Balotelli - What was he thinking?

hgblue said:
shadygiz said:
hgblue said:
Er, no. This wasn't a sunday morning game between two teams of pissheads turning out for a laugh. Mancini is trying to instill a professional and winning mentality into his players and this sort of thing flies in the face of that. I'm curious as to whether those comparing this self indulgent farce with Mancini's back heal and Rooney's overhead kick have ever played the game at any sort of decent standard? Because if you have to have the difference explained to you you probably haven't.

just lol...another that missed the point...both mancini & rooney "tried something different", something "against the grain" something "unexpected" & something "spectacular" and won the game for their teams...both playing for teams that had winning instilled into the team, hence why they tried the spectacular to get a goal

but according to you when balo tries it, it's an "indulgent farce"

come on mate, you cant really be serious

Both Rooney and Mancini tried the spectacular when it was the percentage and professional thing to do. It was something different, but it was for the good of the team. Balo tried it when it was totally inappropriate and unprofessional to do so, for the good of no-one and nothing but Mario Balotelli's ego. That's the difference that I'd hoped people wouldn't have needed to have explained to them, and why the professionals on the scene were so angry with him.

but if balo's supposed shot had of gone in??
jaden19 said:
For all his attitude and arrogance he is not even that good.

I rate Pato and Aguero far ahead of Balotelli.

Sometimes i wish we never signed him as he really isnt worth all this trouble.

I don't believe you've seen Balo, Pato or Aguero for an entire 90 minutes.
Didsbury Dave said:
Is it making the sports news over there? How many would have watched the game on telly over there?
No. It got the same coverage that MLS gets, which isn't much. ESPN gives token coverage as they have the MLS contract, but most Americans don't care about soccer and will change the channel.
shadygiz said:
hgblue said:
shadygiz said:
just lol...another that missed the point...both mancini & rooney "tried something different", something "against the grain" something "unexpected" & something "spectacular" and won the game for their teams...both playing for teams that had winning instilled into the team, hence why they tried the spectacular to get a goal

but according to you when balo tries it, it's an "indulgent farce"

come on mate, you cant really be serious

Both Rooney and Mancini tried the spectacular when it was the percentage and professional thing to do. It was something different, but it was for the good of the team. Balo tried it when it was totally inappropriate and unprofessional to do so, for the good of no-one and nothing but Mario Balotelli's ego. That's the difference that I'd hoped people wouldn't have needed to have explained to them, and why the professionals on the scene were so angry with him.

but if balo's supposed shot had of gone in??

Then all the little ponces having a good cry would be fiddling with their tiny balls and 'tweeting' about him.

Hypocrites every single one of them.
Blue Haze said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Is it making the sports news over there? How many would have watched the game on telly over there?
No. It got the same coverage that MLS gets, which isn't much. ESPN gives token coverage as they have the MLS contract, but most Americans don't care about soccer and will change the channel.
Viewing ratings will disagree. The champions league final in america doubled, while the womens world cup final was the most watch football sporting event, simply because the next generation of americans have been raised in football and therefore have more interest in it. It's a perfectly growing market.
jaden19 said:
For all his attitude and arrogance he is not even that good.

I rate Pato and Aguero far ahead of Balotelli.

Sometimes i wish we never signed him as he really isnt worth all this trouble.

When's this muppet getting a bad?
Just put SSN stream on and they are murdering him, showing video footage of his different "disgraces" even for Italy.
Didsbury Dave said:
Is it making the sports news over there? How many would have watched the game on telly over there?
It made ESPN for a minute, which is about as much as the incident deserves. FSC had coverage as well. I'll see if I can find the ratings for the match. Won't be too high probably if I'm honest, but it's a growing sport. The issue with ESPN coverage is they refuse to cover sports (at most they will give them a passing mention) unless they have the broadcast rights for the game. Rumor is they'll be challenging FSC for the next big Premier League contract, so we might see increased coverage then.
i'm just glad that everyone is talking about this and not how crap we were after he was taken off; how completely lost everyone looked in the final third of the pitch and how isolated dzeko was on his own. we should have pulled galaxy's pants down and spanked them, just because we can. especially since that clothes horse plays for them.
as an aside, everyone saying that balotelli's actions were detrimental to the team. after he came off the game died on it's arse and we never really looked like scoring again. so taking him off might have been more detrimental in actual fact.
maybe he heard a whistle, so who could really blame him for doing a wee trick. if he didn't hear a whistle i still don't care. at stake is the herbalife?? cup i couldn't care any less about this nothing competition.
20 year old footballer doing a trick in a friendly game is what we are talking about here.......
don't appreciate the actions after the subbing, which is why it should have been done at half time imho. that definitely was bad by the boy and hard to defend.
as i said though at least nobody in the news is telling people how crap we were last night, so that's good.

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