Balotelli subject to racist abuse in Italy Romania game

he hasn,t played a full game at home for us because of the biased abuse he got from the fa premier?
ello_jo said:
Hes not played a full game in front of our home crowd yet, we need t get right nehind the lad from the go!
At the game, there was a banner folded out that read "No to the multi-ethnical Italy", and they sang "There are no italian negroes".

From Gazzetta dello Sport:
''Quella gente non la conosco. Dico solo loro che dove vivo io, a Brescia, l'Italia multietnica esiste gia'. E si puo' fare anche meglio''. Lo ha detto Mario Balotelli, dopo le contestazioni razziste ricevute durante Romania-Italia. ''Da Manchester mi piacerebbe vedere che si parla di questi problemi, piu' che delle mie ragazze'', ha aggiunto l'attaccante del City.
English translation:
"I don't know those people. I can just tell them that where I live, in Brescia, the multi-ethnic Italy already exists. And we can do even better". This is what Mario Balotelli said after the racist abuse received during the Romania-Italy game. "In Manchester, I'd like to see that that they talk about these problems, more than about my girlfriends", added the City striker.
absolute scumbags.

say what you wanty about england and our 'drinking' culture, im proud we have developed out of the racist attitude.

FIFA should ban them from the world cup. massively drastic, but they wont do it again. no doubt they will be fined £13.2 k. That will show them, those pesky racists, not!
What year do they think it is? This one?

This is truly awful and reminds me of when I am stood in the queue waiting to get served beer at our stadium and several skin head, fat blokes take out their frustrations on the non English bar staff.

We might not get it in the stands anymore but racism is alive and abusive in the refreshments concourse. I have heard them being called stupid pakis, muslim cunts and bin laden's and this was only just the last game against Birmingham.
Number10 said:
At the game, there was a banner folded out that read "No to the multi-ethnical Italy", and they sang "There are no italian negroes".

From Gazzetta dello Sport:
''Quella gente non la conosco. Dico solo loro che dove vivo io, a Brescia, l'Italia multietnica esiste gia'. E si puo' fare anche meglio''. Lo ha detto Mario Balotelli, dopo le contestazioni razziste ricevute durante Romania-Italia. ''Da Manchester mi piacerebbe vedere che si parla di questi problemi, piu' che delle mie ragazze'', ha aggiunto l'attaccante del City.
English translation:
"I don't know those people. I can just tell them that where I live, in Brescia, the multi-ethnic Italy already exists. And we can do even better". This is what Mario Balotelli said after the racist abuse received during the Romania-Italy game. "In Manchester, I'd like to see that that they talk about these problems, more than about my girlfriends", added the City striker.

Who's his birds then?
What concerns me is how the UK establishment, ie the FA, the Press, idiotic referees and their assistants and virtually all football commentators are all doing their bit to unstabalize the kid further.
If you compare the kid glove treatment the great white hope Rooney has received from the same groups you will no doubt see a major difference.
Rooneys constant dirty play, his foul language and dubious lifestyle has always been swept under the carpet and you have to ask why.
For Balo its a major problem. He has the Italian angle but he also is belittled in the UK by the establishment who have become terribly anti City very very quickly.
We are quick to condone the Italians but just ask yourself how many black ex England players were at the launch of the 2018 WC bid? No surprise if I tell u it was 0.
This is not just an Italian issue believe me
SS117 said:
After the Fulham game when hes back, when he gets the ball lets cheer him. Show him we're supporting him and we want him here!

yes, lets do this.
I'm sorry but I think you should understand the Italian culture. I lived in Italy for a while and what you don't know is that un like England there isn't really any black TV personalities there's few black people ever mentioned in the media and you'll be extremely lucky to find a black person on the streets on Italy. Britain has a far larger black population than Italy and Black culture has always been popular in this country. Just compare Englands squad to Italys in terms of ethnic minorities. The reason they are racist is they don't know any better there isn't any politcal correctness. His personality doesn't help and they've acheived their goal of winding him up. I respect John Barnes and what he said Racism in football can't be stopped un less racism as a practice is ended.

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