
The Amy Winehouse of football.

no he's not on drugs, excessive alcohol or going to die at the age of 27.

Merely he has shown that he has talent but spends too much time getting himself into trouble/not being responsible or mature enough to deliver to be really heralded by anybody as the legend some people want him to be, and he lets everybody down many more times than he impresses them.

That being said for most people Amy Winehouse did release a great album, Balo hasn't hit that peak yet.
Most people know my thoughts on Balotelli.

I cut the kid a bit of slack with his comments on Manchester. I'm not keen on it either. It doesn't matter too much either way on that point.

Unfortunately for me and this 131+ year community, his performances are the thing which matter. Too often he gives a performance which actually damages the team, a performance where you would rather him shy away from play than provide an option only for him to lose it playing silly beggars. That came yesterday when United had just got their first, the tourists were making noise, and we needed some cool heads to keep the ball. One unforgivably shit touch later, United had the ball back and created the pressure which lead to their second. There on in, it was uphill.

That's to be expected though, because he hasn't got the head for this game. You need men to come out and perform. He is a boy.

His feet are also shocking. A great finisher but when it comes to reading the game and finding an appropriate pass, he hasn't got it.

Spain demonstrated to the world that the age of the athlete is over. First touch is everything. Balotelli is on his way out.

Loved by plenty on here, only because they wish to find a superstar/character/one of the lads to watch on a Saturday. Bad news for them though because this is a team game and you can't have muppets like him letting you down every week.
Kazzydeyna said:
Jim Tolmie's Underpants said:
Kazzydeyna said:
I'm asserting that the media's clear hatred of city (and ballotelli) is rooted in typically xenophobic tabloid racism. Simple as that.

Where's your evidence for that?

Okay.Clearly I do not have documented proof that the UK media is racist. I do however have the folllowing...

- UTD are owned by people that have taken the richest club in the world (or one of them anyway) and raped millions from them whilst at the same time saddling that club with 100's of millions of debt. Are they widely criticised in the UK media..? No they are not. Incidentally UTD's owners are caucasian.

- Chelsea are owned by a Russian businessman with tenuous links to the Russian underworld. He has spent millions on the team propelling them to greatness on the pitch whilst (for the time) single-handedly inflating the UK and European transfer market. He also early in this tenure sacked a hugely popular manager in a less than perfect way. Chelsea are one of the most expensive UK teams to watch and have signed several very expensive flops (Shevchenko, Veron etc). Is he widely criticised in the UK media..? No he isn't. Incidentally Chelsea's owner is caucasian.

- Liverpool's previous owners leveraged the club with huge debt and during their tenure the club slid out of the reckoning for the games top prize. Were they widely criticised for this in the UK media..? No they weren't. Incidentally Liverpool's previous owners were Caucasian.

- Liverpool's current owners have spent hugely over the odds for average/quite good players to the tune of tens of millions and counting. Have they been criticsed for this in the UK media..? no they have not. Incidentally Liverpool's current owners are Caucasian.

- City's owners have taken a club that was heading for financial oblivion and invested heavily to turn it around, both on and off the pitch. True, they have paid over the odds for some players and some have not worked out. Have they been criticsed for this...? You bet your fucking life they have. Incidentally City's owners are dark skinned muslims.

- City's owners have invested (or are planning to invest) over £1bn in to the club, the surrounding area, and the city of Manchester as a whole. Have they been praised for his and held up as a beacon of sensible,responsible ownership...? Errrr no. not really. They've been accused of "cheating" the numbers to ensure their "Arab plaything" can enter the champs league. Indeed their various investments in our club are regularly and monotonously referred to in the UK media as "petro-dollars", "Arab-money" et al. Incidenally City's owners are dark skinned muslims.

Non of those points provide any evidence for a media racist agenda. The media were anti City way before we were took over, which proves your "racist" points completely invalid.

If you want your points taken seriously, then provide some relevant evidence for a racist agenda. However, you have already had to admit that you haven't any, so I'd just stop flogging a dead horse if I were you.

Do you seriously think we wouldn't have suffered the very same criticisms if we had been taken over by a billionare white man?

The media have always delighted in having a go at City. They've done it for decades. To now claim that the criticism is because we have dark-skinned owners is completely irrational and absurd.

As for City's fans. I never claimed that we were basing the criticism of Mario on grounds of racism. I claimed (and still do claim) that many mnay of the posters on this thread are simply jumping (perhaps unwittingly) on the "lets stop those dirty filthy brown people from making a success of little old City. I know, we'll have a go at their easiest target".

I can't even be arsed rebutting that pile of bollocks....
"Non of those points provide any evidence for a media racist agenda. "

Okay mate. I think the Media are basing much of their city bashing on xenophobic and racist grounds, you think Rupert Murdoch and his pals are basically decent fellows.
I said after his sending off against Kiev Balotelli could cost Mancini his job. I have no reason to change my mind. He spent 45 minutes strolling round Wembley unless he was lying on the floor upset after loosing the ball and then looking to retaliate at the first oppertunity.
Kazzydeyna said:
[quote "jim tolmies underpants"]particularly when in the next breath they are lionising a petulant, selfish, media-whore like Bellamy. A player who lets remember hardly turned it on for Cardiff IN THE CHAMPIONSHIP.

LOL. You criticise fellow City fans for having a go at Mario, then slag Bellamy off!

Remember this?

Kazzydeyna said:
but I DO give a shite about our own fans slagging off one of.our own


What a hypocrite![/quote]

I do not consider Bellamy as one of our own. [/quote]

He is a City player, contracted to the club. FACT. Whether you consider him as one of our own is irrelevant. Just like someone who claims water isn't wet.

Facts are facts.

And I haven't since he spat his dummy out when Mancini told him he wasn't good enough for where we wanted to go. (which he isn't).

So why do you still consider Balo one of our own? He has spat his dummy out and behaved worse than Bellamy has in his City career?

Hmmm... Seems a bit racist to me. Are you picking on Bellers because he is white? ;)

See what I did there?

so no. I don't consider myself a hypocrite on this matter. you presumably do. That's fine, I can take it.

Whether you admit you are a hypocrite is irrelevant - you are one. You criticise City fans for slagging off one City player, then go and slag off another City player yourself.

Hypocrisy at it's finest.....
Kazzydeyna said:
"Non of those points provide any evidence for a media racist agenda. "

Okay mate. I think the Media are basing much of their city bashing on xenophobic and racist grounds, you think Rupert Murdoch and his pals are basically decent fellows.
The reason the media target us is because we are upsetting the established order of things. It riles them because Mancini is not a media darling or one of their pets. When Villa were gunning for a top4 spot, the media liked it because O'neill is/was a regular pundit and rentaquote. The same applies to spuds and redknapp. It has nothing to do with skin colour or nationality. Look at Ian Wright,Garth Crooks and Paul Ince. The media hang on every word of them 3 gobshites.
P.S. I didn't realise mancio was a girl. It was rude of me to call her a bellend. Sorry.
JoeMercer'sWay said:
The Amy Winehouse of football.

no he's not on drugs, excessive alcohol or going to die at the age of 27.

Merely he has shown that he has talent but spends too much time getting himself into trouble/not being responsible or mature enough to deliver to be really heralded by anybody as the legend some people want him to be, and he lets everybody down many more times than he impresses them.

That being said for most people Amy Winehouse did release a great album, Balo hasn't hit that peak yet.

...I would rather sh*g balo than winehouse, he has cuter tattoos
Mancio a girl?

Dont think so...

...Rag wum more like ;-)

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