bandwagon fans

As generous as our esteemed leader (no, I don't mean Ric) is I'm sure that he will want to make this a self funding business one day and therefore we need the extra fans to achieve this.

I welcome anyone (well, virtually anyone) to the club but accept that there will some some lacking knowledge in our history and football in general. I know where I come from and that's all that matters to me.
stupid post!!!

Some people like myself have been a blue for 40 years plus but didn't know of this site!

the citizens said:
where have all these new city fans come from since the take over, funny none signed up while we was playing stockport . ive been using bluemoon for a number of yrs now but lately i fooking cringe at some of the bollocks ppl write on this forum , half of them seem to have no Fooking all about football an what city means as a club .

sorry to rant , but i love city , dream city , breath city but these coonts make me sick ..
Been a fan for a while now but City are my second team and I never claim to be anything other than a fan. I make as many games as I can but understand that alot on here are bigger fans than me.
Voodoo09 said:
PowderBlue said:
No i'm not - you missed my point entirely. I said it interests me, meaning I am interested in how an increased fan base works ie are they 'new' football fans, or do they come over from another club?

I guess a perfect example is someone like myself. I've been following the Premier League since 2001 and never had an affiliation to a particular team. In 2006 after doing some research I selected MCFC for a variety of reasons. Since then I have supported from afar and watch the games on tv no matter how early kickoff is (yelling at the tv at 5am tends to piss the wife off...but who cares). I also support my local team and currently hold season tickets.
I haven't had the opportunity to attend a match at COMS yet, but I don't consider myself a bandwagon fan.

Welcome to the thunderdome Voodoo..
city bairn said:
Been a fan for a while now but City are my second team and I never claim to be anything other than a fan. I make as many games as I can but understand that alot on here are bigger fans than me.

There are no "bigger fans" we are all in the same boat, wherever we are from, we all support City and that's what counts
It's hard being a City fan.

It was sooooo much easier being a Manu, chelsea and arsenal fan I can tell you.....CTID!!!
Ducado said:
city bairn said:
Been a fan for a while now but City are my second team and I never claim to be anything other than a fan. I make as many games as I can but understand that alot on here are bigger fans than me.

There are no "bigger fans" we are all in the same boat, wherever we are from, we all support City and that's what counts


i find it quite funny when people on here are like "i've supported city for 20 years!" "oh yeah. i've supported city for 30 years" blah blah

tbh i dont particularly care whether we get people jumping on the bandwagon

doesnt effect me supporting/ watching city what so ever :)
The point is the owners want bandwagon jumpers.
They can see the potential at Eastlands and need us to win stuff and attract new "fans" all around the world.
They are business men and didn't get into this to have a bit of fun, they did it to make money.
Let's hope their good faith is rewarded soon (and our support is rewarded soon too)
What I like about our club is that we all respect one another for being blues, there isn't much 'I'm a bigger fan than you mentality etc.' which makes us so unique and such a friendly, close-knit club. Support is compulsary, attendance is optional. No matter where your from or how many times a season you go and watch City we are all blues and are all equal. With success we will gain more fans, that's natural. However, those 'bandwaggon jumpers' if you like will struggle to get tickets due to our membership and loyalty points policy unless we extend the stadium immensely. Just remember, we are all blues and that's the main thing, let's keep the mentality in our club that way if we want to move forward successfully with the same sort of friendship amongst the fans. THAT is why we are unique.
Even though I have only just signed to this forum, I have been through the many dark times too (as my dad always told me 'It's character building'). The reason for signing up now is (1) I've just found this forum and (2) I wanted to feel connected to what appears to be real fans posting here. If that automatically makes me a fair weather fan or a 'bandwagon' in your eyes then so be it. I know the truth (watching the defeat at home to Bury 0-1 to a Paul Beesley OG in Division 2 was the lowest I hope I ever have to experience) so I don't particularly care if thats the impression I give you by not signing up until recently.

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