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Gettin a tetchy now. Rumours circulating that City have pulled out of the deal for Balo because of wage demands

Some Sky Sports News presenter, Pete Graves has posted on his Twitter account:

Apparently #mcfc have pulled out of deal for balotelli because of his high wage demands

To be fair to Sky Sports, they have refrained from jumping on the Balotelli rumours and seem to only want to report something concrete, but I don't know how much truth there is in it from this guy

Furthermore he has trained with the Inter squad on Wednesday, so the passport reason seems legit excuse, nothing to do with the deal
Brilliant article.
From the quotes it seems like Mario has told people he is moving to Manchester, Why would you do that before the deal is concluded?

Im thinking its already done. It would explain why that big mouthed agent of his has been so quiet this week too.

Wouldnt be the first time this window we signed someone and kept it a secret for a while...
Gettin a tetchy now. Rumours circulating, only rumours again I stress, that City have pulled out of the deal for Balotelli because of wage demands

Some Sky Sports News presenter, Pete Graves has posted on his Twitter account:

Apparently #mcfc have pulled out of deal for balotelli because of his high wage demands

To be fair to Sky Sports, they have refrained from jumping on the Balotelli rumours and seem to only want to report something concrete, but I don't know how much truth there is in it from this guy

Furthermore he has trained with the Inter squad on Wednesday, so the passport reason seems legit excuse, nothing to do with the deal
ste.sully said:
Gettin a tetchy now. Rumours circulating, only rumours again I stress, that City have pulled out of the deal for Balotelli because of wage demands

Some Sky Sports News presenter, Pete Graves has posted on his Twitter account:

Apparently #mcfc have pulled out of deal for balotelli because of his high wage demands

To be fair to Sky Sports, they have refrained from jumping on the Balotelli rumours and seem to only want to report something concrete, but I don't know how much truth there is in it from this guy

Furthermore he has trained with the Inter squad on Wednesday, so the passport reason seems legit excuse, nothing to do with the deal

not after all this! no!!!
This deal is as good as done. Balotelli will not choose to remain with teammates and fans that hate him because we won't meet his agent's absurd wage demands.

Let's use logic people.
Jimma said:
ste.sully said:
Gettin a tetchy now. Rumours circulating, only rumours again I stress, that City have pulled out of the deal for Balotelli because of wage demands

Some Sky Sports News presenter, Pete Graves has posted on his Twitter account:

Apparently #mcfc have pulled out of deal for balotelli because of his high wage demands

To be fair to Sky Sports, they have refrained from jumping on the Balotelli rumours and seem to only want to report something concrete, but I don't know how much truth there is in it from this guy

Furthermore he has trained with the Inter squad on Wednesday, so the passport reason seems legit excuse, nothing to do with the deal

not after all this! no!!!

If this is true, it is a case of City calling the bluff and seeing what happens. Smart decision on City's part, it should make Mario realize he isn't the end all be all that his agent thinks he is. The agent works for the player, not the other way around, and if Mario wants to come and play for his "father-like manager" he will tell his agent to suck it up and get it done. It would put even more pressure on Mario if we come out with a massive bid for any of Torres, Dzeko, or even throw crazy money at someone like Zlatan, just to prove a point. In the end, Mario is wearing a City shirt come the end of the window.
i dont actually believe for a start that he is asking for that much? surely its just crap?

but that tweet does scare me
warhawkmoski said:
Jimma said:
not after all this! no!!!

If this is true, it is a case of City calling the bluff and seeing what happens. Smart decision on City's part, it should make Mario realize he isn't the end all be all that his agent thinks he is. The agent works for the player, not the other way around, and if Mario wants to come and play for his "father-like manager" he will tell his agent to suck it up and get it done. It would put even more pressure on Mario if we come out with a massive bid for any of Torres, Dzeko, or even throw crazy money at someone like Zlatan, just to prove a point. In the end, Mario is wearing a City shirt come the end of the window.

This. Mario wants to/has to leave Inter, Inter want the money to fund the Mascherano bid, and we want Mario for obvious reasons. I'm very confident he'll be one of us soon, I'm just getting impatient like everyone else!
glen quagmire said:
If we do get him, will he be a starter? Surely he must be with that price tag...........oh wait a minute ade was twenty odd million so was carlos shit who starts?

You could even play Ade and Balio up front and tevez behind them as a gerrard roll.
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