Balotelli training ground bust up with Mancini

I just simply can't believe the line in that article that states Balotelli escaped a fine for being late by turning up on time. By that measure he escaped a 25 year jail sentence by not killing the journalist that wrote the article. Now surely THAT should be front page news?
mancanproud said:
TCIB said:
redmizzle said:
People who went to watch training say it's not true. Why are you still peddling this non-story?

What people ? The pictures of him refusing to move for the boss look pretty real to me bud.

Well fuck me sherlock where have you been all my life.

Listen folks if you wanna kid yourselves that all is fine by having a 25mil striker more interested in messing around fine, but i don't.

Your splitting hairs over this, the guy has been nowhere near good enough imo.

The guy says he is only bettered by Messi, so lets bloody see it eh instead of him crashing interviews, throwing his toys out when his team mates give him some stick for messing a move up or disobeying club orders.

He is not a baby anymore, he earns big boy wages he needs to act like one.

The only news about Balo is always bad and if it is good it has nothing to do with footy e.g. giving homeless people money.

The press lied about him setting fireworks of indoors and breaking club rules by going to a strip club did they ?
The press are no angels but you can't just say they always lie because they simply don't.
They will push it like that Dan Roan but thats, the press they have always done this. Sometimes they do lie but not how some make out on here.

The press will have a go at most players if they give them ammo and Balo gives them plenty.

Edit: Just read some more bollocks, redmizzle i suggest you give people more credit or does the press make us see things that are not there ? Did i imagine him attempting to stamp on parker did i imagine him crashing a press conference with inter ?

Some of you are pathetic individuals "the press the press it's the press" grow up and act like an adult ffs.


I said i did not see dougs report in the first place didn't i wtf is your reply going on about ?

Either way he was not sent to the naughty corner for doing well was he ? or maybe it's the press messing with my mind.
TCIB said:
mancanproud said:
TCIB said:
What people ? The pictures of him refusing to move for the boss look pretty real to me bud.

Well fuck me sherlock where have you been all my life.

Listen folks if you wanna kid yourselves that all is fine by having a 25mil striker more interested in messing around fine, but i don't.

Your splitting hairs over this, the guy has been nowhere near good enough imo.

The guy says he is only bettered by Messi, so lets bloody see it eh instead of him crashing interviews, throwing his toys out when his team mates give him some stick for messing a move up or disobeying club orders.

He is not a baby anymore, he earns big boy wages he needs to act like one.

The only news about Balo is always bad and if it is good it has nothing to do with footy e.g. giving homeless people money.

The press lied about him setting fireworks of indoors and breaking club rules by going to a strip club did they ?
The press are no angels but you can't just say they always lie because they simply don't.
They will push it like that Dan Roan but thats, the press they have always done this. Sometimes they do lie but not how some make out on here.

The press will have a go at most players if they give them ammo and Balo gives them plenty.

I'll assume you're drunk again.
Umfoofoo said:
Balotelli is really starting to annoy me now! His attitude in games and in training is just pathetic. It's embarassing.

Is it just me or does everyone else agree.

No everyone else does not agree, it's just you.
TCIB said:
mancanproud said:
TCIB said:
What people ? The pictures of him refusing to move for the boss look pretty real to me bud.

Well fuck me sherlock where have you been all my life.

Listen folks if you wanna kid yourselves that all is fine by having a 25mil striker more interested in messing around fine, but i don't.

Your splitting hairs over this, the guy has been nowhere near good enough imo.

The guy says he is only bettered by Messi, so lets bloody see it eh instead of him crashing interviews, throwing his toys out when his team mates give him some stick for messing a move up or disobeying club orders.

He is not a baby anymore, he earns big boy wages he needs to act like one.

The only news about Balo is always bad and if it is good it has nothing to do with footy e.g. giving homeless people money.

The press lied about him setting fireworks of indoors and breaking club rules by going to a strip club did they ?
The press are no angels but you can't just say they always lie because they simply don't.
They will push it like that Dan Roan but thats, the press they have always done this. Sometimes they do lie but not how some make out on here.

The press will have a go at most players if they give them ammo and Balo gives them plenty.

Edit: Just read some more bollocks, redmizzle i suggest you give people more credit or does the press make us see things that are not there ? Did i imagine him attempting to stamp on parker did i imagine him crashing a press conference with inter ?

Some of you are pathetic individuals "the press the press it's the press" grow up and act like an adult ffs.


I said i did not see dougs report in the first place didn't i wtf is your reply going on about ?

Either way he was not sent to the naughty corner for doing well was he ? or maybe it's the press messing with my mind.

Re: Training Wednesday 28/3
by Douglas Higginbottom » Thu Mar 29, 2012 8:18 am

Biamp wrote:
According to the Daily Mail Balo was apparently ordered to train on his own, is there any truth of that Doug??

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> ... round.html

In a word NO. It's typical of what reporters can do when they some tosser of a freelance photographer getting a few snaps from a distance.Mancini is caught apparently shouting at a player and before you know it there is a bust up.The reality is that Mancini was doing his work with the team and was shouting which is quite normal when he is in the middle of the pitch with players scattered around him.He has to shout a bit to be heard by them all.All the photographer needs is a picture of Mancini seeming to shout and get Mario in that picture as well and a story can be created.

I am not saying he wasn't having a go at a player as that obviously is going to happen at times and it's quite likely he would have had a go at Mario but no way was he banished to train on his own.After a while Mancini changes the team he works with,maybe 4 or 5 of the team,and that's all that happened in this case.Mario plus a few others were swapped for others and they just came round the fence onto the other pitch to play in the 6 a side game.

Quite pathetic reporting.
Douglas Higginbottom
Kinky's Mazy Dribbles

Posts: 6027
Joined: Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:42 pm
redmizzle said:
Umfoofoo said:
redmizzle said:
I agree that you're being played by to media to good effect.

No his attitude in games aswel. You see everyone putting in 100% and he just spits his dummy out if he gets tackled.

His attitudes terrible.

And how do you measure this percentage of effort over 90 minutes please? Did you not see even Mr Nice Guy Messi last night throwing a hissy fit after a few tackles?

WTF ok your either a complete moron or on the wum.

You are trying to explain Mario's constant messing around and losing his coolness with Messi getting fustrated in one match ? ok then.
TCIB said:
redmizzle said:
Umfoofoo said:
No his attitude in games aswel. You see everyone putting in 100% and he just spits his dummy out if he gets tackled.

His attitudes terrible.

And how do you measure this percentage of effort over 90 minutes please? Did you not see even Mr Nice Guy Messi last night throwing a hissy fit after a few tackles?

WTF ok your either a complete moron or on the wum.

Says the drunk.<br /><br />-- Thu Mar 29, 2012 10:58 am --<br /><br />
TCIB said:
No redmizzle unlike you i am not a sheep sticking his head in the sand.

No just one getting drunk and spamming the board with the same retardedness due to some personal beef.

Drugs kill.
Ahh lets avoid the points and try and tar the poster who decided his work was done so he could drink wine that day.

For your info i drink mainly at weekends and as my mother is an alcoholic i think i have more experience than most on knowing when to stop.

So carry on making stupid comments by all means.

My points stand and all you do is talk shite about issues not at hand.

Also get your facts right before typing kiddo, i defended him right up until this so do not have a personal beef i am reacting to what i see on the pitch and in the papers of which have not been wrong so far about his antics afaik.

Don't believe me make a brew and check my post history, i do not kneejerk you won't find any such posts from myself.
If anything i'm one of the people saying calm down.
I have given him enough time to at least show some improvement in his mentality and he simply has shown no sign of it.
TCIB said:
mancanproud said:
TCIB said:
What people ? The pictures of him refusing to move for the boss look pretty real to me bud.

Well fuck me sherlock where have you been all my life.

Listen folks if you wanna kid yourselves that all is fine by having a 25mil striker more interested in messing around fine, but i don't.

Your splitting hairs over this, the guy has been nowhere near good enough imo.

The guy says he is only bettered by Messi, so lets bloody see it eh instead of him crashing interviews, throwing his toys out when his team mates give him some stick for messing a move up or disobeying club orders.

He is not a baby anymore, he earns big boy wages he needs to act like one.

The only news about Balo is always bad and if it is good it has nothing to do with footy e.g. giving homeless people money.

The press lied about him setting fireworks of indoors and breaking club rules by going to a strip club did they ?
The press are no angels but you can't just say they always lie because they simply don't.
They will push it like that Dan Roan but thats, the press they have always done this. Sometimes they do lie but not how some make out on here.

The press will have a go at most players if they give them ammo and Balo gives them plenty.

Edit: Just read some more bollocks, redmizzle i suggest you give people more credit or does the press make us see things that are not there ? Did i imagine him attempting to stamp on parker did i imagine him crashing a press conference with inter ?

Some of you are pathetic individuals "the press the press it's the press" grow up and act like an adult ffs.


I said i did not see dougs report in the first place didn't i wtf is your reply going on about ?

Either way he was not sent to the naughty corner for doing well was he ? or maybe it's the press messing with my mind.

You made your feelings on Mario clear on another thread, you are now using this none story to justify your stance, however, he hasnt done anything wrong but you are still ranting on and behaving that being right about him is more important than the facts... City fans are the first to slag off the press for doing this, but it doesnt really matter if there is an agenda or not, when some of our own fans are just the same. Why let facts get in the way of a good story?

Also what about supporting your team, getting behind them through thin and thinner?? The summer is the time for recriminations, we cant do anything about the squad till then, so pointlessly slagging off players till then is just that, pointless, all it will do is make things worse. Surely you can show some restraint till then, especially when in the interview with Noel proved that 95% of the stories about him arent true.

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