Balotelli,Time to cash in?

Skashion said:
cookster said:
Good post. Some peeps on here are akin to religious nutjobs when it comes to Balotelli.
Comedy, you're the nutjob whose mind has warped reality to pretend Balotelli started against Spurs, that he didn't come on after Spurs scored their goals, and didn't win and then score a penalty. You have no credibility when it comes to Balotelli. Zero. None. Zilch. You hate him so much that your mind performs mental gymnastics to make reality fit your conclusions.

I have much more credibility than you. Why didn't Mancini play Mario when he was free from suspension in the last few games?

Granted Mario made a great lay off to Aguero, however he still had to finish it and Dzeko equalising goal also deserves some credit.

I don't hate Mario and still hope he fulfils his potential at City but one thing I am sure of, he won't give City the same loyality that thousands of Blues give him.
cookster said:
Skashion said:
cookster said:
Good post. Some peeps on here are akin to religious nutjobs when it comes to Balotelli.
Comedy, you're the nutjob whose mind has warped reality to pretend Balotelli started against Spurs, that he didn't come on after Spurs scored their goals, and didn't win and then score a penalty. You have no credibility when it comes to Balotelli. Zero. None. Zilch. You hate him so much that your mind performs mental gymnastics to make reality fit your conclusions.

I have much more credibility than you. Why didn't Mancini play Mario when he was free from suspension in the last few games?

Granted Mario made a great lay off to Aguero, however he still had to finish it and Dzeko equalising goal also deserves some credit.

I don't hate Mario and still hope he fulfils his potential at City but one thing I am sure of, he won't give City the same loyality that thousands of Blues give him.

cookster said:
Juan King said:
We would have dropped 2 points against Spuds at home.

Maybe if Balotelli hadn't started we would have beaten Spuds 4-0

Or maybe Aguero would have scored the penalty.

1. Balotelli didn't start.
2. Spurs had scored twice before he came on.
3. He won the penalty.

If you didn't hate him so much your mind would remember what actually happened instead of performing mental gymnastics:

Mario just read this thread...


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