Banner at Celtic today

Young_TomO said:
i think everyone, servicemen & civilians should be remembered for what happened in conflicts.

God people dont half make my blood boil. If it wasn't for people fighting for this country, god knows what we'd be like now days.
Young_TomO said:
So do you think it should be compulsory to wear a poppy? These servicemen fought for freedom and won. That includes freedom of speech. You dont have to agree with something someone says, but to say they shouldnt be allowed to say it is also disrespecting the servicemen the same way the banner is.

If you want to remember them then do so in your own way be it wearing a poppy or just bowing your head on Armistice Day. Whichever you choose.
Young tommo, Good people make your blood boil?

That is without doubt the most bizarre comment I have ever read in this place! Are you saying you would rather we were all bad people? Are you a bad person or just a good person who hates themselves?

What a strange young chap you are!

I'll say it again,I have no problem with the banner,I don't get upset over banners or flags or words,thats how wars start!
At the end of the day it boils down to respect

Those Celtic fans have no respect for the millions of people who laid down thier lives for their country same as the family of asains in the box at the side of me at the Hawthorns who were the only people who didn't stand for the minutes silence yesterday. I appreciate they don't have the same views as me, but even though ive never wiped my arse with either bare hand, I still offer the right one out of respect
Young_TomO said:
pinkwheeltrim said:
Well that banner is fine by me,people can say whatever they like in my world. As I said on the other thread I will only wear a white poppy for peace. The only victims of war I want to remember are innocent civilians.

Aren't you a grade A Prick.

No,he isn't,unless everyone on this planet with the audacity to have an opinion different to your own,on any issue whatsoever,is also a 'grade A Prick'.
Whether you agree with him or not,he is just as entitled to express himself as you or I are.
I appreciate that this is an emotive topic,and that personal feelings often cloud the initial argument,but this isn't the answer to an issue that has no easy solution.
Personally,I don't doubt that some Celtic fans had an agenda way beyond the anti-war movement,and used this as an ideal vehicle to promote their warped sectarian beliefs.
That said,I too have issues over 'poppy fascism',as it should always be down to the conscience of the individual as to how,or indeed even if,they choose to honour the war dead.
My parents were both Irish,but managed to integrate perfectly well into Mancunian society and maintained both their heritage and pride in their country of birth,whilst recognising the massive debt that they owed the country,(and City),that gave them the opportunity to better their lot,and raise three kids to university standard.
They had no truck with the kind of clowns who sang rebel songs after a couple of pints of Guinness,and would never contribute a bent penny to the 'freedom fund' when the hat came round at last orders.
Pride in your homeland to them,and to me,does not mean funding the blowing up of people in a country that was good enough to give you a second chance.
As I have said,there is no right and wrong over this - just opinions,and I,for one,am glad this thread has not been pulled,as it gives people of all stances the chance to air their views.
Those who made the ultimate sacrifice in any conflict did so for that very reason.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Young_TomO said:
Aren't you a grade A Prick.

No,he isn't,unless everyone on this planet with the audacity to have an opinion different to your own,on any issue whatsoever,is also a 'grade A Prick'.
Whether you agree with him or not,he is just as entitled to express himself as you or I are.
I appreciate that this is an emotive topic,and that personal feelings often cloud the initial argument,but this isn't the answer to an issue that has no easy solution.
Personally,I don't doubt that some Celtic fans had an agenda way beyond the anti-war movement,and used this as an ideal vehicle to promote their warped sectarian beliefs.
That said,I too have issues over 'poppy fascism',as it should always be down to the conscience of the individual as to how,or indeed even if,they choose to honour the war dead.
My parents were both Irish,but managed to integrate perfectly well into Mancunian society and maintained both their heritage and pride in their country of birth,whilst recognising the massive debt that they owed the country,(and City),that gave them the opportunity to better their lot,and raise three kids to university standard.
They had no truck with the kind of clowns who sang rebel songs after a couple of pints of Guinness,and would never contribute a bent penny to the 'freedom fund' when the hat came round at last orders.
Pride in your homeland to them,and to me,does not mean funding the blowing up of people in a country that was good enough to give you a second chance.
As I have said,there is no right and wrong over this - just opinions,and I,for one,am glad this thread has not been pulled,as it gives people of all stances the chance to air their views.
Those who made the ultimate sacrifice in any conflict did so for that very reason.

Where have you been!? Welcome back.
course i believe in freedom of speach, but what i also like is to see people wearing Poppys, look at certain shops not allowing people to sell poppies instore (aldi for one)

Just because it may be deemed disrespectful, well im sorry, if certain people dont like it they can fuck off.
pinkwheeltrim said:
Young tommo, Good people make your blood boil?

That is without doubt the most bizarre comment I have ever read in this place! Are you saying you would rather we were all bad people? Are you a bad person or just a good person who hates themselves?

What a strange young chap you are!

I'll say it again,I have no problem with the banner,I don't get upset over banners or flags or words,thats how wars start!

Get the specs on mate it say's 'god some people make my blood boil'
Coinnéach said:
Fair play to the Celtic fans, bloody sensitive English plebs commenting on things they know fuck all about - tiochfaidh ar la, HAIL HAIL

How can you come on an ENGLISH website and start being so abusive about the English?

Always happens on this topic,
all the d!ckheads from both sides come out and turn it into something it shouldnt. As TTT said before it should be pulled now.

And why do you (Coinnéach) even come on her if you never talk about footyball. Its not the first time you have been abusing British soldiers on here either. If you dont like the British dont come on to one of thier clubs websites to talk to mainly British people, instead go back to your cave you arse
pinkwheeltrim said:
Young tommo, Good people make your blood boil?

That is without doubt the most bizarre comment I have ever read in this place! Are you saying you would rather we were all bad people? Are you a bad person or just a good person who hates themselves?

What a strange young chap you are!

I'll say it again,I have no problem with the banner,I don't get upset over banners or flags or words,thats how wars start!

i never said anything about good people make my blood boil. If it was not for the serviceman who thought in the war, we'd be speaking what ever language and still having the same racist shit as what the Nazis gave out.

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