Banner at Celtic today

Here is the Green Brigade's statement if not already posted on this thread.

At half-time during today’s match against Aberdeen we displayed message banners calling for ‘No bloodstained poppys on our hoops’ in protest at the Club’s decision to once again wear the poppy on our shirts during next week’s game at St Mirren (a match our group will not attend because of this decision). This is in support of an appeal by Poppyscotland to all SPL clubs. Poppyscotland describes its role as ‘supporting heroes’ and state that ‘the poppy has become a symbol of remembrance and for the sacrifices made by our Armed Forces’. Our group and many within the Celtic support do not recognise the British Armed Forces as heroes, nor their role in many conflicts as one worthy of our remembrance. Earlier this year, the Saville Report on Bloody Sunday confirmed that 14 unarmed civilians were murdered in Derry in 1972 by the Paratroop Regiment. They were among hundreds killed by the British Army during the most recent phase of conflict in Ireland. More recently, the British Armed Forces have murdered and maimed many thousands more innocent civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. The poppy remembers not just our grandfathers who fought the Nazis but also those who bombed the Belgrano and brutally occupied the streets of Belfast and Basra. While we recognise the right of individuals to remember their dead and that many within the Celtic support will wear the poppy in memory of family and friends lost in WW2 and other conflicts, we cannot accept the imposition of the poppy onto our shirts.
As far back as April, representatives from the Green Brigade, Celtic Supporters Association and Celtic Trust met with Peter Lawwell to express our united opposition to the Club imposing the poppy on the first team jersey. We also know that the AICSC and many other individual supporters had called on the Club to reverse their position of previous years and take the poppy off the shirt. Following our meeting in April, the Club were contacted on several occasions for further dialogue on the issue but informed us that they were still considering their position and would get back to us. The first any group knew of the decision was after it had been made, and publicly announced. We share the views of the AICSC whose recent statement on the poppy stated that ‘to see the jersey being used as a medium for such a divisive symbol and the message it communicates is deplorable’, and that it showed a complete lack of respect for the support, further highlighted by repeated declarations on the official website of Celtic’s delight to be wearing the poppy and supporting Poppyscotland. It appears rather than leave his politics at the door, chairman John Reid, the former Armed Forces Minister and Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and Defence, has forced his onto the first team jersey.

As you may have noticed at today’s game, we mistakenly missed out the ‘D’ in ‘bloodstained’. This happened in the rush to finish two displays for todays game (with our ‘Show the SFA the red card’ action before the match). The real mistake, however, is the Club forcing the poppy onto our shirt.

Twats of the highest order.
CTID_9 said:
Here is the Green Brigade's statement if not already posted on this thread.

At half-time during today’s match against Aberdeen we displayed message banners calling for ‘No bloodstained poppys on our hoops’ in protest at the Club’s decision to once again wear the poppy on our shirts during next week’s game at St Mirren (a match our group will not attend because of this decision). This is in support of an appeal by Poppyscotland to all SPL clubs. Poppyscotland describes its role as ‘supporting heroes’ and state that ‘the poppy has become a symbol of remembrance and for the sacrifices made by our Armed Forces’. Our group and many within the Celtic support do not recognise the British Armed Forces as heroes, nor their role in many conflicts as one worthy of our remembrance. Earlier this year, the Saville Report on Bloody Sunday confirmed that 14 unarmed civilians were murdered in Derry in 1972 by the Paratroop Regiment. They were among hundreds killed by the British Army during the most recent phase of conflict in Ireland. More recently, the British Armed Forces have murdered and maimed many thousands more innocent civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. The poppy remembers not just our grandfathers who fought the Nazis but also those who bombed the Belgrano and brutally occupied the streets of Belfast and Basra. While we recognise the right of individuals to remember their dead and that many within the Celtic support will wear the poppy in memory of family and friends lost in WW2 and other conflicts, we cannot accept the imposition of the poppy onto our shirts.
As far back as April, representatives from the Green Brigade, Celtic Supporters Association and Celtic Trust met with Peter Lawwell to express our united opposition to the Club imposing the poppy on the first team jersey. We also know that the AICSC and many other individual supporters had called on the Club to reverse their position of previous years and take the poppy off the shirt. Following our meeting in April, the Club were contacted on several occasions for further dialogue on the issue but informed us that they were still considering their position and would get back to us. The first any group knew of the decision was after it had been made, and publicly announced. We share the views of the AICSC whose recent statement on the poppy stated that ‘to see the jersey being used as a medium for such a divisive symbol and the message it communicates is deplorable’, and that it showed a complete lack of respect for the support, further highlighted by repeated declarations on the official website of Celtic’s delight to be wearing the poppy and supporting Poppyscotland. It appears rather than leave his politics at the door, chairman John Reid, the former Armed Forces Minister and Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and Defence, has forced his onto the first team jersey.

As you may have noticed at today’s game, we mistakenly missed out the ‘D’ in ‘bloodstained’. This happened in the rush to finish two displays for todays game (with our ‘Show the SFA the red card’ action before the match). The real mistake, however, is the Club forcing the poppy onto our shirt.

ha ha that actually made me laugh out loud the thick deluded twats!

Sound like something out of the Life of Brian, the people front of Judea.

ha ha fuckin inbread numpty fuckwits!
Scottyboi said:
Goats left knee said:
what sort of tool comes out with "irish bastards" some of us over here dont give a shit about celtic OR rangers and all the bullshit that goes with them (bad as each other)

They are plastics the ones holding the banners supporting a scottish team park of the uk but saying they are irish bla bla. So confusing these pricks why do celtic as a club stand for it?

-- Sun Nov 07, 2010 12:25 am --

The Fenians, both the Fenian Brotherhood and Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB), were fraternal organisations dedicated to the establishment of an independent Irish Republic in the 19th and early 20th century. The name "Fenians" was first applied by John O'Mahony to the members of the Irish republican group which he founded in America in 1858.[1] O'Mahony, who was a Celtic scholar, named the American wing of the movement after the Fianna.[2][3][4][5] In Gaelic Ireland these were warrior bands of young men who lived apart from society and could be called upon in times of war.

Why is it so offensive?
Celtic fans sing "Paddy McCourt's fenian army" so to then take offence when someone else calls them "fenians" is just taking stupidity to a new level.
MonkeyButler said:
Celtic fans sing "Paddy McCourt's fenian army" so to then take offence when someone else calls them "fenians" is just taking stupidity to a new level.

Surely its the context of the use of the word?

Like Spurs fans calling themselves... butt aking offence when people call it back. Same way two blacks guys may refer to each other as... but then take offence when another person calls them the same name.
they make me sick, even if i wasnt a Rangers fan as well.

People died for what they have 'freedom' and scum like that do this, there no better than these muslim preachers, who preach terrorism and hate against anything thats non Muslim
pinkwheeltrim said:
Well that banner is fine by me,people can say whatever they like in my world. As I said on the other thread I will only wear a white poppy for peace. The only victims of war I want to remember are innocent civilians.

Aren't you a grade A Prick.
Young_TomO said:
pinkwheeltrim said:
Well that banner is fine by me,people can say whatever they like in my world. As I said on the other thread I will only wear a white poppy for peace. The only victims of war I want to remember are innocent civilians.

Aren't you a grade A Prick.

This is why the thread should be pulled - debating the rights and wrongs of things are fine but there are too many of these kind of posts in these threads that add nothing.

He said Free speech is fine, thats all. That doesnt mean he agrees with the banner - can you not understand that???
Young_TomO said:
pinkwheeltrim said:
Well that banner is fine by me,people can say whatever they like in my world. As I said on the other thread I will only wear a white poppy for peace. The only victims of war I want to remember are innocent civilians.

Aren't you a grade A Prick.

No I'm not,I'm a bloody good egg!

Although,thinking about it,I do have a rather nice cock which in some circles may very well be described as a "grade A prick! Have we met before?
johnmc said:
Young_TomO said:
Aren't you a grade A Prick.

This is why the thread should be pulled - debating the rights and wrongs of things are fine but there are too many of these kind of posts in these threads that add nothing.

He said Free speech is fine, thats all. That doesnt mean he agrees with the banner - can you not understand that???

i think everyone, servicemen & civilians should be remembered for what happened in conflicts.

God people dont half make my blood boil. If it wasn't for people fighting for this country, god knows what we'd be like now days.<br /><br />-- Mon Nov 08, 2010 11:41 am --<br /><br />
pinkwheeltrim said:
Young_TomO said:
Aren't you a grade A Prick.

No I'm not,I'm a bloody good egg!

Although,thinking about it,I do have a rather nice cock which in some circles may very well be described as a "grade A prick! Have we met before?

Not funny at all

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