
I think we all know Balotelli will move sooner or later. how soon is up for debate. that move to Milan will always be looming overhead.

I just hope we get some fantastic season(s) out of him before he leaves is all. That will be enough for me, he'll never be a City legend.
Mario Balotelli the second best player in the world, don’t make me laugh!
: Thu 23 December, 2010

Manchester City striker Mario Balotelli believes that only Lionel Messi is currently a better player than him in the world.That’s a big claim considering he hasn’t even proven he’s the best player at Manchester City.
Golden Boy Balotelli has just claimed the ‘Golden Boy’ award for being the best under-21 player in Europe.

He won it ahead of Arsenal youngster Jack Wilshere. Does that make Wilshere the third best player in the world? I never heard of him said Balotelli,
City striker now wants to win the Ballon d’Or. Confident
The Italian told Tuttosport: “I want to be the best player in the world,” “It is good to have ambition. I’ve said in the past that I don’t care what other people want or expect of me because I know what I want.
“I will always give everything because I want to become the best. That is my aim and I am determined to make it happen. I am really happy to have won the Golden Boy 2010, but who else should have won it if not me? Two years ago I finished sixth and in 2009 in fourth. Now it is my turn.

“Now my objective is to win the Ballon d’Or without age limits. To win the Golden Boy is a good omen to win the main prize. I am now a candidate for that. There is only one player who is a little stronger than me – Messi. All the others are behind me.”
The guy has never lacked confidence but that’s led to his downfall in the past. He fell out with Jose Mourinho on numerous occasions when the pair were at Inter, as their egos clashed and led to the youngster being left out of the Inter squad on occasions,

You can’t argue with the fact that he has big potential "I have never seen such raw talent football brilliance confident powerful ye hard to control [Said Mourinho]"
well His ego will get him into trouble in his football career and he needs to start adjusting his attitude if he is going to be a success in the Premier League. Arrogant Mario has never heard of Jack Wilsher, already start doing his talking on the pitch, rather than off it.
Not wise start.. SkySport Report:

Read btw the lines ...... as of Thu 23 December, 2010 ... the English Media Welcome NOT
Mario the bad boy ...... THE RAG-MEDIA after Balotelli .. and City Fans dump to ride...

on the other hand not much criticism FOR THE Mega-£18m Dodgy keeper
THAT'S the Madness of the highest order ; Massimo Taibi the New Me David De Gea

"De Gea conceded the most amount of goals from outside the box in La Liga last season, as his club finished seventh" ..FACTS
How many wingers/strikers can you name that are
1) approximately the same age as balotelli (range of 3 years)
2) just as talented as him?

hmm......... he's a terrible player isn't he....
SkySport: Thu 23 December, 2010
Mario Balotelli the second best player in the world, don’t make me laugh!

Manchester City striker Mario Balotelli believes that only Lionel Messi is currently a better player than him in the world.That’s a big claim considering he hasn’t even proven he’s the best player at Manchester City.
Golden Boy Balotelli has just claimed the ‘Golden Boy’ award for being the best under-21 player in Europe.

He won it ahead of Arsenal youngster Jack Wilshere. Does that make Wilshere the third best player in the world? I never heard of him said Balotelli,
City striker now wants to win the Ballon d’Or. Confident
The Italian told Tuttosport: “I want to be the best player in the world,” “It is good to have ambition. I’ve said in the past that I don’t care what other people want or expect of me because I know what I want.
“I will always give everything because I want to become the best. That is my aim and I am determined to make it happen. I am really happy to have won the Golden Boy 2010, but who else should have won it if not me? Two years ago I finished sixth and in 2009 in fourth. Now it is my turn.

“Now my objective is to win the Ballon d’Or without age limits. To win the Golden Boy is a good omen to win the main prize. I am now a candidate for that. There is only one player who is a little stronger than me – Messi. All the others are behind me.”
The guy has never lacked confidence but that’s led to his downfall in the past. He fell out with Jose Mourinho on numerous occasions when the pair were at Inter, as their egos clashed and led to the youngster being left out of the Inter squad on occasions,

You can’t argue with the fact that he has big potential "I have never seen such raw talent football brilliance confident powerful ye hard to control [Said Mourinho]"
well His ego will get him into trouble in his football career and he needs to start adjusting his attitude if he is going to be a success in the Premier League. Arrogant Mario has never heard of Jack Wilsher, already start doing his talking on the pitch, rather than off it.
Not wise start.. SkySport Report:

Read btw the lines ...... as of Thu 23 December, 2010 ... the English Media Welcome NOT
Mario the bad boy ...... THE RAG-MEDIA after Balotelli .. and City Fans dump to ride...

on the other hand not much criticism FOR THE Mega-£18m Dodgy keeper
THAT'S the Madness of the highest order ; Massimo Taibi the New Me David De Gea

"De Gea conceded the most amount of goals from outside the box in La Liga last season, as his club finished seventh" ..FACTS but Media not really interested i guess maybe because his not City player.. Maybe

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) -- Brazilian football federation president Ricardo Teixeira has called the English media corrupt and refused to talk to British journalists on Friday.
When approached by members of the British media on the eve of the World Cup qualifying draw in Rio de Janeiro, Teixeira said he would not talk to the "English press'' because they are "corrupt.'' ...Oh Really just find out ? LOL
citymad said:
r.soleofsalford said:
Bluearmy94 said:
Class player but an absolute nutter.

not denying hes a bit of a loon at times, but being a loon does mean you cant be a talent.

gascoigne, rooney, best,

Difference is they were british and people related to them because of this. Balotelli isnt settled here, he never will be because this isn't his home. The sooner we get rid of him the better. He makes my blood pressure go up just looking at him.

as ive said before, hopefully our management know more about football than you and will do the right thing for our club.
nothing worng with the lad in his skill when he is up to scratch hes still young first time hes been away from home everyone is to quick to jump on the we hate mario bandwagon grr. rant over.
citymad said:
r.soleofsalford said:
Bluearmy94 said:
Class player but an absolute nutter.

not denying hes a bit of a loon at times, but being a loon does mean you cant be a talent.

gascoigne, rooney, best,

Difference is they were british and people related to them because of this. Balotelli isnt settled here, he never will be because this isn't his home. The sooner we get rid of him the better. He makes my blood pressure go up just looking at him.

Don't look at him. If you do visualise him with Beckham visage but with WC skills to boot. LOL
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
I think I've seen enough now. I don't like his personality, but I can live with that as long as he's doing the business on the field. His attitude, application and effort stink and it's a disgrace that a player like Bellamy (who is also prone to having 'moments' off the field) who's attitude and commitment to the cause can not be questioned is being kept out by this myth.

Not trying to be negative, but I really think I've seen enough now and he just does not want to be here, so lets get rid and move on.
stick to to topics on mixed race (half grey squirrel / half urban fox), asylum seeking, left wing, society ruining animals.
far more interesting.
zangatangring said:
How many wingers/strikers can you name that are
1) approximately the same age as balotelli (range of 3 years)
2) just as talented as him?

hmm......... he's a terrible player isn't he....

I mean I am a fan of Mario and have defended him quite a lot above but there are a couple of names that come close to his talent and upfront, if you take Messi out of the equation there is Pedro he is close to Mario and only 22? there is also Hazard a very good young player with lots of talent finally Sanchez he is early 20's as well. These type of players are about but the thing that we have to say to ourselves is that we have one of the raw talents and we have to stand by him.

On another note many of blues that are slating him it is fair enough and I do understand your points of view as at times my patience has be worn down but when it comes to the start of the season and if he scores 2 goals against Swansea and puts in a man of the match performance you will all love him again lol.

James Milner: "Mario is Mario"
zangatangring said:
How many wingers/strikers can you name that are
1) approximately the same age as balotelli (range of 3 years)
2) just as talented as him?

hmm......... he's a terrible player isn't he....

First of all Mario is now 20, so it's time he started to show a more devlopment than he has.

Personaly within the three year age gap you have given their is clearly lot's of players that i would say are just as talented.

He isnt terrible, that would be a silly thing to say, but it's just as silly to suggest we have seen anything that you could desribe as world class talent. After all that's what he is being hailed as.

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