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ok he replied to my email

mario said:
Hello. I am Mario Balotelli. Why is my sister getting such a hard time? I told her to go on the number 1 fan page for Manchester City fans and break the news. Can i prove i am me? I have not been asked that before. Pass a message to blue moon users who set up the false internet sites..... my lawyer will be following this up and will take action, there was no need for that! She did nothing wrong and does not deserve abuse


i replied

me said:
its somthing you will need to get used to if you are to be a city player.
man city are known for 'blue humour'. we make fun of ourselves and others.
we are constantly hassled by manchester united fans who think it is funny to
pretend they know things about transfers to get our hopes up. naturally we retalliate with humour.
in all honesty how do we know your sister not one of them?

as for the websites. a bluemoon member only made one for a joke.
the other was an independant website which believed our 'joke' one

they dont mean to abuse her. if you look extensively on the 'transfer forum' the centre of attention is made the subjyect of our humour

it is all light-hearted banter, we dont mean any harm. i can speak on everyones behalf when i say we are very excited at the prospect of signing an incredible talent such as yourself and we can promise a great relationship between you and the fans. i am sure you will be a huge part of city's future.

i will pass a message on tobluemoon
I have just sent the following email to 'Mario'.

Dear Mario,

First of all may I welcome you to our club and apologise on behalf of all bluemooners. The words shared with your sister were not of anger, but words of lust! In Manchester it is custom for a female to present herself to men by displaying her chest bollocks on a webcam. Clearly this must have been a culture shock and we apologise.

In regards to the catering situation. We did not intend to cause offense by offering you a pie, it is a local dish that many of us enjoy. However I do have some Spiderman spaghetti shapes I can bring to the press conference if you would like?

Finally may I say we are all looking forward to watching you score in the red, sorry, no, blue of Manchester City,

Hugs and Kisses

P.S. Please apologise to your driver. Im sure red cars are faster than other coloured cars and that you will arrive much quicker because of it.
Lmarkham-blueblood said:
ok he replied to my email

mario said:
Hello. I am Mario Balotelli. Why is my sister getting such a hard time? I told her to go on the number 1 fan page for Manchester City fans and break the news. Can i prove i am me? I have not been asked that before. Pass a message to blue moon users who set up the false internet sites..... my lawyer will be following this up and will take action, there was no need for that! She did nothing wrong and does not deserve abuse


i replied

me said:
its somthing you will need to get used to if you are to be a city player.
man city are known for 'blue humour'. we make fun of ourselves and others.
we are constantly hassled by manchester united fans who think it is funny to
pretend they know things about transfers to get our hopes up. naturally we retalliate with humour.
in all honesty how do we know your sister not one of them?

as for the websites. a bluemoon member only made one for a joke.
the other was an independant website which believed our 'joke' one

they dont mean to abuse her. if you look extensively on the 'transfer forum' the centre of attention is made the subjyect of our humour

it is all light-hearted banter, we dont mean any harm. i can speak on everyones behalf when i say we are very excited at the prospect of signing an incredible talent such as yourself and we can promise a great relationship between you and the fans. i am sure you will be a huge part of city's future.

i will pass a message on tobluemoon

WTF !!!!!!!!!????????????
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