall into the category of "At least he is our ****"!

I physically hate the bloke!
He's done more than Tevez has recently but that doesn't stop Tevez getting wanked dry.
Re: Balotelli absolute tosser

TheSituation said:
Balotelli is a forward, I look to him for goals, productivity, creation. Not tackling. What's disgusting is half of our defensive players, Lescott, Kolarov and Barry were pulling out of tackles when it's their fucking job. Balotelli isn't there to work hard or fly in with tackles, I couldn't care less what he does as long as he keeps producing the goods going forward (which he is).

A very poor post mate, I know you're trying to be positive, but come on.
Productivity =0
Creativity = 0

Your point about hard work is laughable. You're telling me Messi, Tranny, Tevez et al don't work hard? Anyone will tel you "Genius is 1% inspiration 99% perspiration" or something like that.
Re: Balotelli absolute tosser

OrigamiNinja said:
TheSituation said:
Balotelli is a forward, I look to him for goals, productivity, creation. Not tackling. What's disgusting is half of our defensive players, Lescott, Kolarov and Barry were pulling out of tackles when it's their fucking job. Balotelli isn't there to work hard or fly in with tackles, I couldn't care less what he does as long as he keeps producing the goods going forward (which he is).

Yeah so do I but he is producing the grand total of fuck all!

I think its 10 goals for the season, 5 of which came in 2 league games against a shit WBA side and an even worse Villa side and two of those were from the spot. Cant remember him chipping in with a single assist all season.

He isnt producing any goods, he is a **** and he is such a **** that he doesnt even fall into the category of "At least he is our ****"!

I physically hate the bloke!
Just laughed my head off great quote ,keep the humour and the lazy bastards wont bring us down,a few bailed out tonight getting ready for wembley, if i was Manager i wouldnt even let Balotelli near the place.
Re: Balotelli absolute tosser

He is an insult to our blue shirt, people keep saying he is a great player, well I reckon he should have showed it by now, far as I am concerned what a useless piece he has turned out to be, very disappointed.
Re: Balotelli absolute tosser

totally agree. he just looks like he couldn't care less out there. tries one time, doesn't the next. the ball could be a few feet away from him and he'll just stand there watching or give a light jog. basically the only time he tries if there is an actual goal scoring chance. typical selfish forward.

doesn't not play for the team, plays for himself and barely does that even. totally useless in an away match where you really need to dig down and need that extra effort. please sell this player we will win nothing with him.

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