Ban the Grand National?

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
johnmc said:
So NF and SWP's Back, are you telling us you have sympathy with everyone who dies?

I don't think somebody deserves to die simply because they do a job that contains a risk element,and that risk element kills them.
To say 'well,he was a motor racing driver,or a jockey,so no great loss' is simply a very inhumane way to view the death of a human being.
Every job in the world probably has the potential for injury,but I don't say 'goes with the territory,so I don't give a fck' if a joyrider mows down a lollypop lady.

Well to be fair to Dubai Blue he has never said that anyone deserves to die. And did he say the bit you have quoted?

However you are telling him who he should and should not have sympathy for, when you are making those choices for yourself. I'll be honest and say if someone in F1 died then I'm not sure how much sympathy I would have. I have no connection with the sport and whilst I would hope it didnt happen it wouldnt affect me in anyway.

So unless you have sympathy for everyone who dies you can't really tell others who they should and shouldnt have sympathy for.
johnmc said:
So NF and SWP's Back, are you telling us you have sympathy with everyone who dies?
I rarely hear of someones death and think "ah well, fuck em"

Don't get me wrong, I don't howl with emotion but I wouldn't class it as "not giving a shit". Unless they are criminals, or gingers. Or religious folk. And a few other select groups.
SWP's back said:
johnmc said:
So NF and SWP's Back, are you telling us you have sympathy with everyone who dies?
I rarely hear of someones death and think "ah well, fck em"

Don't get me wrong, I don't howl with emotion but I wouldn't class it as "not giving a sht". Unless they are criminals, or gingers. Or religious folk. And a few other select groups.

Rarely? So sometimes you dont feel sympathic. Why, have you got limited stores?

Sometimes things just don't affect you so its fine to have no thoughts towards it. Don't see how people can decide for others what they should and shouldn't care about.

If people support British troops in Afghanistan how do they feel when they hear that some of the enemy have been killed? Sympathy? Joy? Do they deserve to die?
johnmc said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
johnmc said:
So NF and SWP's Back, are you telling us you have sympathy with everyone who dies?

I don't think somebody deserves to die simply because they do a job that contains a risk element,and that risk element kills them.
To say 'well,he was a motor racing driver,or a jockey,so no great loss' is simply a very inhumane way to view the death of a human being.
Every job in the world probably has the potential for injury,but I don't say 'goes with the territory,so I don't give a fck' if a joyrider mows down a lollypop lady.

Well to be fair to Dubai Blue he has never said that anyone deserves to die. And did he say the bit you have quoted?

However you are telling him who he should and should not have sympathy for, when you are making those choices for yourself. I'll be honest and say if someone in F1 died then I'm not sure how much sympathy I would have. I have no connection with the sport and whilst I would hope it didnt happen it wouldnt affect me in anyway.

So unless you have sympathy for everyone who dies you can't really tell others who they should and shouldnt have sympathy for.

I wasn't replying to Dubai Blue,I was replying to you,you dense twat,as you were the one who asked me the question,so what the fuck does he have to do with anything?
You asked me a question,and I answered it.
The quote was mine - I didn't ascribe it to Dubai Blue or anyone else - it was used to prove a point.
I didn't ask for,and don't need,a lecture from you about just who I should and shouldn't have sympathy for.
You got your answer,now get back in your box and stop your predictably infantile shit stirring.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
johnmc said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
I don't think somebody deserves to die simply because they do a job that contains a risk element,and that risk element kills them.
To say 'well,he was a motor racing driver,or a jockey,so no great loss' is simply a very inhumane way to view the death of a human being.
Every job in the world probably has the potential for injury,but I don't say 'goes with the territory,so I don't give a fck' if a joyrider mows down a lollypop lady.

Well to be fair to Dubai Blue he has never said that anyone deserves to die. And did he say the bit you have quoted?

However you are telling him who he should and should not have sympathy for, when you are making those choices for yourself. I'll be honest and say if someone in F1 died then I'm not sure how much sympathy I would have. I have no connection with the sport and whilst I would hope it didnt happen it wouldnt affect me in anyway.

So unless you have sympathy for everyone who dies you can't really tell others who they should and shouldnt have sympathy for.

I wasn't replying to Dubai Blue,I was replying to you,you dense twt,as you were the one who asked me the question,so what the fck does he have to do with anything?
You asked me a question,and I answered it.
The quote was mine - I didn't ascribe it to Dubai Blue or anyone else - it was used to prove a point.
I didn't ask for,and don't need,a lecture from you about just who I should and shouldn't have sympathy for.
You got your answer,now get back in your box and stop your predictably infantile sht stirring.

WTF? Are you not giving Dubai Blue a lecture on who he should and shouldnt have sympathy for you numpty. So he has a fair bit to do with it. Or are you only allowed to agree with you on this thread? What gives you the right to spout your bile if someone questions it you get on your soapbox.

Unless you have sympathy for every indidual who dies you cannot tell others who they should and shouldn't you whining pleb.
johnmc said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
johnmc said:
So NF and SWP's Back, are you telling us you have sympathy with everyone who dies?

I don't think somebody deserves to die simply because they do a job that contains a risk element,and that risk element kills them.
To say 'well,he was a motor racing driver,or a jockey,so no great loss' is simply a very inhumane way to view the death of a human being.
Every job in the world probably has the potential for injury,but I don't say 'goes with the territory,so I don't give a fck' if a joyrider mows down a lollypop lady.

Well to be fair to Dubai Blue he has never said that anyone deserves to die. And did he say the bit you have quoted?

However you are telling him who he should and should not have sympathy for, when you are making those choices for yourself. I'll be honest and say if someone in F1 died then I'm not sure how much sympathy I would have. I have no connection with the sport and whilst I would hope it didnt happen it wouldnt affect me in anyway.

So unless you have sympathy for everyone who dies you can't really tell others who they should and shouldnt have sympathy for.

I'd just like to remind everybody at this point that around 60 million humans die every year. By devoting one second of sympathy to each person every second of a day, it would take 694 days to have sympathy for everyone who dies.

I personally have decided to channel my sympathy towards the 6 million children that die every year from hunger. I don't have enough time for formula 1 drivers and horse riders.

Sorry, Jenson... I like your little beard...
johnmc said:
SWP's back said:
johnmc said:
So NF and SWP's Back, are you telling us you have sympathy with everyone who dies?
I rarely hear of someones death and think "ah well, fck em"

Don't get me wrong, I don't howl with emotion but I wouldn't class it as "not giving a sht". Unless they are criminals, or gingers. Or religious folk. And a few other select groups.

Rarely? So sometimes you dont feel sympathic. Why, have you got limited stores?

Sometimes things just don't affect you so its fine to have no thoughts towards it. Don't see how people can decide for others what they should and shouldn't care about.

If people support British troops in Afghanistan how do they feel when they hear that some of the enemy have been killed? Sympathy? Joy? Do they deserve to die?
I said rarely as I can't remember a case when I have thought "ah fuck em" but I thought it would sound disingenuine to say "never" even though I can't recall as such.

In the case of our troops Vs an enemy then joy would be the wrong word. I don't take happiness from human death but I would prefer our soldiers to survive any contact and as such, that would generally mean fewer of theirs doing the same. But I think this moves slightly off topic from "not giving a shit" as a person is doing a pastime that has occasionally seen participants losing their lives.

I also never said I decide what others should or shouldn't care about but I think empathy is a fairly normal human trait and "not giving a shit" over a situation such as in the above, does not really equate to empathy. He gave his opinion, I then gave my own on his.
johnmc said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
johnmc said:
Well to be fair to Dubai Blue he has never said that anyone deserves to die. And did he say the bit you have quoted?

However you are telling him who he should and should not have sympathy for, when you are making those choices for yourself. I'll be honest and say if someone in F1 died then I'm not sure how much sympathy I would have. I have no connection with the sport and whilst I would hope it didnt happen it wouldnt affect me in anyway.

So unless you have sympathy for everyone who dies you can't really tell others who they should and shouldnt have sympathy for.

I wasn't replying to Dubai Blue,I was replying to you,you dense twt,as you were the one who asked me the question,so what the fck does he have to do with anything?
You asked me a question,and I answered it.
The quote was mine - I didn't ascribe it to Dubai Blue or anyone else - it was used to prove a point.
I didn't ask for,and don't need,a lecture from you about just who I should and shouldn't have sympathy for.
You got your answer,now get back in your box and stop your predictably infantile sht stirring.

WTF? Are you not giving Dubai Blue a lecture on who he should and shouldnt have sympathy for you numpty. So what gives you the right to spout your bile if someone questions it you get on your soapbox.

Unless you have sympathy for every indidual who dies you cannot tell others who they should and shouldn't you whining pleb.

You really are way beyond thick.
I haven't once suggested who anybody should and shouldn't have sympathy for,because I really don't care - that is a matter for the individual and their moral conscience,not me.
You asked me,and I gave you my answer.
I merely suggested that anybody who thinks that riding a horse over fences warrants their death in some weird karmic way is lacking basic human compassion,and that nobody deserves their death for having the audacity to choose a career with a risk element.
Dubai pretty much suggested,('what goes around comes around),that a jockey got their just desserts if they died.
I think this is nonsense,because every job probably has a component within it that has the capacity to injure or kill.
If you want to hijack the thread and turn it into a completely different debate about the nature of sympathy rather than the Grand National,then go ahead,as you clearly have little to contribute on the actual topic.
emptypockets said:
johnmc said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
I don't think somebody deserves to die simply because they do a job that contains a risk element,and that risk element kills them.
To say 'well,he was a motor racing driver,or a jockey,so no great loss' is simply a very inhumane way to view the death of a human being.
Every job in the world probably has the potential for injury,but I don't say 'goes with the territory,so I don't give a fck' if a joyrider mows down a lollypop lady.

Well to be fair to Dubai Blue he has never said that anyone deserves to die. And did he say the bit you have quoted?

However you are telling him who he should and should not have sympathy for, when you are making those choices for yourself. I'll be honest and say if someone in F1 died then I'm not sure how much sympathy I would have. I have no connection with the sport and whilst I would hope it didnt happen it wouldnt affect me in anyway.

So unless you have sympathy for everyone who dies you can't really tell others who they should and shouldnt have sympathy for.

I'd just like to remind everybody at this point that around 60 million humans die every year. By devoting one second of sympathy to each person every second of a day, it would take 694 days to have sympathy for everyone who dies.

I personally have decided to channel my sympathy towards the 6 million children that die every year from hunger. I don't have enough time for formula 1 drivers and horse riders.

Sorry, Jenson... I like your little beard...

Hey you guys, how about we turn all this negative energy into positive energy?

I think if we work together we can make bluemoon the most sympathetic forum on the net.

I've got the starving kids covered. Fetlocks can take jockey's, F1 drivers, and anybody else who's just doing their job. SWP's back, you seem to have a lot of time on your hands - how do you feel about taking the sick and the ederly?

That just leaves...

Acts of god


Stillborn babies.

Any takers?
SWP's back said:
I said rarely as I can't remember a case when I have thought "ah fck em" but I thought it would sound disingenuine to say "never" even though I can't recall as such.

In the case of our troops Vs an enemy then joy would be the wrong word. I don't take happiness from human death but I would prefer our soldiers to survive any contact and as such, that would generally mean fewer of theirs doing the same. But I think this moves slightly off topic from "not giving a sht" as a person is doing a pastime that has occasionally seen participants losing their lives.

I also never said I decide what others should or shouldn't care about but I think empathy is a fairly normal human trait and "not giving a sit" over a situation such as in the above, does not really equate to empathy. He gave his opinion, I then gave my own on his.

Right, "not giving a sht" is the same as it having no bearing on you but in a slightly harsher way. It is the same as having no sympathy or not affecting you. Lets say I read about some Rock climber falling to his death in Peru, if I read that it wouldnt affect me, I'd not really have any sympathy as I have no call to and thats life and part of the risk for which people carry that out that hobby. Some might say I dont give a crap. Thats just semantics but in essence is the same thing. Maybe I wouldn't come out and say it though.

Now if a jockey did die at the national I would have sympathy as it is a bit closer to home and I would more than likely know a little about the jockey. Is that contradictorary ? Probably. Just human nature. Different things affect different people.

Fair enough, the troops thing is off topic somewhat.

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