Balotelli...Would you have him back?

3rdgenerationblue said:
but only if we can keep him in a sealed box and bring him out against the rags.

- Bring out the Balo.
- The Balo's sleepin'.
- Well I guess you'll just have to wake him up now then, won't you?
Yes, but only for:
Pre-match City Square
Half-time on the pitch - far more entertaining than the usual dross
If I had a choice between a charisma-repelling striker like Müller or Balo, I would choose Balo. If I should choose between Mickey Mouse-streamlined no-personality Messi and Ibrahimovic, I'd choose Ibra.

Sure, Balotelli is an erratic character but football is also about emotions and Balo delivers them in abundance. So what if he creates headlines outside the pitch too, it's called star quality. Football-wise, just a reminder of his trophy cabinet and that he's led the line in the Italian National team since he was 20 - very few others have will had those experiences at the end of their career and this guy is still only 23. I'm also sure Pellegrini would be perfect to help him fulfil his potential.

Unfortunately, it will never happen but if pigs start becoming airborne and I'd get a notification on my screen that we had re-signed Balotelli, or signed Zlatan for that matter, my reaction would be something like...

Number10 said:
If I had a choice between a charisma-repelling striker like Müller or Balo, I would choose Balo. If I should choose between Mickey Mouse-streamlined no-personality Messi and Ibrahimovic, I'd choose Ibra.

Sure, Balotelli is an erratic character but football is also about emotions and Balo delivers them in abundance. So what if he creates headlines outside the pitch too, it's called star quality. Football-wise, just a reminder of his trophy cabinet and that he's led the line in the Italian National team since he was 20 - very few others have will had those experiences at the end of their career and this guy is still only 23. I'm also sure Pellegrini would be perfect to help him fulfil his potential.

Unfortunately, it will never happen but if pigs start becoming airborne and I'd get a notification on my screen that we had re-signed Balotelli, or signed Zlatan for that matter, my reaction would be something like...


You can have emotions without unbalancing the squad imo, Balo does far to much unbalancing.
He would probably a top fella to know as a mate but as a player he is a liability far far to often and has shown no sign of changing.

In answer to the op, no fucking chance would i have him back, no chance.
Proverbial Punching Bag

This question is obviously hypothetical but I believe that this thread is pointless as it only allows people to reaffirm their opinions and intimations about Mario. There is nothing new or surprising here. This is something that has been addressed time and time again and is just old rhetoric.

Mario Balotelli is indeed a player that inspires irrationality of perception and emotions in many people and thus until this very day, the actual effect or influence of Mario Balotelli on Manchester City football club cannot really be qualified as it is all lost in the midst of pre-conceptions, stereotypes and as I said irrational emotions and reactions. What triggers those things is open to discussion and scrutiny.

What is clear is that during his time at the club, we won the FA cup and the premier league and thus his time at the club in that criteria, which is the ultimate and the objective, was a success.

I have always said that England was unfair to him from the onset. They wrote a story, a damning, negative indictment of the player even before he kicked a ball and with the help of the lovely media (not!!), succeeded in shaping the minds of the masses - the general public, many many city fans and more importantly and pertinently as it fits to the preconceived narrative and objective- the officials ie, the referees and those involved in deciding punishments for so called crimes and indiscretions. The media have exploited some innate tendencies of folks and were very successful in making Mario the perverbial punching bag.

That is what he was ...and still is, the punching bag- so if there is anything about football, about sports and about society you don't like, then turn to Mario, look at his life, who is is, where he came from, what he is doing, he seems to tick a lot of boxes when it comes to things that.........secretly...enrages.

So some people fall into the trap, allow their emotions get the best of them and obscure them from seeing the reality , the fact , which is that Mario has been mistreated and misunderstood during his time in England by the press, the pundits, and the officials and a lot have got in line, succumbed and subscribed to the agenda to karikatur, undermine and derail the career of a promising young Italian footballer.

Other people see it for what it is. Most of the decisions given against him where harsh to say the least but the story has already been written and the mindset established therefore if it is Mario he has to be guilty. The hysteric non stop circus instigated by the media was also part of the whole campaign. People may site that as a reason for not having him back, which is justified to a degree.

People say he needs to grow, mature and change and although there is some truth to that as it is with many human beings around the world, the bottom line is that he can never change because the perception and inference held by the media influenced masses will never change. The ship has already sailed.

So the best thing for Mario is to stay away from this kind of deceptive, sinister and ultimately damaging environment. Stay away from England!!! and so for his sake I don't want him back. Milan seemed like a good environment for him but Milan is in a very sad state of affairs at the moment. Notwithstanding you will think being in Italy will be the best place for him and although the place is still rife with other ''social issues'', it is not as deceptive and dangerous as in England. Maybe he can go to France and give it a go . But not Spain, definitely not Spain, Lol (but not funny actually). All in all I wish him the best as always and hope he continues to strive on, learn from the past and become stronger in the broken places.

He is regarded as a legend by some including many City fans and that will remain so and if he does come back in whatever capacity to Manchester, I hope we will all be cheering and celebrating with gratitude and regard for the unique and unforgettable times he brought to all involved with the club.

He is a fabric of the club's history...........Balotelli!......................Agueroooooooooooo!!.............stupendous.
Some great points made in the post by Blueband brother above mine.

You see it over and over again - media finds its narrative and then just hammers and hammers and hammers it. Even when not true. (i.e. DeMichelis is a crap player continuing far past his high-profile errors, City's "away form" continuing after about the first of October last year, etc.)

Unfortunately Balo was portrayed in a certain way and in his youth an immaturity he kind of fed into it to where it became a loop. I wouldn't want him back here because I have always felt that the positive harmonious environment Pellers creates is an enormous weapon in our favour. Balo would almost certainly disrupt that. He'd try his best but at some point the media twunts would get to him and it would all blow up.

I'd love to have him back as a member of the City Football Group, though. As an earlier poster noted, he would be fucking tailor-made for the US market. Put him on NYCFC and pay him whatever he wants and in 5 years 70% of the football-following lads in the US would have his shirt on.

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