Banning smoking in beer gardens

already gavw my opion in the politics forum but brielfy as a non smoker I think beer gardens having a smoking area shoud stay in some form, and banning it from premisses of certain worlplaces will increase skiving as smokers need spend longer getting back from a fag break.

Targeting stopping the next generation taking up the habit is of more important focus.

Personaly is if I was banning anything from pubs it would be kids under 14, especially kids in prams/pushchairs.
Your right about kids in pubs, running around,screaming, crying and the parents frightened to chastise them, lots of glasses about. Probably make rubber glasses paper plates and little wooden utensils, and give us all paper hats because we are all being treated by big brother and us as adults haven’t got a clue on how to think .
May as well ban everything that effects the nhs then, playgrounds where kids fracture bones, ban eating in pubs because to many people are overweight, ban cake shops, ban kids from drinking soft drinks , ban cafes for serving cooked breakfast, ban takeaways, just sit home and pay your taxes then die.
They're not going to ban them but they are definitely going to use the NHS excuse to slap taxes on them
I can see a thriving black market burgeoning from someone growing more than they can consume themselves and cashing in on it.

Did they not try something similar with prohibition in America. That worked out well didn’t it.

Prohibition banned the production of alcohol even for own use, so thats not exactly similar. Your also looking at a product which is pretty cheap when self grown. Yes you likely would have some form of black market but then again its not one where you would have to care about it too much as its low yield and hard to upscale given the risks there would be attached to it so it would likely be very petty scale. The point is that you dont get any big producers that would try lobby and advertise and work to expand the market trough any means possible. You could extend the same policy to cannabis if your country would be ready for that. Point being, its one thing that someone has the liberty to consume things that may not be good for them which isnt necessarily a right upon which you want to infringe, another thing that there is someone ready to profit from it and having the interest to try hook up others to its usage. Even when it comes to the eventual use of cannabis its preferable that people grow for themselves imho than having dealer and grower networks of it so i'm for example a little more in favor of having plenty of "grow shops" around for that function.
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I think this is taking things a step too far, I smoke (and have done for over 50 years and having paid all the ludicrous tax hikes and rather than being a bloody burden on the NHS I think I've contributed more than enough!) and am aware it's not healthy but where is the freedom of choice? I still maintain that pubs should be able to allow smoking inside the pub never mind the beer gardens. No-one is umaware of the health risks so if a pub chooses to allow smoking and people don't like it then go elsewhere to a pub that doesn't allow it?
Driving is dangerous (for innocent pedestrians as well as drivers), when are we going to ban cars and buses?
It infuriates me that one hand we have shop lifting being given the green light thanks to the police ignoring it and people convicted of knife crime etc getting an automatic 50% off etc etc etc plus billions of pounds to pay benefits to people who've never contributed taxes we have the time and money to try and stop people having a smoke in the open air!!

Only 12% of UK adults smoke, 88% are non-smokers.

Allowing smoking in pubs would be a great way to close pubs as it would just drive the majority of pub-goers (the non-smokers) away.

Pubs are struggling to survive as it is, pissing off 88% of their customers won't help. Most pubs would probably close within 3 months if they allowed smoking inside the pub.

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