Ban the Grand National?

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
johnmc said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
I wasn't replying to Dubai Blue,I was replying to you,you dense twt,as you were the one who asked me the question,so what the fck does he have to do with anything?
You asked me a question,and I answered it.
The quote was mine - I didn't ascribe it to Dubai Blue or anyone else - it was used to prove a point.
I didn't ask for,and don't need,a lecture from you about just who I should and shouldn't have sympathy for.
You got your answer,now get back in your box and stop your predictably infantile sht stirring.

WTF? Are you not giving Dubai Blue a lecture on who he should and shouldnt have sympathy for you numpty. So what gives you the right to spout your bile if someone questions it you get on your soapbox.

Unless you have sympathy for every indidual who dies you cannot tell others who they should and shouldn't you whining pleb.

You really are way beyond thick.
I haven't once suggested who anybody should and shouldn't have sympathy for,because I really don't care - that is a matter for the individual and their moral conscience,not me.
You asked me,and I gave you my answer.
I merely suggested that anybody who thinks that riding a horse over fences warrants their death in some weird karmic way is lacking basic human compassion,and that nobody deserves their death for having the audacity to choose a career with a risk element.
Dubai pretty much suggested,('what goes around comes around),that a jockey got their just desserts if they died.
I think this is nonsense,because every job probably has a component within it that has the capacity to injure or kill.
If you want to hijack the thread and turn it into a completely different debate about the nature of sympathy rather than the Grand National,then go ahead,as you clearly have little to contribute on the actual topic.

Yes, you are correct, I am beyond thick.

As has been pointed out several times to you, he has not said that any Jockey riding in the national deserves to die. Please point it out if he has said anything close to this. He has said he wouldnt really sympathise with any jockey that did so - there is a world of difference. If you can't distinguish the difference between the two then you can join me in the thick club.

You are correct that any job has an element of risk, however those that you have stated Office worker, Scaffolder etc are not done purely for peoples enjoyment are they.
I see your wording it different John,making it sound better saying he doesn't sympathise with jockeys dying.

His words were he doesn't give a shit if jockeys die or other sportsman.
johnmc said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
johnmc said:
WTF? Are you not giving Dubai Blue a lecture on who he should and shouldnt have sympathy for you numpty. So what gives you the right to spout your bile if someone questions it you get on your soapbox.

Unless you have sympathy for every indidual who dies you cannot tell others who they should and shouldn't you whining pleb.

You really are way beyond thick.
I haven't once suggested who anybody should and shouldn't have sympathy for,because I really don't care - that is a matter for the individual and their moral conscience,not me.
You asked me,and I gave you my answer.
I merely suggested that anybody who thinks that riding a horse over fences warrants their death in some weird karmic way is lacking basic human compassion,and that nobody deserves their death for having the audacity to choose a career with a risk element.
Dubai pretty much suggested,('what goes around comes around),that a jockey got their just desserts if they died.
I think this is nonsense,because every job probably has a component within it that has the capacity to injure or kill.
If you want to hijack the thread and turn it into a completely different debate about the nature of sympathy rather than the Grand National,then go ahead,as you clearly have little to contribute on the actual topic.

Yes, you are correct, I am beyond thick.

As has been pointed out several times to you, he has not said that any Jockey riding in the national deserves to die. Please point it out if he has said anything close to this. He has said he wouldnt really sympathise with any jockey that did so - there is a world of difference. If you can't distinguish the difference between the two then you can join me in the thick club.

You are correct that any job has an element of risk, however those that you have stated Office worker, Scaffolder etc are not done purely for peoples enjoyment are they.

I'm sure that Dubai Blue is full of gratitude for the commendable way you have defended his lack of argument and semantic sophistry,given that he has stopped even trying.
But he stated that Jenson Button got in a Formula One car 'for the thrill of it'.
He doesn't - he gets in the car because it is his job,just the same as a jockey when he rides a horse.
That is a world of difference between scuba diving as a hobby,and riding horses for a living.
Then you,for reasons known only to yourself,decide to throw soldiers in Afghanistan into the mix,and then divert the thread into some weird discourse on the nature of sympathy.
These are both interesting concepts worthy of discussion in their own right,but hardly relevant to a thread on the Grand National.
The cookie monster said:
I see your wording it different John,making it sound better saying he doesn't sympathise with jockeys dying.

His words were he doesn't give a shit if jockeys die or other sportsman.
It's the same thing. "I couldn't give a shit" = "I don't have any sympathy" as far as I'm concerned and I stand by it. Quite why people are getting upset over who I get upset about dying is beyond me though. It's my personal choice and you're all perfectly entitled to feel however you want to feel. But please don't be harbouring views that all people who ride horses deserve to die, because that plainly would be an abhorrent view to hold.
Dubai Blue said:
The cookie monster said:
I see your wording it different John,making it sound better saying he doesn't sympathise with jockeys dying.

His words were he doesn't give a shit if jockeys die or other sportsman.
It's the same thing. "I couldn't give a shit" = "I don't have any sympathy" as far as I'm concerned and I stand by it. Quite why people are getting upset over who I get upset about dying is beyond me though. It's my personal choice and you're all perfectly entitled to feel however you want to feel. But please don't be harbouring views that all people who ride horses deserve to die, because that plainly would be an abhorrent view to hold.
I just wondered why the other clown changed the wording that's all.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
I'm sure that Dubai Blue is full of gratitude for the commendable way you have defended his lack of argument and semantic sophistry,given that he has stopped even trying.
But he stated that Jenson Button got in a Formula One car 'for the thrill of it'.
He doesn't - he gets in the car because it is his job,just the same as a jockey when he rides a horse.
That is a world of difference between scuba diving as a hobby,and riding horses for a living.
Then you,for reasons known only to yourself,decide to throw soldiers in Afghanistan into the mix,and then divert the thread into some weird discourse on the nature of sympathy.
These are both interesting concepts worthy of discussion in their own right,but hardly relevant to a thread on the Grand National.

I am making a comment on a public forum, I am not supporting anyone as such, just giving my opinion. If Dubai Blue is full of gratitude then thats up to him.

In respect of Jenson Button, of course he was doing it for enjoyment, just happens he was that good at it he gets paid for it. Same as any footballer. Do you really see it as a job? I will guarantee you that if you asked Jenson what meant more to him, the Championship or the prize money he would say the Championship. If you ask a scaffolder whether he does it for the money or the thrill they will say the money.

No doubt you will disagree but there are thousands who race cars for enjoyment every week, thousands who ride horses for enjoyment but not many scaffolders who do it without being paid. I do not think Jenson Button gets in his car on the grid thinking "another day at work"

As I have already said the Afganistan thing was off topic, I've admitted that. The topic went off on a tangent, which may or may not have been my doing. Sorry for that your heiness.<br /><br />-- Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:13 am --<br /><br />
The cookie monster said:
I just wondered why the other clown changed the wording that's all.

Because its the same thing at the end of the day. You can word things in several different ways and people will take different meanings from it even though it might mean the same thing.

People will take umbrage to someone saying they don't give a sh1t. But if someone says they have no sympathy they won't react as much when in essence they are exactly the same.

I never watch the Grand national and i can't understand how anyone can believe that the owners of these horses love animals when they send them out on that course.
dazdon said:
I never watch the Grand national and i can't understand how anyone can believe that the owners of these horses love animals when they send them out on that course.
I hope you're prepared to be scolded by Mr. Angry.

He'll probably start with something like, "What kind of deluded fucked-up sense of perspective would make you think that all horse owners deserve to be violently kicked to death and then shat upon?"

"But I didn't say that Mr. Angry."

"Answer my fucking question, you disgusting scumbag. Why do you think all horse owners deserve to be violently kicked to death and then shat upon?"
dazdon said:
I come on here epecting (Nay demanding) to be kicked to death.

It's part of the charm and I wouldn't have it any other way :-)
I bet you think any child or war hero that has ever ridden a horse also deserves to be kicked to death and then shat upon. People like you disgust me.

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