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Blue Phil said:
Tripletta. said:
I don't understand what's the problem with me =|
There isn't one :) So who do you want to replace Balo? What is the press saying over there about the deal?

My dream is a midfielder like Schweinsteiger or Ozil.

The press know, the press =D
Until now, Balo was only a problem, an egocentric boy etc etc.
Now that he's a MC player, he's the only talented boy in the world =D.

The truth is that this deal is a RISK for Internazionale. But it's the only solution.
Apologies if already posted, it's from TLDORC,

Monday, 26 July 2010
Gazzetta: Balotelli joins MCFC
We're approaching endgame in our next transfer. Gazzetta dello Sport has a story this morning saying that Mario Balotelli has agreed to join MCFC, and that the deal is done.

It reports the deal being tied up on Saturday night, for an initial fee of €30million (£25m), potentially rising to €35m (£29m) based on goals, trophies and so forth. He is on a five year deal of €4m (£3.3m) per year. I don't know if this is gross or net (apparently the Italian press reports salaries after tax). But it's a lot.

The deal ought to be announced today (Tuesday morning at the latest) and on Wednesday he will fly from Inter's base in Philadelphia to Atlanta, where we are due to play Club América on Wednesday night. He could even play against Inter on Saturday night.
at Monday, July 26, 2010 7 comments
Aussie! said:
Now that he's a MC player, he's the only talented boy in the world =D.

Italian press LOVES the exaggeration =D<br /><br />-- Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:55 pm --<br /><br />
kippaxblue76 said:
Apologies if already posted, it's from TLDORC,

Monday, 26 July 2010
Gazzetta: Balotelli joins MCFC
We're approaching endgame in our next transfer. Gazzetta dello Sport has a story this morning saying that Mario Balotelli has agreed to join MCFC, and that the deal is done.

It reports the deal being tied up on Saturday night, for an initial fee of €30million (£25m), potentially rising to €35m (£29m) based on goals, trophies and so forth. He is on a five year deal of €4m (£3.3m) per year. I don't know if this is gross or net (apparently the Italian press reports salaries after tax). But it's a lot.

The deal ought to be announced today (Tuesday morning at the latest) and on Wednesday he will fly from Inter's base in Philadelphia to Atlanta, where we are due to play Club América on Wednesday night. He could even play against Inter on Saturday night.
at Monday, July 26, 2010 7 comments

It's gross
Love Barotelli, fantastic player. Him and Torres up front, fire us up to win the Premiership. If you look at our squad its better than Arsenals, Liverpools, Tottenhams and Uniteds. Just Chelsea, and we have more money so no doubt next year we'll blow them out the water aswell. (:

Lads ...we're gonna win the league, COME ON!!
oakiecokie said:
Tripletta. said:
Hello! I'm an italian Internazionale's supporter.
First, sorry for my bad english.
I'm here because i think that Mario is a MC player, now.
If you want some answers or some explanations about Balotelli, I'm here =)

How long have you been a Man United fan for ?????????????

LOL! Dont mind him.

Anyway, whats the latest with Inter's transfers?
Aussie! said:
oakiecokie said:
How long have you been a Man United fan for ?????????????

LOL! Dont mind him.

Anyway, whats the latest with Inter's transfers?

Well, I'm not sure i have understood your question (i have to emprove my english XD)...however...i try to answer...

I think that Maicon will be a Real Madid player and i'm very very very sad for it.
Here is something that I found on the Inter forums. No one in this article thinks that they should sell him. People on the forums are outraged that the amount is being reported at 35 M, a couple of years ago they were saying they would not sell him for less than 75-100M



Moratti: "Yes, we are dealing with City."
The clubs have agreed the fee of 35 million. Missing only the okay from the player.

Alessandro Altobelli - former Inter player and TV commentator: Mario Balotelli is a very important player and still has room for improvement and growth, a player with incredible potential. Inter have never sold talented players apart from Ibrahimovic to Barcelona, but in return they have Eto'o and cash. So they should not sell a talent like Balotelli. I like players with quirky characters, a coach must be good at managing the players with these kind of characters.

Evaristo Beccalossi - former Inter player and TV commentator: Mario Balotelli is a great talent, a good player who I really like. But if the financial offer is important and it serves to accommodate the club's budget, then the club should consider and evaluate it well. Just like Adriano, another problematic player but a very talented player, a few years ago, Inter said no to big offers and now we saw how it ended...

Ignazio La Russa - Minister of Defense and Inter fan: I have always defended Balotelli and I would give him a chance to start for Inter first. As a fan, I would never sell him because he is a unique player. He has an incredible talent, there are certain limitations of character but Napoli won many Scudetti with Maradona. I say if there is a need for balance, and sacrifices need to be made then I say this with regret, it has to be Diego Milito who is starting to age.

Walter Salvioni - coach who started Balotelli: I had an opportunity to play the boy at Lumezzane. Mario Balotelli should not be sold, he is important and an asset of the team. If a 17 year-old was playing for the first team at a high level then he is worth it. There are certain characteristics but they need to be managed. If Inter want to sell, sell him as a later age.

"Ciccio" Valenti - comic and Inter fan: It is not right if Super Mario goes away and I hope that he won't, because he, over the past 3 years, has won three Scudetti and a Champions League with Inter, first with Roberto Mancini and then with Jose Mourinho. Talents are needed and Inter should not transfer him even if there is need to balance the budget. The characters? In football, as long as you win, you must have talent. And Balotell is a great talent.

Valentina Vezzali - Fencing Olympian and Inter fan: From a true Inter fan I would not sell Balotelli at all. He is a talented player with great physical strength. It is clear that he has certain problems but both sides must discuss. We should consider a loan for him to mature. In every way.

Walter Zenga - former Inter player and coach of Al Nassr: He is a great player. But I am a nerazzurro and my response is that for the good of Inter they might sell him. Massimo Moratti has never been wrong. Never. The fans should remember that this is the president that gave them joy and won everything, Scudetto and Champions League.

Milan - Mario Balotelli is leaving. For the time being, he will stay at Pinetina. Arriving on time for training (never early though) and always the first to leave. Signs of an indisputable personal discomfort toward his teammates, lack of desire to stay in the group. Or rather, the feeling is that he is no longer a part in the group. Through the microphones of Mediaset, Cordoba gave his words on Balotelli: "Balotelli is doing crazy things and he doesn't understand what he wants. If there are major requests then I would advice him a change of scenery, to fine new motivation, those he doesn't seem to have." Cordoba is not anyone outside of the dressing room. He is the vice-captain and will be remembered in the history of Inter. The next person has given a hint is Massimo Moratti: "Between us and Manchester City there is an dialogue. This is only to find a measure that is interesting for us and right for them. I'm not yet convinced of anything but we are evaluating the deals that have been proposed." As a matter of fact, Inter and City have already agreed on the basis of 35 million plus bonuses. But now the English club must satisfy the player's demand of at least 4 million per season for 5 years.

Question of attitudes The farewell is still imminent. The group was in trouble over his tantrums over the past few season (attitudes in training, fighting with Mourinho, wearing Milan shirt and throw Inter's to the ground) and even with the new area of Benitez, and "usual" Balotelli is still here, which leaves door open to several suitors with an ego even bigger than in the past. The baby prodigy , is believed to be the best of his kind (at the level of potential at least) and is not afraid to say it face to face with everyone. Benitez understood. Who immediately asked him to prove himself on the field, and he remains unsatisfied, it seems, about the boy's level of continuity and intensity. Mario is this: pure talent, flashes of genius, but also lawlessness and with many pauses. The latter, for the workaholics like Benitez and Mourinho as scientists of tactics is really hard to digest.

The motives of green light for Balotelli In short, Balotelli will leave. At base, there is an incompatible environment that has become unmanageable and it could turn dangerous at any time within the group. Moratti will ride the wave, and is the point of harvest, not sowing. His Inter are currently the strongest with a couple of seasons, Juventus and Milan can return to the top. So, this must be protected and exploited even if it means sacrificing something precious. Balotelli today, is not the decisive factor for this Inter. And perhaps thanks to his sale, Forlan and Mascherano could arrive (even one of them) and with their arrivals Inter would be in the best technical condition to go hunting for more trophies (two are missing for a historic second star). With these arguments, Morati will try to pursue the idea of "sacrifice inevitable" even for whom he considers as one of his sons, a 20 year-old who is monstrously talented, and could receive his first invitation for the National team soon.
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